《Love is Blind》10


The hunger in his eyes is almost frightening. He looks like he wants to devour me. I might let him. He kisses me with fervor, his kiss reverent and yet so debase.

He pulls away, panting over my body. It twists in want from him. His lips grazes my shoulder. This is not the lost man I stumbled upon.

He's knows he is.

I don't though. I don't know who this man is I just know those eyes are to look away from especially when they look at me like that.

"You must stay," he insists with a whisper, kissing my shoulder.


"Must I?" I whisper.

He nods, his lips moving up my shoulder. "You must. Allow me to repay my debt."

His lips press against the juncture of my neck. My eyes close for a moment.

"You're insistent on paying a debt I don't even agree you incurred."

He paused, before kissing the base of my neck. His kisses are deep and wet. Devouring me, always devouring me whole.

"For my peace of mind, Dahlia. Let me have you. I'll take care of you here. In my land."

I sigh. I can't seriously consider this. This debt he insists is there simply doesn't exist. I can't leave my job, leave my home, for this man can I?

"I won't have a moment of peace, My little blossom."

"Is your peace my responsibility?" I ask, anticipating another one of his kisses.

He doesn't relent right away, making me wait. So authoritative, this new Akira. He commands a power. I think he's always had it.

He finally graces me with another one of his kisses, right under my ear.

"You've taken responsibility for me before," he says softly. He pulls away, leaving me empty. He stands, his bare chest on display, a tapestry of tattoos and scars.


He turns his back to me. Had I yearned for him so deeply? It feels as if I remember why. He's handsome, that's an undeniable fact. But there's something else deeper.

Lurking, just under the surface. Hiding itself away from prying eyes.

I want to see it. I want to uncover if.

"Dahlia...tell me about your husband."

I lift my eyes to his. He doesn't meet mine. "What of him?"

He snorts. "How callous. Do you love him?"

I pause for a moment. I haven't thought about him in a while.

"I love him like I love the blue of the sky. Idly, and without much thought. Only occasionally do I actually look up to admire it."

He turned around, leaning against his dresser. A tattooed snake climbs up his neck.

"I see."

I sigh. "If you desire me, now is the time to have me. In a week, I go back to America."

His lips quirk up, those eyes flaring a bit. "Then for this week...do I have you, Dahlia. Wholly and completely?"

His voice is like gravel. Did he always sound like that?

"That's a lot to ask for one week."

"I don't ask if," he comes up to me, holding my jaw in his hand. "I demand it."

His hair brushes his shoulders, a smirk on his face. "The question...is will you give it?"

I reach out, touching his stubble. "Yes. For the week."

Akita's lips tug up in confidence. He pulls away. "Sleep well. It's still night after all. The sun has yet to rise."

"Then where are you going?" I ask.

He paused. "I'm used to the dark."

I lay back onto his sheets. They're luxuriously soft, cost more than this trip, probably.

"Used to it? Or do you revel in it?"

Akira just chuckles, grabbing his shirt. "Goodnight, Dahlia."

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