《The Mansion in the Woods》Chapter Thirty-Four: Passions with a Purpose


The serving girl stirred as soon as Daenan made the tiniest movement. Her large green eyes flashed open and blinked once, clearing any sleep from her eyes. "You're not planning on leaving yet, are you?" There was a sharp undertone there that the Orc could swear hadn't been there the night before.

"I have a rather busy day ahead of me," he excused himself, gently pushing her to the side.

"Oh yes, I am sure you do," she purred. She adjusted her body so that the covers draped alluringly along her side, drawing his eyes to the curves of her breast as she stretched languidly, tightening the cloth across her chest. Daenan's eyes widened slightly at the display it made and the girl smiled. "But before you go about your day, I believe you owe me..." she said, whispering the last words seductively into his ear.

A shiver ran across his spine when she bit his earlobe teasingly. He fought the urge to just embrace her again and recalled that it had been a lot easier to resist her offers when she had been fully dressed and they both were in a public room. Sharing a small bed with her naked form made that task a lot more difficult. "I owe you? How so?" he asked with a soft growl, as she bit his earlobe again.

She perked up at the question and slipped her leg across his waist, sliding herself on top of him and pressing her chest tightly against his. Her cheeks were flushed with arousal and her full, red lips were slightly parted as she panted in excitement. That she was full of lust was also apparent in how her breasts felt against his chest. Being covered in rough, short hairs all over he could easily feel the two hard protrusions press against his rough skin. "De gae, sie yeu sin." she muttered.

That drew him out of his stupor. "What did you say?" he asked, trying to raise himself. He was brought short with a giggle and a wiggle as she started moving against him.

"I said that you're blind." She bit him again, the other earlobe this time. Harder, rougher. Her panting grew faster and she started picking up the pace. He groaned in response as his blood started flowing south. "Last night was a warm up. A start." She wrapped her legs around him and pulled herself against him, tightly. He hissed at the sensation. "You are not uncultured, Orc of mine. You are a better lover than that."

He wanted to respond but the tip of her tongue drew a slow line underneath his chin, rendering the attempt obsolete. "Last night I had you in bed. But I didn't have you." She lowered herself and he groaned in pleasure as she rubbed herself against him. He felt himself harden, unable and partially unwilling to resist her. "This time I want you fully," came her sultry voice. "I want your hands on my body. Your lips on mine. I want your tongue to explore me, your teeth to taste me." Her voice became more hoarse and her movements more hungry. The way she danced her hips across his length made him feel how aroused she was as droplets slid down from her and splashed across his groin. Her breasts scraped across his chest and her lips were close to his, tantalisingly close and coming closer every time she moved up and down. Her fingers trailed lightly across his rough skin, setting it aflame where-ever they went.


He shook his head, violently, and cleared the fog from his head. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her up. In the back of his mind he realised that she was a lot taller than he had thought. Suspiciously so. She wasn't even two heads shorter than him. How had he not noticed that before? As he pushed her and her agonisingly tempting body away from her, he caught the grin on her face and the twinkle in her eyes and realised, far too late, that he had run into her trap. Moving swiftly she pressed her hips down against him just as he started to push and they both moaned as he pushed her smaller body onto his length. Daenan with his eyes closed and his mouth contorted in a snarl where reason fought a desperate battle against pleasure, and she with her mouth slightly open as the angelic sound echoed through the room.

She casually brushed his hands off her shoulders, something a part of him whispered she should not be able to do, and placed her own down on his chest, pushing her off. Illuminated by the first rays of the morning sun, her long hair glittered just as much as her deep, green eyes. The covers slowly slid down her body, revealing her lithe form.

"I love the way your eyes are glued to me," she whispered, her voice so thick with lust that he could barely make out the words. "Do you like what you see? I know I do. I love green. It's my favourite colour."

His usual eloquence was smashed to pieces by the sight. Her ample chest heaved slightly as she breathed quickly, her cheeks burning red with pure want. She was leaning backwards slightly, showing off her looks and with reason. She wasn't as plump as he had expected, but she was thin, waspishly so, and his well trained eye told him that she was a lot stronger than she looked at first glance. His eyes continued their expedition. Her skin was smooth, and he knew it was soft as silk from last night. She was sitting still, her eyes focused on his face, waiting for a reaction, a comment. Her entire body was seemingly relaxed, yet he could feel that she was tense from the way her limbs rested against his. She was ready to pounce him at a moment's notice.

Unable to look away from the beauty on his lap, he closed his eyes, earning him a moment's reprieve. He fell back on his training, tried to collect his thoughts. "No," he whispered, fighting off the near-overwhelming urges of his body to just take her.

Wrong answer.

"Yes!" she hissed, pushing herself down, hilting herself fully and shattering his thoughts.

"By my honour!" he shouted, grabbing her roughly by the arms.

In a surprising show of force she freed herself with a quick movement and pinned him down. She was panting heavily now and so was he. She slowly grinded her hips against him, causing him agony in the form of overwhelming pleasure, more than he had ever felt before.

"My honour insists that you make up for last night. That you will give me your undivided attention. Your every effort to please me!" she hissed and he was unsure if she was voicing a wish or issuing a command.


He groaned in response. He couldn't! He had things to do, even if Marcus didn't expect him for several more hours, he had to stem the upcoming tide of troubles as much as he could. She twisted her body slightly, how he did not know, but he nearly exploded from the feeling. She smiled slyly at him.

"You're in me, Daenan. Mind and body. But I am not in you."

She lowered herself against him, gently laying her soft body on top of his. She looked deep into his stubborn eyes, then slowly closed hers as she pressed her lips against him. Softly at first, without hurry. Then slightly harder. He felt her tongue dart against his teeth with surprising agility. He held firm, keeping his own lips closed. Feeling his resistance she moved and the sudden sensation took him off guard. He moaned and she made use of the opening. Her tongue darted through the breach and found his, and before he could stop her or himself, they tenderly intertwined. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her head tightly against his for what felt like an eternity. He couldn't move beyond that, the slightest press of her limbs steered him. She tasted like sweet ambrosia. The feeling overwhelmed him, flooded through the final defences in his mind and left him bare, filled with want. She was far more skillful and alluring than a human had any right to be. Her scent, her taste, her strength, was intoxicating. Then she drew back and sat upright again, leaving the both of them panting, breathless. In the light of the morning sun he could see small droplets of sweat slide down her beautiful skin. It only enhanced her stunning image.

He was taken off guard by how vulnerable she looked all of a sudden. Her nakedness was bewitching him and it stirred him to hold her, to protect her and keep her safe. At the same time the arousal that hung in the room like a thick cloud spurred him on to be a lot less gentle, and the way her body gripped him left no doubt that she was more than eager for that. Her parted lips were an unspoken invitation and he longed to dive back into them.

"Please, Daenan," she whispered.

He jumped up and embraced her. Fully, properly. Just as she desired she had his undivided attention and he proved to be a very attentive lover. His mouth, when he finally tore himself away from her lips, explored her body thoroughly, leaving not inch uncovered. Rough, large and firm as he was, both in body and in sex, she did not let him get the upper hand and met his every thrust with even greater want, her body holding up and constantly moving as she intertwined with his or as her limbs coiled around his, spurring him on to do more. Where at first words were still used as exclamations of pleasure, soon those were beyond the pair and only primal screams revealed the pleasure they gave to one another. she tried to guide him but soon discovered he had no need for it, as he found the spots she wanted touched on his own. He left her full of tender marks and she squealed in delight for every one, before returning him to the best of her ability. At first they were creative, inventive. His fingers probed her and hers danced sensually across his body. He tasted her and found it to his liking and she melted under his touch. When part of his arousal was spent, she skillfully brought her skills to bear and replenished it. They moved from the bed and made thorough use of any piece of furniture they found, exploring the possibilities they brought. The desk was tried and tested, so was the chair. When they ran out of options on those, they made a valid attempt to return to the bed, but failed and mutually decided that the rug was comfortable enough as they left the frivolities behind and began to be more rough with one another. He took her wildly there and she urged him on. They managed to maintain their intense kiss for a short while, before their play grew so wild and rough that it simply wasn't feasible anymore.

As the pair neared the final and conjoined highlight, Daenan felt how her fingers, who had been digging into his back for quite a while, somehow managed to pierce his skin and draw blood. He hissed, temporarily pulled from the spell they both were under, but was sucked in again when she kissed him hard, clenching herself fully around him and making any movement all but impossible. With wild spasms, tightly embracing one another, it all came to an end and they collapsed in each other's arms, fulfilled and exhausted.

Half an hour later a properly freshened up Daenan joined Marcus and the others in the taproom and was greeted by a lot of cheers, which were doubled when the serving girl, her hair only partially restored to order, hopped down the stairs, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and announced loudly that she was going out to buy supplies.

Making sure she wasn't followed, Ly stopped playing the serving girl as she pulled her armour out from a well hidden chest in her safe-house. She didn't waste any time and quickly put on all the separate pieces and tied them in place. She wasn't as well armoured as the normal Paladins from the Order, but, then again, her training was superior to them, let alone what she had received since.

She paused slightly when she spotted the dried up blood on her fingers and smiled. It wasn't the first time she had applied blood magic, and she was still in awe of the abilities it carried. Then she continued getting dressed. The attire of a serving girl was little more than underwear to her.

Once she had fully donned her weapons and her armour she reached into the chest and pulled out her badge. Clipping it onto her breastplate, she felt a weigh sink down on her shoulders. Her time as the gleeful serving girl had come to an end. Duty called, and for a Paladin of the Order of the Eagle, that burden was a heavy one.

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