《Her New Doll (Completed)》Chapter Nineteen: Comfortable Pt. 1 (+18)


It took only a few hours but it takes several weeks to undo the damage the Dimitrescu sisters did. More than once Donna considers calling and giving them a piece of her mind but whenever the urge strikes her she instead seeks out Natalya to give her a tentative, gentle hug.

With her new legs Natalya can get around better than ever. Her new hand takes some adjusting. There is no sensation, only pressure if she pushes against something. The loss of feeling is odd because otherwise it functions just like her original appendage.

Not feeling fear doesn't make Natalya immune to trauma. She can and does relive the horrors she suffered at the Dimitrescu girl's hands. If her dreams aren't haunting her dreams then the broken bones and lacerations are haunting her waking mind.

Donna doesn't trust Miranda. She's been treating the infections herself.

Natalya has grown fond of the mornings and evenings. Every morning after breakfast Donna demands to see her wounds to check on their progress. She never passes up the chance to take her shirt off and watch Donna blush.

Slowly but surely Donna's touches have changed.

At first Donna struggled to even touch Natalya. She was afraid to hurt her. But ultimately doing nothing would do more damage and she overcame the fear. After several days it became routine enough it was easy. Then she began staring for extended periods of time. It was seconds at first, then moments. Now minutes.

For several minutes now Donna has been sitting running her fingers over Natalya's skin. Some parts are numb because the damaged nerves are dead. Others are tender from fresh skin growth. It makes for an interesting sensation to say the least. But, the infection is gone. There's nothing to look at, except the muscles and the scars.

"Donna," Natalya purrs.

Donna's gaze snaps up. Her fingers stop just at the hem of Natalya's open shirt. The soldier's smile is knowing and inviting.

"You don't need an injury as an excuse to touch me. I'm yours."

"I know that."


"I'm all yours. Donna," Natalya can't help but chuckle, "You do realize you're attracted to me, right?"

The silence that follows is difficult to judge. For a moment Natalya is worried she's pushed too far. But Donna seems to sink deeper into the bed. She takes the sides of Natalya's open shirt in her hands like she might close it but instead just tugs indecisively. Her face is flushed and she won't look Natalya in the eye.

"Do you- Are you," Donna cringes at her stumbling speech, "Are you attracted, to me?"


Natalya is careful and slow. She cups Donna's face and smiles, "I think you're beautiful."

Donna moves to take her hand. Slowly she nuzzles into it instead. In a moment of courage she takes Natalya's hand and presses it over her heart. Even through the thick fabric of Donna's dress Natalya can feel the soft, quick beat. When she leans forward slightly Donna scrambles.


"Okay. It's okay. I won't do anything you don't like."

Donna is shaking. She points, "Don't, move."

"I won't."

When she returns Donna has several silk ties. She first ties one around Natalya's eyes. This makes sense to Natalya. As comfortable as Donna has become surely this would make her feel more secure. The next tie binds her wrists behind her back. Donna's hands gently lean her back against the headboard again.

"It's not, too tight?"

"It's fine."

Never did Natalya imagine the sound of rustling fabric and the slight pop of buttons coming undone would drive her crazy like this. She's only dreamed of what Donna looks like under her dress. Pale, surely. But what of her figure? And her breasts? With her old fashioned clothes there's really no telling.

Natalya tests the knot around her wrists. She's not surprised to find that it's tied very well and she's completely helpless.

"Are you alright?"

"No," Natalya voice is almost hoarse, "I want to see you. This is torture."

"I-" Donna's heart pounding almost drowns out her own voice, "I can't, take it off."


"I know. Keep going."

Donna finishes unbuttoning the front of her dress and slips out of it, leaving her in her slip. She hesitates to take it off. So she stops and sits again. The air feels cold when in reality her skin is hot. With trembling fingers she reaches to touch Natalya again. Her soldier doesn't flinch.

Natalya's skin is warm to the touch. She's so vibrant and full of life and so comfortable around Donna. It's soothing.

"Don't-Don't move."

"I won't."

The bed shifts and groans softly as Donna moves. She puts one hand in the middle of Natalya's chest to keep her still and slowly, with her heart trying to break free of her ribs, she presses their lips together.

It's not exactly a kiss.

Natalya smiles. Ever so slowly she kisses back, angling her head. Donna's hands come up to grab her. She begins mimicking the soft movement of Natalya's lips, catching on quickly. On instinct she gives a short bite and Natalya growls.

Donna gasps softly. She draws back, startled by her own display. There's no blood but she smooths her fingers over Natalya's lower lip. They're soft to the touch and Natalya kisses at her fingers, bringing back memories of that dream she had months ago.

Despite the unbearable ache between her thighs which Donna has never experienced before, she can't act on her feelings. She's not confident enough to let Natalya touch her, no matter how badly she wants to. Her own hands are skilled enough. A fact she's only become aware of recently thanks to her houseguest and her feelings. So now she wonders if the same applies for Natalya.

With all possible hesitation and worry Donna reaches out.

Natalya can hear every movement in the quiet and anticipates the touch. She fights to stay still wanting to arch into Donna's fingers and bend to her will like clay. Mostly she wants to know where Donna is and what she's doing. Being in the dark is torment of the sweetest kind.

Finally Donna's fingers brush the center of Natalya's chest. A perfectly harmless touch but it makes Natalya gasp. Just through her fingertips Donna can feel Natalya's heart pounding as hard as her own. This cements for Donna that she isn't lying. Natalya feels the same way she does otherwise why would her heart be pounding like this.


The feeling of Donna's thumb brushing her peak is so soft and so teasing. Internalized lust becomes so strong Natalya's pelvis aches. This adds another struggle to the list, not openly begging the heiress to fuck her and end the torture.

After a few soft brushes Donna begins rolling the hardened peak in her fingers. Natalya moans softly, shifting on the bed. Donna stops.

"Does it hurt?"

"No. It feels good. That's the problem, it feels too good."

Once again Donna leans in. She takes Natalya's jaw and moves her head up to give her access to her neck. Once again, she bites. This time Natalya moans loudly. If there was anyone else in the house they might have heard her.


Using mostly her teeth Donna bites and nibbles and scrapes her teeth until she's satisfied with the deep wine colored mark she's left on Natalya's neck. She's seen them left on the maids of castle Dimitrescu before. Now she figures Alcina wouldn't dare touch Natalya again after seeing it.

Now full of confidence Donna admires how beautiful Natalya looks laying on her bed helpless, blindfolded, and desperately in need of her. With a meek, mischievous smile she slides her hand down Natalya's body reveling in the way Natalya gasps and writhes the lower her fingers go.

Rather than struggle beneath them Donna undoes the front of Natalya's trousers. Beneath that are the silk panties. She bites her lip thinking the irony of the situation. But the thought is fleeting as she instead continues sliding her hand under the edge and down until Natalya's legs are spread and her breathing comes faster and faser.

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