《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 22 ⋙


"When you really care about someone, their happiness means more than your own."


"I am so happy I get to spend my time back here before leaving this country." I say aloud, a sigh escaping my lips. Just a few days more then I will once again be leaving the country. Except this time, my friends won't be there.

Tyler and I were seated under a huge tree in the nearby park. We were having a small picnic during late in the afternoon. The cool air was present along with the autumn leaves slowly falling down.

Tyler ruffles my hair before grinning at me widely. I look at him, pouting slightly before laughing out loud. We were staring at the sunset, watching it slowly set. The food was already packed and placed inside the picnic basket.

"I'm really gonna miss this place." I mutter out loud, my eyes not leaving the view in front of me. I can see Tyler looking at me from the corner of my eye. "Hey, we'll come and visit anyway so it'll be fine." He assures me as he pats my head. "I hope so..." I mutter quietly, propping my arms on my knees.

I really do not want to leave my friends and my family back here. I don't know if I'll be staying there permanently or if I'll be coming back once the business is finished. But I know for sure that I won't be able to see them for a long time.

I was very happy I got to learn more about Tyler. Of course we should know something about each other before choosing to date. We were enjoying each other's company while learning more things about each other.

I found out he likes doing all sorts of sports. He likes the color blue, likes to play video games and loves eating. He said he can get very competitive at times. He doesn't like losing to the other party.


He shared that once during preschool, he became so competitive that even though the basketball game was over, he was still shooting hoops. His teachers had to drag him out of the gym just to make him stop.

The story was very hilarious. I can imagine Tyler's face while he was being dragged outside. He even impersonated his past self, doing weird expressions and very extra gestures.

After some time, Tyler brought me back home. I had to pack up for my flight on this coming sunday. As I packed my things, I found a small box with flower patterns engraved on it. On the cover read memories.

I opened the box to see some old photos of mine. I took a look at the first photo. It was a picture of the four of us doing very weird poses. Capella was doing a double chin while Valery stuck her tongue out. Leah looked shocked and I was doing duck lips.

I laugh remembering this time at our first prom. We ditched our prom mates and headed straight to the photo booth. After taking some shots, we snuck into the hotel's washroom and changed out of our gowns. We each wore a black hat or a beanie in other to cover our faces.

I was only wearing a pair of leggings and an oversized tee. Leah didn't care and wore a pair of sweatpants and a loose tee. Then, we ran out and headed towards the nearest fast food restaurant. It just so happened to be Mcdonald's. Valery and Capella ordered big macs for everyone.

It was the most memorable prom ever. I chuckle to myself switching to the next. It was a picture of the four of us again. We were all wearing halloween costumes while pigging out on the candy.


Capella was worried, saying she'd get fat but we assured her she won't. So in the end, we ended up doing chubby bunny. I stifle a laugh as I recall the memory of Valery's face looking like a real bunny. We were all laughing our butts off as we watched her struggle to swallow them all.

I scroll through more of the photos. My family's trip to France, my first surprise party and more. I was also able to find face memes of some of my friends. There were also some flowers that I pressed and other random sketches I drew of Capella's cat, Kiwi.

I felt a strange feeling erupt in my stomach. I just don't want to leave this place. Ever.

I freeze when I picked up the last photo. It was a picture of Ren. I remember it was candid shot taken by Valery while he was smiling at me. It was during the field trip on my last year in high school.

Before he moved away.

I grabbed a pen and paper as I started to write down my congratulations to Ren. Each word I wrote gave me a bitter feeling. A feeling of distaste. Before I knew it, a tear slipped out.

It was not meant to be and it never will be. You were fated to be with someone else and I am too.

I laugh hoarsely as I wipe it away. The irony. I thought to myself. I glance at the picture of Ren as I clicked my pen. I take a deep breath, stuffing the paper into the envelope.

Before, it was you who left me......now, it'll be me leaving you



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