《My Italian Mafia Boss.》🌹You Are Getting On My Nerves🌹



I am chilling with Mia in the living room. Watching and joking about when we hear heavy footsteps.

"You know you are the first to ever speak to my brother that way." Mia says as she turns to look at me.

"He is an asshole." She laughs.

"And the way you punched Victoria. My god that was hilarious seeing the fear in her eyes." She says with a laugh. I giggle.

"That bastard deserved it. Sh-" i am cut short when the living room door bangs open and a furious Alessio walks in.

"I showed you the room you are ment to be in. Why the fuck are you in the guest room??" He says angerily.

"Because i am not sharing a room with your sorry ass. Deal with it." I reply back with a shrug.

"You are seriously getting on my nerves. Remove your shit from there or i will." He grits out. Jay and Donny walk in after he says that looking confused.

"Touch my stuff and see what happens Alessio." I grit out.

"Is that a threat?" He says angerily but can hear the amusement in his voice.

"No. It's a promise." I reply back raising my voice a little.

"What is going on??" I hear Victoria say as she walks in the living room.

"None of your fucking business." We shout at her angerily at the same time. Watching her shrink back in fear. Mia, Jay and Donny laugh. We look back at each other..glare on glare.

"You're testing my patience Alissa." He says.

"You're testing my patience Alessio." I mock back. He clenchs his jaw.

"Watch me move your shit." He says before storming out the room. I storm after him as the others follow.


"I am warning you Alessio, you won't like the fucking outcome. I am not sharing a room with you.. what am i? One of your sluts like Victoria." I shout as we walk upstairs. I hear her gasp and the others chuckles.

"Fucking watch me." He booms out as he walks into the room. As soon as he picked up my bag, i yanked it away from him and punched him in the stomach watching him hunch over groaning. I clench my jaw. I see the others jaw drop as he groans.

"I fucking warned you. Leave my shit alone. Go fuck your slut huh. I will be staying in this room." I say angerily as he glares at me.

"No you fucking ain't Alissa, and for that you'll be punished." He says with venom lacing his words. I scoff.

"Their is nothing you can do that i haven't been through before. So do your worst. I am not scared of you and i sure as hell don't fear you." I reply back lacing my words with venom. He clenchs his jaw before he slings me over his shoulder.

"Put me down you bastard." I shout banging on his back. The men look at us with shock and fear as he walks doen a hall wall and the stairs.

"You'll be staying down here till i say so. When you come back out. You will be in my room and so will your shit." He says angerily before putting me on the floor.

"Seriously?? A fucking cell. Is that the best you can do??" I say with a laugh as he closes the cell door and locks it.

"Been in one many times. I quite like the quietness." I shrug out. He raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"Mm how about no food for a few days?" He says with his smirk. I smirk back.

"Sorry to burst your bubble and big ego but been through it all. Now ciao. Leave me to my peace." I reply back as i sit down and lean against the wall. Which makes him frown before storming off. The others look at me with wide eyes before leaving.

Idiota. (Idiot)

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