

"Really you think so?"His face sort of smiled but rose an eyebrow with my opinion.

"I mean sure. When would you do it? Like next week?" I ask stabbing at a piece of chicken from my bowl.

"Oh no no. I would definitely wait another two months or so. But i would maybe start acting a bit more lovey dovey with her." He admits. He looks happy this idea, i shouldn't ruin his mindset with the truth. The truth always hurts.

I nodded along and smiled with his romantic ideas. Great, something to kill me slowly.

"Oh just imagine it all JJ. Roses and champagne and a great dinner, then i just pop the question. I mean she won't even be expecting any of it. And i feel like we have been loosing connection recently, so maybe this would help both of us." he shrugged and smiled.

"I bet it's not even in her mind." I replied, with a fake cheery voice.

At least i spoke the truth.


We arrived back to his home and we took down the bags. Before he opened the door he looked over at me.

The moon shined specifically on him. Not the key, or the house, but the one and only Jack Gilinsky.

"Remember don't say anything to Amber or try to give her clues. It'll throw her off." He whispered.

"Couldn't if I w-wanted to." I gulped chuckling.

We both walked in the house and I shut the door behind me. Gilinsky threw the bags on the couch and went over to the kitchen. It was around 8:30 at night, considering ambers bag wasn't in its usual spot, im going to assume the beast in disguise was still out sucking mark or whatever his name is.


"Sir I am going to actually head upstairs and organize my things, if you don't mind." I called out, one foot on the stair.

"Nah it's all good, but do you mind taking my bags upstairs to my room? You can set them on my bed if you want." He asked walking in with a bowl hot cheetos, whats new.

I nodded my head and gave him a warm smile. While i walked over to the couch, he plopped his body on the large black sofa. The two dogs ran to the couch and started begging for the food he had in his hands.

"By the way, do you know if Amber is back yet? I didn't notice if her purse was here or not when we came in." He questioned, turning on the TV to watch Family guy.

"Oh, sorry sir, she isn't home yet." I frowned looking over to him. But I think we can all support the fact that my heart was doing jumps.

"Damn, it's almost nine. She must be working out like crazy." He sighed, stuffing his mouth with cheetos.

Yeah, she's working out her jaw for the most part.

I walked in his bedroom and immediately set the bags on his bed. Wow, even his room is filled with his tom ford cologne, Mr.Gilinskys signature scent, one no one can ever get over.

I walk out of his room and walk across the hall to head to mine.

I'll admit, I got like three things which i just need to hang and put my shoes in the closet. So i really have nothing to do in my room. I can watch TV, but that's a bit too boring, I can jack off, but I'm not in the mood.

I flopped onto my bed and groaned into a pillow. He looks happy for this idea. But not as happy as he is when he's with his friends or laughing. Maybe he just thinks his relationship needs mending, to rebuild it. It's been in the gutter, they have been kind of distance with each other. Marriage isn't the answer,but whatever who am i to tell him no?


I grab my phone and scrolled through every app imaginable. After a good 20 minutes, i sighed. It's a saturday night and nothing to do. But i could do one thing. I can totally try to get over my mini thing of my boss and try not to fall for him. I can go downstairs and try to start up a conversation.

I changed into gym shorts and a T-shirt, brushed my teeth, adjusted my glasses and did the usual night shit.

"What's up johnson? Came to join my epic party?" He Giggles holding up a bottle of strawberry champagne. I guess while i was being anti social in my room, he went upstairs to change. Mr. Gilinsky was wearing his favorite outfit, Calvin Klein sweatpants and that's it. This is going to harder than i thought.

"Hell yeah sir!" I laugh throwing my hands in the air. I made my way to the couch and sat about four seats away from him. There is no way i'm trying to invade his personal space.

"Really JJ? I don't bite." He winks tilting his head to signal me to go closer.

"If you insist." I chuckle. Literally me next to this god is like a stick next to a redwood tree. I grabbed a pillow and covered my stomach, hugging to be exact.

"So how have ya been lately Johnson? Any hot guys you've seen lately?" He asked while messing with my hair.

"I mean i'm going on date next week with a pretty attractive guy so maybe." I replied fiddling with the pillow.

He nodded and took a chug of the champagne, later handing it to me.

"I think i'm fine sir but thank you." I chuckled, pushing the bottle back to him.

"oh come on JJ. It genuinely tastes amazing, you will love it."

I shrugged and said fuck it.

What's the worse that can happen with one sip?

hi this chapter was a weird one i'll admit but trust me shit is about to get reallllll good, be ready.

~ M 🐇

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