《Regrets {Complete ✔️}》khushi pov.


The way he took stand for me , the way he talked about me , the way he told that he is here because of me I don't know how to express my gratitude towards him ....

He could have let her say. After all this is the second time she came to office just for Akash . First was when her daddy dearest didn't have her money . She is really a brat.. I didn't even spilled my coffee on her ....


I saw Akash and I knew that now I have to face him but before that I just need some time for myself to think about it. To think about the future of my babies...

I quickly exited the room and went towards restroom. I looked into the mirror and saw a complete different personality. I m not confident Anymore . I don't backfire or retaliate now . I just keep my head down .

I sighed and threw water into my face and walked to make a coffee for me . I was just turning when I bumped into someone . And then I saw her face all red bescuse of how angry she is ..

Although it was her mistake nobody can go against her because his father is the owner and then She started yelling but i just kept my head down . I didn't wanted an argument . At least not with that stubborn girl..

But then his voice bommed . He talkes to her in the most meanest way . And he talked about me with pride . But today rather than seeing a cold bussiness that he is known for I saw every emotion . He told everyone that I was a entern who has worked under him..

Everyone states gawking at me with their eyes off their sockets . I mean yeah he is having a billionaire company and I never used it against anyone not even to have this job . Thus was the least thing I could do.


I gave him a faint smile . I small one to show ny gratitude .. I know priyanshu send him here . I knew this was going to happen anytime soon. I trust him the most and I know that he will never do something to offend me but atleast he could have told me yeah ans then you would have moved from here right said my inner voice .

He want to meet me after the office . He wants to discuss about our babies. When I told him that we are having twins his face lit up and I saw tears brimming into his eyes. I never in my life that this cold , ruthless man will get in front of me..I accepted it with a nod .

Whatever he did or said was wrong but there is no denial that he regrets it. He knows thatt I won't answer his call kr messages but from the last 5 months there is not a single day when hr didn't message or call. But being the stubborn girl I always ignore them .

I don't have a choice now . He is their father . He has every right to know about them.

I will tell him everything about our babies...

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