《The perfect timing | completed ✔》⋘ Chapter 9 ⋙


"One day you'll meet someone and for some inexplicable reason, you feel more connected to this stranger than anyone else."


A long line of ladies and men stood outside the venue. All of them wore fancy outfits and had their hair styled up pretty well. Some ladies wore too much make up and dressed up in clothes that wear way too revealing, others wore decent outfits.

"Wow.." Valery whispers in awe. "There are so much people." Capella muses. It took a while since there were so much guests attending. I can tell that the people he invited were all from high classes. People with power and wealth.

Soon, the line was split into two and it was our turn.

"Names please." The guard says. "Madilyn--" He widens his eyes at the mention of my name. I was confused for a while as he stood there with a shocked expression. "Miss Madilyn! Please do come in!" He says, with a big smile. He quickly shoves us inside, not acknowledging my friends.

"That was rude.." I hear Leah mumble, clicking her tongue. We laugh as she rubs her arm. "Come on guys!" I say, mentioning them to follow me.

The room was very sophisticated. There were tables with fancy tableware and a humongous stage with their initials written in the background. Flowers were also placed here and there and there were counters lined with alcohol and some liquor.

We sat down at a table as the waiters move around with trays full of food in their hands. They had quite a lot of guests to serve.

There were a group of girls gathered near us and we're giggling about something "Ren and Amy looks so so cute together!" I hear one of the girls squeal. I stiffen. "Omg, I so ship." Another girl whispers, picking at her nails.


I should have expected this. I look down and blink back tears. It's alright, Maddie. You can do this.

I take a deep breath and forced a smile. I felt Leah squeeze my hand as she looked at me concerned. I smile and have her a thumbs up. I then turned around and saw Shawn smiling at Capella as he sat next to her. He looks at me and mouthed a 'thank you.' I nod my head and gave him a small smile.

Soon, plates of food were placed in front of us and bottles of juice and champagne were brought to us as well. I hear someone tap the mike. The room turns quiet as we all look in front.

"Thank you for coming." Amy's voice fills the air. She looks at me and smirks. "I hope you enjoy dinner. After an hour or two, we will both be announcing something huge!" She giggles and clings unto Ren.

Her behavior was very different from the one she had when we've last met and the time before. I shrug it off and decided I was just overreacting.

As they walk off the stage, Amy sways her hips in a very inappropriate manner. It was as if she was showing off her legs to all the guys near her. Which was very gross since she has a fiancé.

"Let's leave at that time." I hear Leah whisper to Val and Pella. I knew they were just doing this for my sake. I really appreciate the fact they were willing to do things for me.

Suddenly, a humongous Lobster was placed in front of us. Leah squeals in delight as she takes a piece. We all laugh at her antics. "What? It's food!" She giggles. The dinner continues as more dishes were placed on the table.


I take a few bites of mashed potato and steak. A sickening feeling started to grow at the bottom of my stomach.

I quickly excused myself and left the room. I had to dodge a few drunk people who were stumbling and swaying as they walked to the bathroom. It was kind of early to drink though. Finally, I reached the balcony. I took a deep breath as I leaned on the brass rail.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I hear a someone behind me say. I look and see Ren approach me. I nod and look away. I avoid his gaze as I stare at the heavens above. He stands next to me and leans on the railing as well. "I really appreciate you coming here." He smiles at me. My heart skips a beat. "Thanks." I say.

We spent a few minutes in silence, just purely staring at the night sky which was twinkling with stars. I felt strange sense of Déjà vu. It was just like the old times were Ren and I would sneak out and climb my rooftop just to marvel at the stars above.

He smiles at me and holds out a hand. I look at him in confusion as he looks at me. He chuckles.

"Would you like to dance?" He asks. I felt a blush creep up my face. Stop Maddie, it is just out of respect. I pushed my feelings aside and opened my mouth to speak. "Aren't you going to ask your fiancé?" I hear someone say behind me. I turn to see Amy standing there. Although she was smiling, her eyes were shooting daggers at me. She rolled her eyes at me, evidently showing that she was pissed.

"Ah, of course." Ren mumbles, scratching the back of his neck. She walks up to him and places a kiss on his cheek. "Do you mind?" Amy says, sweetly as she glares at me. She clings unto Ren's arm like a koala hanging on a tree branch. It didn't look pretty.

I force a smile and turned to leave. As I slowly walked away, I can hear Amy whine about asking other ladies to dance. That she is the only person he can ask to dance. Which was weird because I saw her asking so many men to join her in the dance floor a few minutes ago.

I sat down quietly. Capella and Shawn were dancing while Valery and Leah went to get some dessert.

Suddenly, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see a man with green eyes smiling at me. He was holding out a hand as he stares at me. I look at him quirking an eyebrow.

He flashes me a grin.

"Would you like to dance?"



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