《Love is Blind》18


Dahlia is going out again. She looks in the closet. She could some things delivered.

She models them, holding them against her chest.

"What do you think I should wear?"

I nod to the short strappy, glittering black dress.

She looks at it with raised brows. "I'm going out you know."

I nod. Why is she so apprehensive? She bought it after all. I pull my sword from its holster, wiping it down idly.

"I just think you'll look nice in it."I shrug, "Wear whatever you want, Dahlia."

She shrugs once more, pulling her shirt off, tugging the dress on.

I watch her. "I will go with you tonight. I'll leave you to your devices, don't worry."

I stand, sheathing my sword.

"Fine," she tosses a look over her shoulder. She's gorgeous. Her features are arranged so perfectly.

I missed looking at her. Beholding her.

"But you know I dance."

I stand, as she looks at herself in the floor length mirror, tugging the edge of her dress down. Her long legs exposed. I come ho behind her, zipping her up.


She looks at me in the mirror. "With other people."

I smile. "I'm not a complete lunatic, dear."

• • •

I close my eyes leaning back in my chair. Ethan sighs.

"You let her walk out the house like that?" He remarks.

I frown. "I picked the dress."

"And when she gets hit on?"

I smirk. "She's gorgeous."

"Akira we both know you're too unstable for this. What if things get out of hand?"

I unsheathe my sword in silence. It speaks for itself. That's what this is for. I lean back once more. These lights are bright. My eyes are strained.

I try to listen to her speak, but the music is so loud. I want to hear her. I enjoy watching her. Her eyes keep darting to mine, occasionally.


She knows me, I think as a fairly reasonable man, until now. I love Dahlia. Everything she does. Her course language, the way she's quick to anger.

She's ruthless. Eventually, she may try to kill me. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Her eyes are closed, her body swaying the music, that dress inching up. She's gorgeous. There's someone a man behind her.

I leave him be. She keeps a respectable distance. For his sake. Her eyes fluttered up to me every time he brushed against her even a little.

I meet her eyes and smile.

I want her.

I look over the club for a moment. It registers, a familiar face. I narrow my eyes, leaning in to Ethan.

"I'd that who think it is?" I ask.

Ethan stands with a scoff. "Good thing you got your sight back. That fucking snake."

I sighs she's going to think I did this on purpose. Shit. He catches my eye with a smirk. He takes his cigarette out, lighting it. He raises a brow in question.

I nod.

"He's coming here? That piece of shit," Ethan fumes.

He comes up the stairs. I don't move to greet him, simply waiting until he shows his traitorous face.

"Brother," he calls from behind me.

I smile. "Cousin. Actually. No need to pretend we're closer than we are."

"Oh...don't be so mean, brother." He chuckles putting his hand on my shoulder. I smile.

"I didn't expect to see you," He says carefully.

"Alive," I mend his statement. "Hm. I suspect not. But come. Sit. Let's have a drink."

He sits in front of me. I look past him, watching her. She looks back at me, her gaze fixed on him. And then she closes her eyes, as if to tell me she doesn't want to know.


I look at him. His blonde hair. Blue eyes.

"You know...I should known you'd be a backstabber," I inform him, pouring him a shot. "You're mixed with white after all. White people have no loyalty. No...sense of shame. Historically."

I raise my brows and shrug. "But I didn't want to prejudge and slit your throat just because...half of your blood is monstrous."

He takes the shot throwing it back. Then he grins. "Oh Akira...the Japanese are not as cute as they pretend. You know that. Let's not mince words. If you wanted to kill me for having the blood of colonizers...you'd have to off yourself too."

I shrug. True. Still, his blood is dirty, and so is he. He's an abomination. Not because of his blood. Because he's...him.

But I don't hate him. A nuisance more like. If I were in his position I would've stabbed myself in the face already it's the way of this life.

I don't resent him for trying to kill me. In fact, I'm proud. Everyone else just sat there while I took power and pissed themselves. He tried at least.

I just don't appreciate the traitorous nature of his attempt. That's all.

"You know I always thought you were smart, a real ruthless piece of work," I commend him.

He smirks. "Thanks."

I nod. "But you understand...a snake lays in the grass because it can't get up and walk."

He narrows his eyes. "What does that mean?"

I chuckle. "You're only able to do damage, when you are hiding. Daiki. You were able to sneak up on me...because you were already at my feet. Snake in the grass."

I throw back a shot. "And now I am here. And I am stronger than you. And you cannot slither faster than I can walk. So this is the part where I crush you, under my heel. Where you have always belonged."

His eye twitched.

I lean back. I wonder if I should take his head here. She will see it. Hm...maybe if I'm quick enough. If I let him leave, he will slip away like the slippery snake he is.

"It's not your fault, Daiki," I murmur, almost unwittingly.

He snorts derisively. "Let me guess...you're just born for it?"

I shake my head. "I am it. The violence, the plotting, this sword, my name, the death. It is the substance of my soul. You were raised in it. But it is me, and that is authenticity that you cannot kill."

I frown. And it is unfortunate. But it's true. I smile.

That man is very close to her actually. Close enough I'll smell him on her when we get home.

"You're still my brother," Daiki says.



I raise my brows, putting my hand on my swords sheath. "Do you want to be my half brother?"

He scoffs.

"Get out of my sight."

She's drunk. Her movements are getting sloppy. His is not.

"You're letting him go?"

I hold my hand up, Daiki walks past me. "You know I'll be coming to hunt you down and slice your throat, right?"

"Look forward to it," he says simply.

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