《Love is Blind》14


Ethan scoffs in my face.

"Tell me you're fucking kidding?"

"I'm not fucking kidding,"

We look over the rooftop as a wind passes.

"We sunk millions into treatment to get your sight back...and you're telling me, to find a drug to take it away...for pussy she already gave you?"

"You're so crude Ethan," I remark, as he lights up. "And unimaginative, you lack focus and that's why your complexion is so pallid and uneven."

He scoffs, before glancing at me.

"Please tell me what am I supposed to do?! I've done everything I can to prove my loyalty to the family."

I remember what I'm doing. One of my cousins hangs from the top of the building, his fingertips bloody as he desperately clings to the edge.

I lean forward with a smile. "Give up," I stomp on his hands making him fall.

His body hurtles to the ground as I turn around.

Ethan brushes his hands through his hair taking a hefty drag of his cigarette. "It's not fault I look like a Victorian child plagued with consumption."

"Isn't it though?" I purse my lips.

He sighs. "You know the beauty standard here says I'm perfect. What's up your ass today?"

"Hm...I put a suppository up there. You're full of shit and I didn't wanna be."

Ethan chuckles. And so do I.

"You're sick," he flicks his cigarette off the building.

I feign a cough with a wink, as we head down the stairs.

"So you want me to find you a drug that blinds you. I could just stab you in both your eyes, if you'd like," he suggests, his absurd remark echoing the concrete walls of the stairwell.

"I'm sure you would love that. I'm looking more along the lines of temporary blindness. Oh and...I need it by the end of the week."


He stops. "You know something, Butcher?"

I raise a brow.

"You're a hellish boss."

I shrug, continuing to walk. "I can count on you right?"

Ethan sighs, as we step out, inhaling gently. The police are already at the scene. Ethan looks over at me, his sandy brown hair catching the wind as it picks up.

It's getting rainy. December is coming.

"What is it about her, Akira? You're usually so sensible."

I inhale, turning my face to the sky. A winds coming in. I think we're due for rain soon.

"Then aren't I due to lose my mind? Ethan, one day, when you meet a woman as awe inspiring as my Dahlia, you may go to lengths to ensure she's yours."

"Have you seen me? I have all the length I need to get a woman," he smirks, sticking a cigarette in his mouth.

I elbow him. "Didn't you just light up? Maybe you look like a consumptive wretch because you're killing your lungs."

"Hey, speaking of killing," he stood me. "We really need to get to the bottom of this, Akira. You can't keep killing random extended family members hoping you'll find the traitor."

I shrug. "Sure I can. Didn't you just see me? Really, Ethan. It's not just your lungs and your brain cells too. I'm concerned."

He chuckles. "You're an asshole yknow? I'll see what I can do about the blind thing. In the mean time, I'd start taking acting classes. Because I don't think it exists."

I snort, throwing my arm around Ethan, drawing my sword and it putting it to his neck.

Ethan raised a brow. "Blind already?"

I just chuckle, shearing my sword. "End of this week, Ethan. Ugh, saying your name is so tiring don't you have a Japanese name?"

"I'm not Japanese."

"Don't remind me. My poor Victorian child, eat more. You'll pass away."

"Better than finding some miracle drug," he snorts.

I pat his shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better...you will pass away if you don't yeah? And hey, wear a coat."

I nod up at the sky. "Something is brewing."

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