《The Billionaire's Maid in Disguise》Six - "Not my words sir, but yours. Remember?"


"Good morning, Mr. Stavrakos."

Calliope's appearance did not alter the situation. Those dark eyes watching me like a hawk continued to drill me. I wished the floor would open and swallow me under.

"I'd like to introduce you to Miss Pia Rosi. She's the sister of the other Miss Rosi, who had a minor accident," she went on, "Miss Rosi here, will manage your mansion until her sister can take over, assumingly in two months."

He did not look at Calliope, but continued to stare at me.

"I see," he shifted his eyes to Calliope and Tess, then muttered, "You can leave now. Thank you."

I sighed with relief, and turned to leave with the two women in a hurry, but the Master said.

"Except for you Miss Rosi. I'd like to talk to you, alone."

My heart hammered so fast. Definitely, he would talk about the incident earlier.

Darn it. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut?

The click of the door indicated that I was alone with him. My heart pounded so hard, and cold sweat ran down on my back.

The dining room was so huge, but I felt the room was getting smaller. The air was thinning, it was suffocating me.

I bowed my head, holding my hands together, as I waited for him to speak.

"Don't look like a scared rabbit, Miss Rosi," he said in a voice as cold as an iceberg. "I don't have a habit of getting back with a mouse. I only deal with wolves."

Did he just call me a mouse? That's uncalled for.

I looked up at him, and answered, matching his coldness, "thank you. SIR. That is very kind of you."

He stood still, holding my eyes, like two rockets ready to aim.

"Do you have a habit of making assumptions, Miss Rosi? That is not a good trait."

The blow of the insult hit me hard, like a direct punch on my face.

"I usually don't. Sir. It depends on the person I'm dealing with."

I saw his mouth tighten. He looked down briefly, then gave me an evil smirk.

"For the record, I haven't been mistaken as a driver."

"You made me believe that you were."

"Correction, Miss Rosi. I didn't pretend. You assumed right away."

"You should have corrected me. Instead, you played along. You let me go on thinking that you were.

He scoffed, "so you're blaming me, with your actions," he sat down behind the dining table, opened the white cloth napkin and put it on his lap.

"I'm just stating a fact, Sir."

He may think that he rules the world, but someone should put him in his place.


He chuckled, then sipped his coffee. He was taking time to answer, obviously thinking of a good comeback.

"I admit I found the incident amusing," his dark brows lifted, his eyes gleamed with laughter, "you were so funny."

Typical rich spoiled arrogant guy. He thinks that everything is amusing in his eyes. I won't be surprised if next time, he'll ask me to dance in front of him!

"It's my honor and privilege to be a source of your amusement, sir," I answered in a mild tone.

He chuckled aloud, "my... my... do you always talk back like this, Miss Rosi?"

"Only when I know my opinion is right."

"You think your opinion is always right? Isn't that boastful?"

Me, boastful?

I cleared my throat, then gently said with gritted teeth, "I'm not saying that I'm always right. There's a degree of certainty in voicing our thoughts. I couldn't be wrong, my opinion is based on the code of ethics."

He scoffed, "and that includes referring to a 27 year-old man, old."

I inhaled deeply, controlling my irritation, "I thought I would be working for your father."

"My father?" he frowned, "let me see... another of your assumptions?" he sliced his bacon with a knife, and ate the piece.

"There's a difference between assumption and misinformation. My au... I mean sister, failed to inform me that I would be working for the younger Stavrakos."

"And Miss Chloros failed to inform you also, and the rest of the staff," he shook his head, "what a coincidence."

What does he mean by that? Is he suspecting that I would seduce him? My goodness, I'm even disguised as an old woman.

Or, he thought I'm a reporter in disguise. Calliope told me that there are paparazzis outside, waiting to take a photo of him.

"I'm here to save my au... I mean sister, from a distressing situation," I said defensively, "rest assure sir, that I don't have any ulterior motive."

"Glad to hear that, Miss Rosi," he nodded his arrogant head, "you're here to serve me, whether you like me or not. Your own words, remember?"

Oh gosh, so childish. He wouldn't let me forget everything that I've said.

"And contrary to your previous statement," he went on, while slicing another piece of bacon, "I'm not a disable, who can't do anything by myself."

"Not my word sir, but yours. Remember?"

He put down his knife, glaring at me. My heart skipped a beat for a moment.

"I can see that your tongue is sharper than this knife, Miss Rosi," he looked at his knife briefly, "Careful. I'm not a very patient man, I won't hesitate to fire you if I find your behavior and performance unsatisfactory. I'm sure your sister won't appreciate that."


"I know that sir," my cheeks burned with embarrassment, "is there anything more you want to ask, sir?"

"No. You can go now."

I sighed with relief as I hurried to the door. My hand was on the doorknob when he called me back.

"I know how to fry an egg, Miss Rosi."

Outside the dining room, I stopped and inhaled deeply. My hands were shaking and my pulse was racing so fast, like I just finished a marathon.

He had a bigger ego than Jack Sparrow! He insulted me, humiliated me and compared me to a mouse. My goodness. He's the epitome of everything I hate in a man! Typical rich guy, arrogant, controlling, manipulative, and feeling so great.

All the while, I thought I would be working for Mr. Pablo Stavrakos. No wonder Calliope insisted that he was not old.

What a bad start. I already created a bad impression on Mr. Stavrakos. Now I have to be very careful not to make him angry or else, Aunt Jodie would be fired before she even started working here.

I was annoyed at myself also, I should have kept my mouth shut. I was a debater in school and excelled at it. I learned to defend myself and express my opinions. I forgot that I was a housekeeper.

I met Calliope in the garden. She was talking to a young man, in fact, she was scolding him.

"Pia, this is Connor. The driver."

My eyes rolled. So this is Connor. A blond young man, tall, slim, with blue eyes.

"Hi Pia, nice name. Is that short for Sopia? Or Olympia?," he gave me a wink. What a Cassanova! His charm obviously did not work on Calliope also this morning.

"Neither," I answered.

"He's late again!" Calliope almost shouted, "I gave him my last warning the last time, and now, I have no choice but to suspend him for a month."

"Come on, hot momma, you can't do that to me," Connor massaged Calliope's back.

"Don't call me hot momma!" she slapped his hand away, "you're suspended. Now leave!"

"Pia, help me. She makes bad decisions when she's hysterical."

"Sorry, I can't help you with that. I have to go. Bye!"

If he only reported early, I would have been saved from having an unfortunate encounter with Mr. Stavrakos.

Kristov... please, save me...

I ran as fast as I could, until my legs were numb, so that I could not feel the pain anymore.

Faster... faster...

The guilt was overpowering, eating my brain. It should have been me.

"Sir, that's enough." I heard Jack, stopping me. When I did not listen, he raised his voice, "Sir. Enough!"

I slowed down, lowering the speed of the treadmill until it stopped. Jack knew my limit, he was there to remind me all the time. I almost got crippled because of constant running.

If I was not working, I ran. They were my escape, to forget my guilt.

I was gasping for air, my shirt drenched with sweat. Jack gave me a bottle of water and a towel.

"Sir, we will leave in an hour."

"Prepare the Rolls-Royce Sweptail."

"Okay, sir. Copy."

Jack Bolder, my trusted driver bodyguard for fifteen years. He was there with me, through thick and thin. I was a naughty rebellious twelve year old kid when dad hired him to watch over me. He was in his mid thirties at that time.

He was more like my manny, a male nanny, who took care of me. He drove me to school, made sure that I ate my meals three times a day, that I did not skip my classes, made my projects and assignments, sometimes my wingman, attended PTA meetings on behalf of my parents, and usually got into trouble because of me.

He is my best buddy. The only person I could trust on this planet.

I went to my room to take a shower. Then I noticed something. The vacant spot in the bookshelf was filled. A red book was returned.

I took the book, it was Technology Evolution. One of my favorite documentary books. It inspired me to build the AR-VR project that we have today.

I shut the book, and returned it to the bookshelf.


I paused, when I heard a sound. What is that?

"FREDA, secure the room."

"Securing doors," FREDA responded, followed by a loud click of the lock.

I went to my wardrobe, and saw three hangers of my suit were tilted. It never happened before, Miss Chloros made sure that everything was aligned.

I walked near the hangers to fix it, but when I was about to, my phone rang. It was dad, demanding my presence in the office.

I took a shower, then heard FREDA.

"Voice not recognized."

What the hell! Someone is inside my room!


Hey dreamers!

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We're now growing, almost 50K reads, yay!! I'm so happy. Let's make it to 100K.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I hope you'll enjoy your date with your boyfriend, husband, or family.

I'm listening to this playlist, to make me sleep well. I hope you will like it.

Save Me by BTS

Bad Blood by Taylor Swift

We Don't Talk Anymore, covered by Jungkook and Jimin

Set Fire To The Rain by Adele

Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys

Happy Valentines Day in advance everyone. I love you all so much!!

Sweet dreams my loves, mwah!!



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