《The Boy with the Beautiful Name》Jeer


A soccer ball shot like a bullet towards her head.

Sara watched the ball for a split second, then she leaned back and did a quick chest trap. The soccer ball dropped perfectly at her feet. She grinned at the group of soccer boys' stunned expressions.

"What? I used to play soccer." She passed the ball towards Trevor, shuffling her sore feet awkwardly in her flip flops. She made sure not to look at Bentley. Somehow she knew without knowing that ignoring him back would irritate him. That is, if he even cared.

Trevor let out a low whistle. "Sara Sweet, why don't you play soccer?"

"Yeah," another guy named Jason said. "The girls' team needs more players."

Sara flung her field hockey stick over her shoulder. "Can't play soccer and field hockey at the same time in the same season. Besides, I prefer wearing the field hockey uniform skirts to boring soccer shorts any day."

As she turned to walk away, an enticing voice called out to her.

"If your team didn't wear skirts, would anyone bother to even watch field hockey?"

OMG. Was that Bentley?????

The group of soccer guys behind her started to clap and nod their heads in agreement.

Sara felt her blood boil. Oh where were Erin and Pam to back her up?

She spun slowly around. And immediately felt dizzy. Bentley had his massive arms crossed over his chiseled chest. His shoulders and stomach glistened with a healthy sheen of sweat.

"If the soccer team's white shorts weren't see through, you'd have the same problem," she shot back.

Bentley's eyes narrowed. "Like your sports bra?"

Sara gasped and immediately covered her chest with her field hockey bag.

Trevor slapped his knees in laughter. "Sorry, Sara. We were going to tell you. But then we changed our minds."


Sara all but ran away from them, nearly tripping on her flip flops in the process.


Sara pulled her black jeep up to her parents' driveway. She parked in her usual place beside a tall tree that overlooked her bedroom window.

She hauled her bag of sweaty gear out of the jeep and slammed the door shut. Even her scalding shower in the locker room hadn't made her feel better after the humiliation on the field.

She shuffled her feet in her loose flip flops up to the wraparound front porch with its swing in the corner. She rummaged for her key and unlocked the front door. In a few quick strides she was up the stairs and face planted down on her lacy, rose petal pink bedspread.

"Sara, you home?" Her mother's voice floated up the stairs. Sara could hear her high heels click clanking across the tile.

Sara pulled a pillow over her head. "No!" she hollered back.

Her mother laughed. It was an inside family joke.

"Dinner is in a half hour. We want to hear all about your field hockey game. I'm sorry your father and I had to miss it. Client meeting!"

The Smith family ran a small ad agency. They featured advertisements for well known brands in various lines of business. Several were food, beverage, clothing, beauty, and travel brands. Unfortunately, the ad world was a busy one. Her parents were rarely home, and when they were, like tonight, they forced her to divulge every single detail of her day. Her mother, it seemed, had even memorized her field hockey schedule.

"I'm too tired to eat, Mom!" Sara yelled. She shoved her head farther under the pillows and willed herself to disappear.

"Okay. I'll look up the game results, myself," her mother yelled up to her. Her parents took sports very seriously. It was actually the reason Sara stopped playing soccer. Since her parents had both played in their high school days, they would analyze everything about her games. But they knew nothing about field hockey. So when Sara picked it up freshman year, her parents couldn't critique her anymore. But they still wanted details.


Sara's older brother, Charles, was away at his second year in college. Luckily, her brother had been accepted to a great school in CT. So he was able to drive home fairly often. And he usually brought a truck load of dirty laundry with him.

She missed Charles dearly the first year he had been away. He was tall and handsome and very popular. He had been a soccer player, just like his entire family. It was the other reason Sara switched sports teams. Her brother had been a soccer legend. He'd made first team All American in both his junior and senior years of high school. Not to mention he also played varsity baseball and did jui jitsu.

Sara rolled over onto her back. She was about to text Erin and Pam about her run in with the soccer team, but decided against it. Instead, she let her mind wander. She could see Bentley doing his push ups and star jumps, his face cast down, sullen and angry.

She heard his voice teasing her about the field hockey skirts. And her apparently see through top. A blush darkened her cheeks. She now had a new favorite sports bra.

As she smiled up at her twinkling lights above the bed, her phone began to ring.

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