《Love is Blind》6


I open my eyes. "You're awake Miss. We found you floating in the ocean. We're heading to the continent, so we'll drop you off when we get there."

I look up him. He's a tall older man. "Thank you, I—"

The village. Akira.

"Did you see him? He's a tall man with dark hair and light eyed. He's blind, you really couldn't miss him."

"No ma'am. You were just floating in a time row boat. I'm surprised you survived."

She sighed. Akira. Was he alright? Wait...

Where was he? How was she alone? Akira...

"Are you alright, Girl?"

She looked up. "I...are you sure no one else was with me? Are you positive?"

"I told you, sweetheart. No one but you."

• • •

So I went to America. I got citizenship, and got a job. I worked hard, and the sailor who found me and his family helped me and sheltered me during my stay.

Everyday. I think of him everyday. Akira. I keep having dreams of him. Of my village burning.

Of him whispering words of love to me. But then he was gone. And I was alone. Why was my village on fire! They were about to hang me. I was trying to hide Akira, but then, after that...the next thing I remember is waking up on the boat.

Did they catch him! Did they...kill him?

She closed her eyes, blinking back tears. "Akira..."

"Hey, Dahlia? Are you alright?"

I look up. "Oh, I'm fine. Sorry."

My boss sighs. "It's fine. Listen, we just recruited a new writer. How would you like to take a trip to finish the deal?"

"Where to?" I ask, smoothing down my hair.

"Japan," he explained. "It's a small town and the writer needs personal encouragement—"


Since my name is Japanese, perhaps I'm from Japan.

"I'll go."

He quirked his brow. "Are you sure. It'll be a hard trip especially since you don't speak the language—"

"Actually I do. I started learning it about two years ago. I'm fluent now. I'll gladly go."

"Well that saves money for the translator. Perfect. Of course it's all expenses paid—and you'll get a bonus if you can sign him."

I don't care. If Akira is anywhere, if he was saved... he might be in Japan. He was most likely dead but...if there was a chance.

No. He wasn't alive. It was better to believe he was dead. What were the odds, even if he wasn't dead, that she'd find him? He could be anywhere in the world.

Still, something inside me tells me, he's alive. Somewhere.

I sigh. Two years. Two years since I last saw him. My heart beat in my chest. If I went to Japan, and can't find him, I could just let him go.

She got sent home early, to pack and make arrangements. Japan. Akira. Maybe she could find him. But Japan was a large place.

I'm counting on it. Maybe I could let him go.

"Akira..." I looked up at the moon. "I hope I'll see you soon."

• • •

"I'm ready," I state walking into the airport. The old sailor's name was Joseph. He and his wife lost their daughter a while ago, and so they have a soft place in their heart for lost young women.

"Do be safe dear," Martha takes my hand with a smile.

I smile. "I will Martha. You and Joe be safe as well. Don't let him eat too many donuts."

Joesph pats my head. "If you need a rescue, I'll sail over to get you, you hear?"


I smile widely. They feel like my parents. It makes my heart burst with joy. I feel loved. Their daughter must've been lucky.

"Okay, Joesph. Thank you."

They send me off, and I sit down. I wait for my flight patiently. My nerves are shot. It's been a long time, but I've never forgotten his face. His smile.

The way he said my name.


Has he forgotten me? Does he remember who I am? Did he get to the doctor? His eyes...those blue eyes.

I shake my head. I probably won't find him. But I...I can't help but try.

• • •

I step into Tokyo. I'll be staying here and traveling to the small town the writer stays in. It's beautiful here, but a lot of people keep staring at me.

I look at my skin. I cause it's because I'm brown. I haven't seen a black person since I got here, I think they're just fascinated.

Oh well. It's fine.

"You'll be staying here," My guide smiled.

"Thank you,"

It's a nice hotel, I step into the hotel, check in, and immediately fall sleep.

12 hours ahead. I'm jet lagged for real.

I fall asleep, where I see nothing but those blue eyes.

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