《Love is Blind》26


There are about a hundred men, about 5 in each car. They are silent, just nodding to me respectfully when they see me.

This is some weird shit. I look down at my hand. Akira's blood is on it. I shove it into my pocket.

"Where are we going?" I ask softly.

I've seen a few of these men but I've never spoken to them. The largest man is bald, and he's bored in tattoos and he wears no shirt.

He looks at me and gives me a small smile. Then he looks at the man next to me. They speak in Japanese for a bit before the smaller man addresses me.

"Forgive big brother he never bothered to learn English. He said we are going to a smaller house. More private. Safe."

The larger man continues to feed him what to say. I think...he's nice.

"He says when we get there you'll see lots of men you're not familiar with."

The larger man makes an obscene gesture before giving a hearty chuckle.

"He said, fuck them. You don't need to mind them. But if you don't feel comfortable, you can just stay near us until the boss comes back."

I nod. "What are your names?"

The youngest one smiles. "I'm Ichigo. This is Tomura. He knows you know that name, but that is not him and he is offended by the comparison."

Tomura nods with a huff. I chuckle. Then I look out the window.

"Will Akira be alright?"

"The boss will be fine," Ichigo nods. His eyes shine with pride. Hm.

They look up to him. I can see why. I find myself thinking back to what happened in the closet. I was afraid. Truly. Not for my life really. For the pain. I was scared of the pain of dying but not death itself.


I never thought...I don't want to die. I just kept thinking...this is gonna hurt. They're gonna hurt me.

Mh. Actually I never got around to dying. I was too busy working, really kept getting distracted. And then I came here and Akira took me.

I guess I assumed at some point he would kill me. What's the difference between a man who will kidnap and a man who will kill you?


Just give it time. And so I did. But I'm still here. I'm not upset at the fact. Just...a bit weary. And honestly can you blame me?

"Do you mind me asking your name?" Ichigo asks carefully.

He looks younger than me. Fresh faced. Eager. Hopeful.

Poor thing. Maybe 20? 22?

"My name is Dahlia."

His face flushed. "It's not customary to call people you're not very familiar with by their first name."

"Hm...it's Dahlia Harper," I smile softly. "What happened back there? I mean who were they? Who...are you?"

Ichigo's face flattens, as he swallows roughly. His eyes dart away.

"Ah...I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I should say. Or rather...I'm not sure what the boss wants me to say."

I look away with a nod. "It's okay," I whisper, my breath fogging up the windows. "I understand."

He looks away. I focus out the window it's silent until a phone rings.

It's Tomura's. He fumbles to answer it, squinting at the screen his hands clumsily trying to press the screen with the right amount of force.

"Hm?" He answers.

Then he hands the phone to me. I look at it, and answer carefully.


"You're safe," Akira confirms. It's not much of a question but I answer anyway.


"Yeah. They said their taking me to a safe house somewhere?"

"It's not too far. You're sure you're alright?"

I think to ask him if he's killing people. Then I think because I remember him beheading someone in front me so...he definitely is.

"I'm fine." Is all I can say. Maybe I'm in shock. Or maybe I kinda knew what he was all along, and just wanted to ignore it.

"Are you...upset at me?" He asks gently.

I look up Ichigo who watches me enraptured. "Why would I be upset?"

Akira doesn't say anything for a moment. "I didn't know. I would've never left you if I knew. I didn't know and I didn't suspect it either. I thought you were safe."

"If you thought I was safe you wouldn't have left Ethan."

Akira scoffs. "I would never leave you without protection, Dahlia. Whether I thought something would happen or not. It's called being cautious."

I roll my eyes. "Is Ethan alright?"

"Aren't you going to ask if I'm alright?"

My lips turn up despite myself. He's so petulant.

"I know you're fine."

"...Thank you for confidence. Ethan will live."

So he's injured. Hm. I hope he's okay.

Akira holds the line in silence for a while.

"Is there something more you want to say?" I prompt him.

"...I still have that ticket."

"I still have that stomachache."

And that's that.

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