《Love is Blind》13


It's day two of our one week stay. Her body curves along the sheets. She runs hot, all that soft flesh on her body keeps her warm, so she strips the comforters.

I watch her from the other side of the room. She's found her abrasive side, giving me short demands.

I enjoy it. Go get that towel from the bathroom Akira, my hair is wet.

Fetch me some water, will you? I'm absolutely parched.

It's never anything outrageous, and she's never rude. Short and quaint, that's how you she used to talk. Then again, I used to be a freeloader in her house.

Now she's in mine. My eyes shift over her body. 5 days. I keep scrambling to find a way to get her to stay. I come up empty.

Her eyes meet mine, a small smile growing on her face. I want to stop time. Right now. This moment, right here.

This look. The way her scent lingers in the sheets like she belongs her. This look. The flip my stomach does at her simple smile. It's crooked. Her smile is crooked, and she laughs a bit when she smiles.


But time must move forward. No reversing. No pausing no catching your breath. I smile back and she sits up a bit, leaning back on her hands, her breasts exposed, a bit of her belly covered.

"Are you okay?"

This is my savior. My Dahlia. I love her. To imprison her here...what kind of gratitude is that? But could I let her leave? Let her flee from me? Leave my sight?

My sight...

Yes...the reason we parted in the first place. My sight. If...if I were to lose it, I think...I think she would stay.

"Fine. My eyes have been hurting a bit," I shrug. "It happens sometimes."


All I need is time. But I can't pretend. I owe her at least the sincerity.

We're in love, you see. She doesn't know it yet. We're meant to be together and it's not as if I haven't been blind before.

Yes...I just need time.

Her brow furrows. I hone in on her micro expressions. Her lip twitches down, her fingers grabbing the sheets a little tighter. Her breasts heaves with the subtle sigh she takes.

She's disturbed. Worried.

Yes. More.

I turn around, focusing into the bathroom mirror to watch her.

"Do you think...it's your sight?"

I swallow. "I hope not. I'm alone here. Still haven't found out how I got to your island in the first place. If I lose my sight again...Ah..."

I smile. Her frowns deeper. Her grip gets tighter.

"But you can hire someone to help you right? If it does happen?"

"I can't trust anyone. My family is rich and connected. If it's a cousin, an uncle vying for my seat. But don't worry, Dahlia."

I cross the room, sitting next to her, holding her hand. God had given me another chance.

I have to keep her.

"I'm sure it will all...work out," I smile, cupping her face.

She smiles. It's for me. A reassuring, though doubtful grin. She pulls me into her chest, her lips resting on my head.

"I'm so sorry, Akira."

I inhale her scent.

"I am too,"

And I am. I am sorry. For reviewing her. She deserves better. But...god has given me another change, it's clear! I have to take it.

And I won't be lying.

Not if I find a way to get rid of sight for real. Then I won't feel as bad. She just needs time to see how much she loves me.


One day, we'll laugh about this. Heh. Yes. It's fate. It would be insane for me to let her slip away now. My Angel. My flower.

My Dahlia.

It took so long to find her. Just her first name. I didn't know where she was, where she came from. What she looked like. And she shows up here? In my ward?

Yes. It's fate. I close my eyes, as she pulls me closer, her sympathy warming my skin.

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