《Regrets {Complete ✔️}》leaving everything behind


I was packing my last bag when I saw my phn buZz. akash has been trying to talk to me from last 2 days but I could only care less . I was done here . Now I just want to go home and feel happy...

"Are u okay?" Priyanshu asked for the nth time.

"No I m not . " I snapped. I have been getting moody more from last week.

"U know I can com to drop u " he said ignoring that I snapped . See thats why he is my best friend.

"No u don't have to . I can go there by myself . Don't worry buddy " I said patting his back.

We ate the dnnr and then went to our rooms.

I took I long shower thinking how much my life has changed in these last 2 weeks . I turned off the shower and went back drifted into sleep .

I woke up at 9 am next morning .

" U know u can go tomorrow and I will come to drop u. U r also looking pale. Are u sure u r alright ." Priyanshu started his lecture .

"I m fine and I have to be ready by 12 . So go to ur office I will call the cab. And yes I m alright " I said calmly.

But the truth was I was not feeling well. I was feeling headache and also vomiting. But I could care less.

"Okay . Take care . Call me when u will leave the house , when u will reach the airport and when u will reach home".

"I know dad. Can I get ready now " I said teasing

"Yeah yeah " he said rolling his eyes.

I chucked and started getting ready . After an hour I was ready. (Her outfit)

I called the cab and reached the airport in 30 minutes . I decided to call my mother.


"Hello mom" I said

" Hello how is u my princess "

"I m great mom . I m coming home for a few days today " I hated lying to her but I can't tell her the truth.

" Oh great ! Wait did something happened there "

"No mom . Can't I visit u and dad " I said teasing

"Off course u can"

" Okay mom I will talk to u when I will reach there " I said and hung up.

I know it was wrong but I cannot te her truth not yet... I will come back here after a few weeks and then I will search for a job. I will attend Online classes .

I boarded into the plane and soon drifted into sleep ...

But little did she know the fate has decided something else for her....


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