《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 38: Frozen King


As Peter and the party walked towards the castle gates, they were able to notice countless snow sculptures lying around the square. The gates to the castle were already open. The ice coating on the gate made the whole place shine in the sunlight. The temperature in the first had considerably increased when compared to the battleground.

Walking in Anya was at the vanguard followed by Sicily and Mary with Peter trailing behind. The castle roof was impossible to see as they were too high. The lower floor of the castle was empty apart from a massive curtain at the furthest end. Two spiralling staircases led to the upper floor which probably diverted into the living quarters. Without waiting, the four of them walked toward the huge red curtains.

The curtain was drawn the way one normally sees on a stage. Lifting the cloth, which felt like expensive silk, Peter crossed over on to the other side, the girls following. What awaited them was a throne room with a massive creature sitting on the throne. Although the beast had a humanoid figure, it was remarkably crude to call that a human.

"So, you finally decided to show yourself?" The beast, whom the four recognised as the king, finally asked watching the four youth in front of him. "Why are you interested in this place. Leave here now. Do not make me get up from this chair." Said the king staring at them with fury in his eyes.

Seeing the four not moving a muscle and getting ready to attack, the king slowly got up from his throne and walked off the podium reaching level ground. The beast was 3m tall with a width enough to surpass two Anyas.

Jovnich Marcus Fayol

SENTIENT Corrupted LVL 120

HP: 24,000,000

AP: 180,000

DEF: 200,000 20%

The forgotten king.

The system gave a notification signifying the update of the territory quest.

Corruption has spread through the king's body and soul. Purification is impossible. Release the soul to let the king be at peace.

The three fighters got ready to attack while Mary started buffing them. The King stood back relaxed watching as the four prepared for the fight.

"Are you done?", asked the king, seeing as the four had finished each other. "I'm well aware of my current strength. Even so, to try and take over my land? You lot have some guts." The king took out a greatsword from his storage as he prepared himself for the fight.


"Peter, think you can kill it in one shot?" Asked Sicily staring at the ridiculously high stats on the monster. "Two Earth breaks should kill it. Unless it has added elemental resistance. But you guys will have to hang in for 5 minutes." Peter said, suddenly casting an 'Earth Break'.


"Yeah, that thing has some elemental resistance." The sudden attack helped them shave off a good chunk of its health.

While the three girls got ready to handle the incoming attack from the king, it stood back relaxed with a smile. "You maggots have some strength. But how long can you handle it?" The king raised his sword and jumped towards Peter. Anya who expected this intercepted with a 'strike down'.


The King attacked back with a horizontal swing pushing the girl four foot back.


The little damage she received was instantly recovered with the vampiric aura. "Looks like you can handle him," Sicily said, shooting an iron head arrow at the king. Although the attack wasn't able to break the armour, it still gave a crippling effect.

"Elemental Flame blast"

Peter cast the flame attack hoping it wouldn't have high fire resistance while Anya pinned it down.


"Looks like this one will be a lot easier than we thought. Anya, hold it down." Peter, with a smile, started casting instant cast flame blasts burning down its health. Due to him reserving mana for defence, it wasn't ideal to waste too much on the powerful race spells.
























'I'll probably run out of mana before it dies.' There was only 2000 mana left unreserved as Peter kept casting the flame blast one after the other.

The flame attacks with the crippling arrows from Sicily and the human blockade from Anya soon wrestled down the massive health down to under two million. One final elemental flame blast later, the king fell on his knees crumbling to dust without any resistance. A golden crown with a chilling aura fell off from his head rolling on the ground.


The fight was over but no notifications came. "Equip the crown first," said Sicily. Peter picked the crown and placed it on the head.

Congratulations you have completed the territory conquest quest. You are the first guild to complete a territory invasion in Garesian Empire.

Congratulations on completing the side quest: destroy the 3rd army of the frozen king. You received 200000 guild experience, +1000 to maximum guild members.

Congratulations on completing the side quest: destroy the 3rd army of the frozen king optional side quest. You received 100000 guild experience, +100 to maximum guild members.

Congratulations on completing the side quest: breaking through. You received 50000 guild experience, +200 to maximum guild strength.

Congratulations on completing the side quest: forces of the frozen king. You received 200000 guild experience, +1000 to maximum guild strength, +1 tier to guild guardian.

Congratulations on completing the side quest: destroy the 3rd army of the frozen king, optional side quest. You received +1 tier to guild guardian.

Congratulations on completing the side quest: defeat the frozen king. You received 200000 guild experience, +2000 to maximum guild strength, +10 to all stats to guild members.

Congratulations on completing the side quest: defeat the frozen king, optional side quest. You received Frozen King's Soul Sword(guild artefact).

Congratulations on occupying the territory frozen battlefield. The corrupted souls of the frozen king have been released. The denizens of the frozen fort have returned. The frozen king's curse is released.

Congratulations on owning the territory. Please rename the territory.

"Fort Black Flame"

Please visit the Grand Magistrate of the fort to receive ruling rights.

The four looked at each other waiting for someone to speak. Anya who was closest to the dead kings remains took out a sword lying on the floor. "Check this out."

Frozen King's Greatsword

Item level: 120

Type: Soul Guild Artefact

STR: 150,000

VIT: 200,000


- Guild Guardian Level 120 ADVANCED.


- Reach guild level 5 for next evolution.

"Where do we find our guild guardian?" Asked Mary. "Let's go find the magistrate. We still don't have the ruling rights. Maybe he could help us with it." Peter said walking out the castle towards another building that was similar to the town hall office block in Hedgesnow.

Around the fort, there were a few NPC's working menial jobs. They were too far away for anyone to recognise the slight difference in their appearance. Walking in, Peter was treated by an Elf with a wrinkled face. The woman was old and wore a plain gown.

"You must be the ones who freed our souls from the frozen king's curse. Thank you." The elf did a slight bow. She motioned the four to follow entering an office that looked exactly like Alder's office.

On the desk, a nameplate remained, which read, 'Rubian Fayol; Grand Magistrate'. She went behind the desk and took out a scroll that looked similar to the property deeds except for the golden embroidery.

"With this, you can now order the knights of the Fort Black Flame."

You have received the deeds to the Fort Black Flame. You can now access the territory management panel.

Your territory is under cooldown. Your territory cannot be challenged for the duration.

Soon after a regional announcement went out.

Congratulations to guild Black Flame to conquering and owning the Territory Fort Black Flame. Guild prestige +1000, Guild level +1 are rewarded.

After the announcement went off Peter received a bunch of different notifications.

Due to your status as the guild master of Black Flame, you received +1000 fame.

Due to you owning the territory Fort Black Flame, you received the sovereign title: Duke.

As a sovereign duke, you are required to pledge your territory to either Garesian Empire or the Aarelith Kingdom. You have thirty days to decide.

"What about the Guardian?" Asked Peter to Rubian. "Didn't you just kill it? If you want another one you will have to hunt one and capture its soul. The stronger it is, the stronger the guardian. Catch a Sentient Beast soul and bring it to me. I can help with the rest."

Saying so, she took out a black square box handing it over to Peter. Guardians are a last line of defence. The stronger they are the better the boost received from the guild bonus.

"Where do I find a sentient beast?"

"I wouldn't know. I'm no fighter." Said the grand magistrate shaking her head.


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