《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 16 ⋙


"I just want to have the chance to love you like you deserve to be."


"What?" I stammer, looking at Ren. Suddenly, an arm grabs my hand and pulls me away from him causing me to stumble a bit. I look up to see Tyler smiling at me. His smile grew wider as he his grip on my hand gets tighter.

"Looks like your falling for me already." Tyler chuckles, helping me up. "Haha, you wish." I laugh, nudging him on the arm.

"Since when were you here?" I ask after a while. "Ah! Three days ago..." He mutters, flashing me a grin. My eyes narrow into slits as I sent him a murderous look. He backs up slightly. "I waited for you until my coffee grew cold and you're here having the time of your life? I nearly got late for my meeting!" I cried out in frustration.

"Aw, you look cute when you're angry." He cooes, poking my cheek. I glare at him. "Guess what? I'm about to get gorgeous!" I seethe, grabbing my bag to smack him on the head.

"Ah, sorry. P-Please don't smack me." He stutters nervously, putting his hands up in surrender. He cowers a bit, slightly shaking. "In exchange of?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow as I place my hands on my hips.

"I'll treat you food every day in London. Since, I'll be accompanying you throughout your stay there." He sighs. Oh yeah..... I take a deep breath. No, Maddie. Control yourself! You aren't that easy to bribe. As if reading my thoughts, Tyler pipes up. "I'll buy you your favorite pasta." He stares at me, waiting for me to react. "Okay. Deal accepted~" I smile happily.

"You better do it though or else..." I say in a dangerously low voice. He nods quickly as he gulps nervously.


"So, uh what do we do with that? He asks, pointing at Ren. I can sense a hint of annoyance in his voice as he stressed the word that. I shuffle nervously not knowing what to do.

"Push him off the table? That'll make him wake up." I suggested, shrugging my shoulders. Tyler snickers as he stares at him.

"That's actually a great idea.." He grins. He shoves Ren off the table, leaving him face planted on the floor. We hear Ren groan as he rubs his head. He stands up and looks around confused.

His eyes travel the room and they land on Tyler and I. "Madilyn? Mr. Tyler?" He questions as he stares at the both of us. "What am I doing here?"

"Ah..you see. You were drunk and you were crying and tugging on Madilyn's jacket, calling her 'dy'. Then, you rolled of the table and face planted on the floor." Tyler comments as he stares at the wide-eyed Ren.

"Oh, I am so sorry." He bows as he apologized profusely. "It's okay...really..." I mutter, waving my hands around. "I owe you one." He smiles, as he leaves the store.

Turns out Tyler and I stay in the same hotel. "Shall I walk my lady home?" He smiles, winking at me. "Sure." I shrug. We walk side by side in the comfortable silence. The cool evening breeze floats in the atmosphere.

"Let's take long walks like these when we go to London." He smiles. I flashed him a smile as well. His fingers intertwine with mine causing me to jump up in surprise. "Relax." He chuckles.

Tyler is acting very odd today...I thought as I stare at our hands.

"Madilyn." He calls out as soon as we got in the elevator. "Uhuh?" I hum pressing the button with the number 15 on it.


Tyler moves next to me, pressing the button with the number 16 on it. He looks at me with a very serious expression. His eyes lock with mine as time slowly moves.

"Don't go near Ren. Please." He whispers almost desperately. His eyes shimmer under the elevator lights. I laugh nervously. "Why?"

"Because he hurt you multiple times. I don't want to see you hurt." He answers softly, eyes not leaving mine. "It's alright I'm used to it." I smile, petting his hair. He lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Can't you just love me the way you love him?" He asks, the tips of his ears turning pink. My eyes widen.

"I-I..." I stammer. He moves his face closer to mine.

"Can you give me a chance?"



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