《Love is Blind》2


I wake to Akira laying next to me, with his eyes open.

"You're awake then?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes."

I stretch, sighing. "I'll shower, and then I'll help you."

"I think I can do it on my own," he informs me, "Thank you."

I narrow my eyes. "Oh alright. If you think you can, I'm sure you can. I'll go first."

He nods. "Dahlia, will you leave again today?"

"Yes, I have work," I tell him. His eyes stay still, but they're a beautiful color. Bright blue. In stark contrast to his black hair.

He's large, with a lot of muscle. His long hair, and strange tattoos. He looks like a mixture of a thug and movie star.

His face is almost always still, and calm. His voice is deep but level. If there's one thing I don't trust about Akira, it's how calm he is. About everything.

"Be safe," he advises me.

"I'm sure I will," I snort. Those bastards will probably hassle me today. I should take my knife today.

I look over him. I narrow my eyes. "Was that there before?" I say to myself, looking up at him.

"What?" He asks me calmly.

"That blood stain. I don't remember it being there."

"I have not bled since I fell asleep, since I have no wounds. Maybe I spilled something."

I frown. I don't think that's true. I—

"Dahlia," he says lowly, taking my hand. "Please guide me to the kitchen. I would like to eat, please."

So many pleases and thanks yous. He's very polite.

He reaches for my hand. I take it. It's large in mine. He's like giant, but I'm not midget. I'm 5'11 myself.

"Thank you, Dahila."

I sigh. "Yeah. Think nothing of it," he follows me, closing his eyes, pausing before the chair. I push it out, helping him sit.

"There. I won't have anything ready—"

He turns to the direction of my voice, opening his eyes. There's no focus to those eyes but they pierce me anyway.

"Don't trouble yourself for me. You do so much already. Please, just go about your normal routine. I'll be fine."

Somehow, I don't doubt it. He says everything with conviction, you almost don't have a choice but to believe him.

"I'll fix you breakfast and lunch. I'll be leaving for work soon."

"What do you do?" He asks, I strip, since it doesn't really matter.


"I run a small flower shop. It belonged to me and my husband," I quickly fry an egg.

"It's by the sea? Near the beach?" He asks.

"Yes. How did you know?"

He smiled. "You smell like the ocean. It's strong."

I look back at him. He's keen, that's for sure. He picks up on subtle things, and his senses are sharp.

"Be careful today," I tell him, "If anyone comes before I'm home, hide in the bedroom if you can."

He nods. "Alright. I'll try my best. Is there anything I can do for you, Dahlia? To repay you for your kindness?"

I sigh. I'm sure he had some talent. But he doesn't know what it is. So I can't really expect much of him.

"Not really. Just stay out of trouble," I instruct him, scratching my head. I need to wash this shit.

"Yes, I will, Dahlia." I glance back, gasping. His eyes...I swear he's looking at me.

If I had any money, I'd offer to take him to the doctor. The fact his eyes can focus means he may be able to recover.

But I...I want him around a little longer. Then I'll tell him. Tonight. Then he can make his own choice. It's just been nice...

Not being alone here.

"Is something troubling you?" He asks.

"No," I shot, setting a plate in front of him. I take his hand, placing it on the fork, and guiding the fork to the plate.

"Can you manage, or do need a little more help."

"I'll be fine, thank you, Dahlia."

• • •

I open the flower shop a little late. I guess I could take him to work with me, but if those thugs find him, they'll try to take him.

In fact, they told me they were coming today at noon.

It was a mistake to tell me the time, I think, losing my gun. Because now I'll just be waiting to shoot those assholes.

They never show. They aren't ones to not show up, if they promised to come and take me. I briefly consider them going to my home. But they know me. I don't run away.

Still, Akira is there. Alone. They would hurt him. I close the shop, running home.

Shit. Shit. I shouldn't have left him alone.

Damn it!

I unlock the door, swinging it wide open. "Akira! Akira are you alright! Say something!"


Damn it! I didn't even tell him his eyes might be able to be fixed.


He sits at the kitchen table, opening his eyes gently. "Dahlia. Are you alright?"

I sigh in relief. "You dumbass! Next time I call your name, you need to speak up right away! Do you hear me?"

He cocks his head. "Yes, Dahlia. I understand. Sorry to have worried you."

I look away. "Y-you didn't. I-forgot my...bread."

He frowns. "Your bread? I could try to find it with my sense of smell if you'd like?"

I sigh. "No. That's okay." His hair falls into his eyes. "Let me braid your hair for you."

"If you would like, you can cut it, so it won't be a hassle for you,"

I swallow. So calm. Dignified. He's...like a lake. Tranquil. Still. Beautiful. And clear. Reflecting me perfectly.

"No. It's beautiful. And I'm sure it has meaning."

He closes his eyes. I miss those eyes as soon as they're gone.

"Not anymore," he says simply. "I'm grateful to you. I owe you my life, if there's anything I can do to make it easier, I will. Until I can get on my feet."

"Do whatever you need, Dahlia."

Damn it. Such a pretty face. And a nice body. And a good personality. Maybe he shouldn't make such promises.

I might take him up on it.

I come up behind him, pulling his hair back. It shines elegantly, just like him.

I start braiding, as he stays stock still.

"Have you remembered anything?" I ask him lowly.

He's still a man. Even if he can't see me...how would he react? If I—

"Not really. But I don't think...my life was worth much. If I forgot it so easily."

I almost want to go with that. That's right. Maybe you could stay here, and I could help you.

But that's not right. And there's no telling who he really is. He doesn't know anything. Has no memory. And experiences is a large part of who you are.

For all I know, he could be a thug. Or drunk. Or a rapist. He could be anything.

But right now...

"Akira," I whisper. Letting his braid hang.


I pause. "Nothing."

He turns to me. He always knows where I am.

"Did you leave work for your bread?"

"My what?"

He waits for me to catch up. "Oh! Oh. Yes."

"Perhaps you should return. I don't think you'll find it in good condition."

I put my hands on his shoulders. "You're right. Are you sure you want to sit here?"

He holds his hand out me. "Please help me to the couch."

I take his hand, guiding him to the couch.

"You seem to be of Asian descent," I whisper.


"Yes. Your name is Japanese, and you look Asian."

"Ah. I wonder, if I'm from around here. What coast are we near?"

"I told you Hawaii. So we're close to North America."

"Ah. Maybe I come from there."

"Your accent is thick," I tell him, as he sits down.

"Is that so? Then perhaps I'm from somewhere in Asian. Since my name is Japanese, perhaps I'm from Japan."

"It's likely," I explain.

He smiled. "Japan. Thank you, Dahlia."

I frown. "Japan is very long way from here and I'm poor. There's no way—"

He takes my hand, squeezing. "Pay me no mind. I don't expect you to anything for me. If I'm a burden—"

"You aren't!" I shout. "You're not a burden Akira!"

He opens his eyes, coming his head, with the softest expression on his face. "You're such a kind woman, Dahlia."

I demand my heart start beating again. What the hell!

"W-Well," I look away. "Thank you."

He smiles, keeping my hand in his. It's so warm.

I slip away. "I'll be back."

He closes his eyes. "Have a good day, Dahlia."

"You too, Akira."

I turn around to leave, closing my own eyes. Something must be wrong with me. I head to work. It's just excitement. I've been in the village my whole life. He's just something new.

That's all this is. It has nothing to do with...with anything. I'll get over the excitement, and I'll go back to normal. Maybe then I'll stop feeling so dizzy around him.

He doesn't even do anything. Just sits there, elegantly, as if he were holding the world, but decided to let it spin.

Isn't he curious? Doesn't he want to go home? Or maybe...maybe he's in shock. Maybe he'll realize he hates it here and wants to find out where he really comes from.

The bell rings, telling me someone entered my shop. I look up. One of the thugs. I sigh, getting my gun.

"You're late," I inform him.

"What did you do?"

I paused. "What?"

"The gang...they're gone."

I frown. "Gone?"

He nodded. "Gone."

• • •

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