《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 37: Frozen Fort Courtyard


The assault will start in 2 minutes

"Looks like we are stuck here for some time," Peter said loudly. "I hope there aren't any commanders."

Although the spells Peter casts were powerful, holding down in this tiny space against countless enemies were considerably difficult for Peter due to his extremely embarrassing low Health pool. If it were merely a bunch of monsters, the entire event can be steamrolled through. But these solder NPC's all had a defence armour making them hard to kill, unlike the common monsters.

To the party who were expecting a lot more soldiers, what attacked them was unexpectedly a group of frost monsters. The two girls started taking out the frustration they built up from being sidelined on the fight before, took it all out on these unsuspecting beasts. The more the monsters spawned in, the faster they got decimated.

Snow Bear ELITE LVL 105

HP: 210000

AP: 20000

DEF: 30000

Ice Wolf ELITE LVL 110

HP: 220000

AP: 36000

DEF: 16000

The ice beasts attacked them as if they were enraged but none could break through the tough armour of their enemies. Without a proper armour, Peter's attacks chewed through them like butter. Anya was enjoying herself taking on as many as she could with her behemoth of a greatsword.

Monsters are regrouping

Prepare for Wave 2

The attack will start in 2 minutes

Mary cast another group heal and mana regeneration spell although no one needed it. It seemed like the party didn't need her. From the looks of things, even she felt like baggage.

"That was a good workout." Stretching with her sword Anya walked back into the circle around the flagpole. Sicily and Mary joined her as the three kept gossiping about some girl Peter didn't know. Peter walked to and fro waiting for the next attack to commence.

"I hope it's the same as the last one. I hate those armoured ones." Sicily said gritting her teeth. "Well, I'm pretty sure we'll have to face a few of them later. From the sounds of things the final boss will have to be a Human as well."


The second wave started just as fast but this time there were two boss tier beasts along with the rest.

Gigantic Snow Bear BOSS LVL 100

HP: 800000

AP: 22000

DEF: 50000

Frigid Pelt Snow Wolf BOSS LVL 100

HP: 800000

AP: 56000

DEF: 16000

The girls took the initiative and started the offence, but the bosses avoided them aiming towards Peter and Mary who stood inside the circle. 'Hmm, looks like they are getting smarter.' Peter sent out a few fire blasts killing one of the beasts while Sicily shot a few iron head arrows killing the other.


Monsters are regrouping

Prepare for Wave 3

The attack will start in 2 minutes

"These waves are pointless. If it's still going to be these monsters, better make them a lot stronger." Anya who was now sitting relaxed, having vented out her frustration said looking dull. "For all we know, the next one could be a wave of human enemies. Don't be too relaxed." Sicily sitting right next to the now pouting Anya said. "I think I can see a pattern. This could be the second army. Going by the number. We might still have to face one more army." Peter said while strolling around the three girls.

The counter ended and another wave of monsters spawned next to them. "If they keep spawning like this, wouldn't it break the immersion? Why not make them appear from the back or something?" Peter said out loud.

Among the newly spawned monster were multiple Elite monsters which were now being strengthened by the dozen Boss tier ones. Behind the entire hoard, there was a monstrous beast that resembled a bear hybrid.

Snow Bear King BOSS LVL 120

HP: 960000

AP: 31500

DEF: 55000

Looking at the new boss the three invaders had a creepy smile. "This is getting boring. What's the point? I can even kill it with a few spells not moving from this point." Shouted Anya to who knows where. "Calm down. It's not a big deal. We still have to fight another army next." Sicily said chuckling.

The girls who were used to fighting tooth and neck with these monsters now looked down on them. Even if Anya were to simply stand and tank the attacks, the measly damages these bosses did were too low. Swiping her sword, Anya went ahead to kill the leader of this wave.

The stronger beasts gave off a powerful aura but in front of Peter, this aura felt like a gentle breeze. Smiling Peter kept spamming the 'fire blast' killing the elite and boss monsters that kept approaching him and Mary standing beside him. By the time Anya killed the wave boss, the rest had already cleared the small fries completing another wave successfully.

Monsters are regrouping

Prepare for Wave 4

The attack will start in 2 minutes

"This is it. One more wave and we're done." Exclaimed Anya who was becoming more and more irritated by the monsters.

"The next beast should be something even stronger. I hope it's a much more powerful one. These things indeed die too fast." Sicily went back to stay next to Mary and Peter as Anya slowly walked back into the circle. "Maybe we will get a sentient tier beast. That would be fun." Anya was truly a devil.


At the current stage, she might be the only one who would actively seek out a sentient beast. With here new gear it was incredibly easy for her to even go up against a sentient demon solo. With Peter and Sicily here she was certain nothing could kill them here. While the four waited the counter again ran out spawning an incredible number of beasts into the courtyard.

The monsters were all strong with no normal tier to be seen. All the regular ones were now replaced with Elites while a couple of dozen Bosses controlled these Elites. At the furthest point in the courtyard, a massive ice golem spawned and to the surprise of the whole party, a human was controlling the thing.

Ice Giant Golem BOSS LVL 140

HP: 1120000

AP: 20000

DEF: 80000

Beast Tamer Silko ADVANCED 120

HP: 1440000

AP: 60000

DEF: 48000 50%

The two enemies gave out a different air compared to the others. Similar to how the commander of the 3rd army behaved, the beast tamer forced the golem to approach our young party.

"So, you worms destroyed our king's 3rd army? I must applaud you lot for the effort. None has ever forced me into battle." He closed his eyes dramatically, "Our king has asked me to plunge you into the abyss. Its time for you four to die."

With a wave of his hand, the massive beast army let loose in the courtyard. With multiple bosses approaching from all directions, Peter activated flight and pushed himself into the air.

Ice Lance

A spear made of ice pierced the sky as it ranged through the air towards him. 'Looks like the human can attack with magic.' Peter fell back and forth in the air dodging the ice lances.

Elemental Flame Blast

Peter's higher agility helped him with the easy manoeuvres as he was able to don't the lances and grab enough opening to fight back.

Pissed by the flame attack, Silko started using the golem to send Icicle Rain an AoE attack towards the party. Although the two girls had enough Health and Defence to sustain any damage, Mary had an armour as weak as paper. Anya jumped back into the circle and activated her life-saving skill to shield Mary.

The overbearing attacks of the two pissed Peter of as he cast the strongest spell in his arsenal, 'Earth Break'.

Had it not been for the overwhelming number of enemies, the attack could have finished off the wave instantly. The monsters being spread out too far of the attack cone made it difficult to target all of them at once. Peter changed his attack to another side as he launched a couple of 'Landslides' with a shorter cooldown.

The overuse of mana made Peter slightly dizzy which was cured with a mana regeneration spell from Mary.

The Earth break had already killed off the two leaders of the wave. Anya and Sicily cleaned up the rest putting an end to the third stage of the territory siege.

Congratulations on finishing the third stage of the territory siege without causality. Bonus reward gained.

You have unlocked the final stage of the territory quest.

Territory Quest

Destroy the 3rd army of the Frozen King (Complete).

The third army of the Frozen Fort has mobilized to eliminate you. Reach the Frozen Fort without losing any party members.

Kill the three battalion captains(3/3).

Kill the enemy commander(1/1).

Reach the Frozen Fort gates(1/1).

Breaking through (Complete).

A true warrior breaks through anything that they face. Breakthrough the front gates and occupy the front courtyard.

Destroy the front gates(1/1).

Reach the Front Courtyard(1/1).

Forces of the Frozen King (Complete).

Your presence in the frozen fort has enraged the king. The full force of the army has moved to destroy the invasion from the root. Prepare for the incoming assault.

Withstand the four waves of enemy attack(4/4).

Survive without casualties-Optional(1/1).

Defeat the Frozen King

The Frost King has awakened from his deep slumber. Find the king of the castle. Defeat the king and equip the crowning jewel to become the ruler of the territory.

Find the king of the castle(0/1).

Defeat the king of the castle(0/1).

Equip the Frozen King's crown(0/1).

Complete without casualties-Optional(0/1).

The party of four walked towards the ice castle gates within the Fort. The hundred meter square in front of the castle was decorated with ice figurines and small patches of flowers. If one were to look closer to the statues, he would notice that they were all elven. The excitement filled the heart of our heroes as they rushed into the castle looking for their final enemy.


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