《Beach Baby》chapter 41 | crying




I'm so bored today so I think I'm going to go to Aulora's apartment.

It's been a few weeks since that date and everything has been going great.

Laila is now 9 months old.

I decide to text her instead of just showing up because I don't want to be rude.



Fine if I come over?

Sunshine Why are you asking...


I didn't want to just pop up.

Sunshine I wouldn't care if you did.


Okay I'll be there soon.

Sunshine I love you. Bring the book we both have so we can read together please!! 😫


I love you too and Anything for you.

Sunshine Hurry up Laila is crying for you.


I'm going as fast as I can.

I grab my keys and the book before making it out to my car.

I get in and drive to her house.

Once I make it there I grab the book and my stuff before walking up to her door.

You can hear Laila crying from here.

I walk in to see Aulora in the living room trying to comfort Laila as she screams 'Dada' over and over with tears running down her face.

"Shhhhh, baby. Mommy's got you," Aulora says trying to calm her down.

I walk through the door and put my stuff down.

Hearing the noise Laila turns to me and cry's even more.

I walk over to her and pick her up out of Aulora's arms.

I hold her tightly.

She stops crying and just holds onto my tightly.

Aulora just stands there with a smile on her face.

I wrap my free arm around her back and pull her into my chest tightly.

"Hi baby," I say as I kiss the top of her head.

"Hi," she smiles at me and I laugh.

Laila by now is just happily staring at me as she puts her hands all over my face.

"You're just wanted your daddy, huh?," I ask Laila and she puts a big smile on her face as she looks at me.

"Dada," she squeals happily.

Aulora is still hugging me around my waist as I hug her back by wrapping my arm around her back and using my other arm to hold Laila.

Seems like she just doesn't want to let go.

I bend down and put Laila on the floor and Aulora let's go of me and pouts.

I just laugh before wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling her back into my chest as she hugs her arms around my waist and buries her face in my chest.

"You okay?," I ask her and she nods her head.

"I just wanted a hug that's all and now I can't seem to let go," she says as she pulls me tighter.

Breathing is not necessary.


"I think I can let go now," she says as she still holds onto me tightly.

"Mhm," I say and try to peel her off of me.

I finally do with a lot of struggle.

"What are we doing today?," I ask her and she turns to me.


"Well I need to feed Laila some baby food then put her to sleep cause she needs a nap and so we can read," she says and I nod as I sit on the couch.

She jumps into my lap happily.

"Why are you so clingy today?," I ask her as I wrap my arms around her.

"I just want to be by you. Is it a problem?," she asks me and I shake my head.

"Of course not. I was just wondering," I say and kiss her cheek as I watch Laila plays with her toes on the floor.

"Let's go feed Laila," Aulora says and hops off my lap and grabs Laila before walking into the kitchen.

She straps Laila into her chair she then grabs a baby food and sits down.

She starts to feed Laila.

Laila happily takes every bite and bounces in her chair for more as she growls.

She's never gonna stop growling...

"I dare you to try the baby food," I say to Aulora and her face screws up.

"Absolutely not," she says and continues to feed Laila the food.

"I'll do it if you do it," I say.

Her head slowly turns to me before her face breaks into a grin.

"You first," she says and I bend down to her level.

I grimace before opening my mouth and excepting the bite.

The second it hits my tongue I'm surprisingly delighted by the taste of it.

It is mangos so it doesn't taste bad.

"Okay it's not bad," I said and she shakes her head.

"Your turn," I say.

She brings the bite to her mouth hesitantly before eating it.

Her face is blank the whole time as she try's it.

"It's not bad but I won't eat it ever again," she says as she shivers and continues to feed Laila.

"It wasn't that bad you're just being dramatic," I say to her as I stand there while she feeds Laila.

"No I truly will never eat that again and it was bad so-," she says but cuts herself off with a gag.

I just roll my eyes at her as Laila growls loudly.

"Why does she do that so much it's kind of scary," I say to her and she laughs.

"She's hungry and want to be fed more," she says.

I nod my head.

"The book we're reading is pretty sad I've heard. So be prepared to see me ugly cry," she says as she feeds Laila the last of her food.

"Okay I just need to nurse her for a little bit so she can fall asleep then we can read on my bed," she says to me and I smile.

"I want to read the whole thing today so I don't forget what goes on," I say and smile at her.

"We can read the whole thing," she says and walks to her room holding Laila in her hands.

I follow after her and go into her room.

She lays on the bed and I lay next to her.


She pulls down her shirt to start feeding Laila as she lays there.

Laila sucks happily as her eyes flutter shut a bunch of times but keep snapping open.

"Little miss is trying to fight her sleep," I say and Aulora laughs.

"It's her new favorite thing. Not wanting to go to sleep," Aulora says as she stroked Laila's hair.

"She wants me to run her little hair and face soothingly and hold onto me just to go to sleep. It melts my heart," she says as she looks down at Laila with love and adoration swirling through her hazel eyes.

"I've never felt a love like this," she says.

"You're such an amazing mother," I whisper to her and she smiles.

Laila's eyes slowly close as she falls asleep and her latch goes slack.

Aulora slowly gets up and walks over to the crib and placed her in there gently.

I watch her as I wait to read.

I grab my book and put it on my lap as she comes back to lay down and puts her book on her lap.

"Are you ready?," she asks me and I nod my head.

We start to read our books.

I get about a few chapters in before I shut my book.

"Can you read to me baby. I just want to hear your voice," I say to her and she turns to me.

"Of course," she says and I put my book away.

I turn to my side and lay my head on her chest right on her boobs as I hug her waist.

I wrap my arms around her ass to be more precise.

She starts to read and I swear she could put me to sleep with just her voice alone.

It takes a little bit before we finish the book.

"I just can't believe they killed him off like that. She loved him so much and now he's gone," Aulora says as tears drop down her eyes.

"Right like she can't even look at anyone else but him," I say.

"Are you crying with me?," she asks as she sniffles.

"No," I say as some tears drop onto her chest.

"They were supposed to be forever," she says as her chest shakes from her sobs.

"I know. You can't ever die before me because it's so sad," I say as I sniffle.

"Can we make some food?," she asks me in her hoarse voice.

"Yeah," I say as I wipe my nose.

We walk into the kitchen and grab a pizza and open it before preheating the oven.

"Come here now?," she says angrily and I oblige.

I walk over to her and she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

"I can't read anymore that book ruined me," she says as her body starts to shake from sobs again.

"I think that's the only book I'll ever read," I say as my eyes well up with tears.

"I want to contact the author and file a complaint it had me crying like a bitch," I say as I hug her tighter to me.

The oven preheats and Aulora let's go of me quickly.

She wipes her eyes before popping the pizza into the oven and sitting on the counter to wait.

I just stand there against the wall and wipe my eyes when I look up and see her shoulders shaking.

"I just don't think I'll ever get over this," she cries.

I walk back over to her and stand between her legs and hug her as she buries her head into my neck.

We stand that way until pizza is ready and her face is all red with tears on it.

We grab the pizza and take it on a plate to her room.

When we sit on the bed and put the pizza down Laila wakes up and looks at us.

She keeps a black face until she sees the pizza then she smiles.

I shake my head at her before getting up and picking her up out of her crib.

"Hungry?," I ask her and she starts to squeal.

"How does she wake up with so much energy?," I say out loud and Aulora laughs.

"I don't know," she says.

I sit on the bed and sit Laila on my lap as Aulora quickly wipes her tears.

"So what book should we read next?," she asks me and I laugh.

"You said your done reading," I say to her as I take a bite of my pizza while Laila tried to tug it from my mouth to hers.

"Here," I say and rip a small piece of to give it to her.

"Ma," she squeals.

That's her new thing. Calling Aulora Ma and Mama it's so funny.

I continue to feed her bites as she bites my finger on accident.

She has little teeth and they are so cute.

We eat the whole pizza together and then lay back down on the bed to watch a show.

We play something random as Laila rolls around on the bed.

Eventually it's time to go to bed.

Aulora nurses Laila to sleep then we all cuddle and fall asleep.


Here's chapter 41!

I started writing 'sinful attraction' and I can't wait for you guys to read it. Writing Lorenzo and Oliver is fun.

Me getting upset because the regular people who comment on this book will stop commenting when this book is over and I truly enjoy reading y'all's comments. :(

I honestly don't know when to end this book like I said 50-70 chapters and I'm running out of chapter ideas but I'm not ready to let this book go.

Thank you for 300k on RTY. 300 reads on SA. And 320k reads on BB. Thank you for 1.3k followers her and 2.6k on tik tok!

Thank you so much for reading. See you next time and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I love you -addyson

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