《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 15 ⋙


"All this time, I still miss you."


"Wow! So cool!" It was now our third day here at Korea. The second day was spent looking around the area, shopping for clothing and other things. We were able to find some gifts to give some of our friends and family.

We were currently inside Lotte world, one of the most famous amusement parks here. Since it was a weekday, there weren't that much people. We quickly lined up the gyro swing located outside.

It was a pretty scary ride to be honest. It would occasionally swing really fast from left to right, probably causing people who can't stand these things to hurl. Screams and shrieks can be heard from the passengers.

Some people get off the ride either really traumatized or very excited. There is no in between.

Soon, it was our turn. We quickly sat down next to each other, making sure no one was left behind. After the last of people take their seats, the ride began moving.

I felt my heart beating really fast as my palms sweat uncontrollably. Capella hold on the rail for dear life and I felt myself go numb as the ride twirls and takes the first swing.

My eyes travel from Leah, who squealed and shrieked in excitement to Valery, who screamed her lungs out begging anyone to stop the ride. "Please anyone! Stop this thing!" Valery pleads.

"Why did we agree to do this?" Capella shouts, as she shuts her eyes tightly. "Cause you all love me~" Leah laughs. I felt my stomach churn as we spin once more.

We turned 180 degrees and back. "I don't want to do this ever again." I shriek.

The ride spins once more and a scream escapes my lips. This repeated ten more times. Spin, swing, spin, swing.


By the time the ride ended, everyone except Leah, who was giggling as she got off the ride, were mostly stumbling. Some clutched their stomachs others probably questioning their life existence.

"Hey why don't we go on that one?" Leah asks, pointing at the roller coaster ride standing before us. Before we could react, we were dragged over and somehow ended up riding the roller coaster.

"I can't do this anymore!" Capella, Valery and I shriek all together. The roller coaster went up and down, sometimes slow and sometimes fast.

After another ride, We decided to buy some souvenirs for memories. We checked the gift shop and saw some cute items. Such as the headbands with ears and other things.

Capella bought the striped cat ear headband while Valery and Leah bought flower crowns. As for me, I ended up buying the white cat ear headband. We all wore it giggling as we took some pictures which took some time since it was hard to convince Capella to take some.

We continued taking rides such as the pharaoh's curse, the hot air balloon ride and the ferris wheel. After those, we decided to call it a day and went back to Myeong dong to eat dinner.

I smile as I reviewed the pictures we took as we rode the train going to Euljiro 1-ga station. We all looked happy in every photo we took. It was obvious take we were having so much fun.

When we got down the train, we began looking around for restaurants or barbecues near our hotel.

"Oh, guys. I found a restaurant." Capella says as she stops walking. She stares at the phone. "We are near..." After a bit of walking, we arrived in front of two famous chicken restaurants— Oppadak and BHC.


"So, let's take out a box from BHC and another from Oppadak. Who's buying the soda?" Valery asks, turning away from the menu. "Oh, I'll go. Meet you guys in the hotel!" I say, waving them goodbye.

I hurried to the nearest convenience store. The warm atmosphere of the store greets me as soon as I step inside. "안녕하세요!(hello)" The cashier smiles as she bows her head slightly.

I took a couple of soda cans and hurried to the cashier to pay. He smiles handing me the bag of groceries. "감사합니다(thank you)." He waves me off, keeping the same smile on his face.

When I was about to leave, I see a very familiar man, face planted on one of the tables inside the store. I slowly walked towards him and poked him gently.

"Ren? Are you alright?" I whisper softly as I poke his head. He didn't move at all. My attention shifts from the man in front of me to the soda can on the table.

I picked it up and read the contents. It was grape flavored and had quite a lot of sugar. When I flipped it over, my eyes immediately widen.

20% alcohol? I thought as I look Ren. No wonder he passed out.

I heaved out a sigh as I stared at his passed out figure. Do I help him or not? I don't really know anyone here...

When I was going to dial Capella's number, I hear Ren mutter a few words. I hesitated a bit. Suddenly, his eyes fluttered open and he hugged me. I immediately freeze as my gaze shifts to his arms wrapped around my waist.

My heart starts to beat like crazy and my legs become stiff. I can feel his tears wet my jacket as he holds unto me tightly, sniffing once in a while.

I was taken aback of course. Till now, I have never seen Ren this vulnerable and this sad. He is probably crying because he misses his fiancée, you idiot! I tell myself. I tried to pry his hands away from me only to have his grip tighten.

"Please stay, 'dy."



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