《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 36: Frozen Battleground


You have entered The Frozen Battleground.

Your party has entered conquest mode.

Budding Rose(L), Elven Caretaker LVL 40

Faithful, Natural Healer LVL 36

Devil's Bane, Overseer LVL 52

Peter, Illicote Elementalist LVL 19

The corrupted soul of the Frozen King has sensed your presence.

The frozen king's army has mobilized to destroy the invaders. Prepare to defend.

Far into the northern snow, Peter was able to notice the rising dust signifying a marching army towards their direction.


Silently, Peter cast the flight spell rising into the air to get a better view.

You are assaulted by the freezing mist. Your elemental affinity is high. You have resisted.

The air got cloggy as he raised further and further up.

"What the hell? That thing is huge", screamed Sicily the only ranger in the party. Slowly peter was able to make sense of the approaching army.

Frost Fort Captian ADVANCED LVL 100

HP: 1200000

AP: 30000

DEF: 60000 90%

Frost Fort soldier ELITE LVL 90

HP: 180000

AP: 13000

DEF: 30000 90%

Melee soldiers under the frozen king.

Frost Fort Ranger ELITE LVL 90

HP: 108000

AP: 35000

DEF: 8000 60%

Rangers under the frozen king.

The massive army approaching them contained three battalions with a captain leading each. The battalions had a strength of 2000 soldiers each. As they approached closer to them, Peter and the girls could feel the earth shake under them. Within two minutes the massive army reached right next to them and paused. With a sudden gesture, the middle split into two giving way for the pillar of the army to reach in front.

Krontz Dennel ADVANCED LVL 120

Frost Third-Army Commander

HP: 1440000

AP: 41000

DEF: 60000 95%

The enemy commander came forward with two soldiers holding a snow raven flag.

"Lowly vermins, you dare dirty these sacred grounds. For the crime of attempting an invasion on these lands, you can all rest here like the ones before. Soldiers of the Frozen Fort. Prepare for battle."

The sound of war horns echoed across the battleground as did the continuous stomping reverberated through the ground. The atmosphere rose the adrenaline. Sicily took out her bow slowly walking back while Anya took out her lightning god's might. Mary withdrew to the back silently chanting some new elven spells buffing the party.

You have received the forest's blessing. Your mana regeneration has grown by 10% for 20 minutes.

You have received battle recovery.

Your health registration increased by 10% for 20 minutes.

You are under the influence of 'Our Mascot'.

Your party received a battle quest.

Territory Quest

1. Destroy the third army of the frozen king.

The third army of the Frozen Fort has mobilized to eliminate you. Reach the Frozen Fort without losing any party members.

Kill the three battalion captains(0/3).

Kill the enemy commander(0/1).

Reach the Frozen Fort gates(0/1).

"Do we wait for them?" Anya asked turning towards Sicily. "No need. You can go wreak havoc. Peter stick close to Mary. She doesn't have much attack power."

"Sorry for holding you back," Mary said softly to Peter who was approached her. "No need to worry. Looks like the enemy doesn't have any magic casters."

The fight became ugly instantly as the enemy soldiers were torn apart by Anya with her Two-hander instantly reaching in front of One of the enemy Captains. Sicily was pouring volleys of arrows across the battlefield crushing the enemy archers. The magic fire arrows chewed through the health of her targets like butter. The well-organised army instantly turned chaotic.


Anya activated her vampiric aura absorbing the damage she dealt back as health. The red 10-foot aura circle on the ground around her gave her a reddish glow. While chewing through the foot soldiers Anya pushed in towards the captains.

Seeing the enemy warrior swamping through his troops, the commander ordered them to concentrate on the healer and archer behind. The captains rushed towards Anya who was right next to them.

Sicily shot an iron head arrow at one of the captains dealing a measly 4100 damage. The massive 1.2M health pool didn't even shake from the attack.

"Freaking armours" screamed Sicily taking out a fire fang arrow.

- 46000

"Finally." The fire fang arrows did decent damage yet and the captain was aggroed to Sicily. Luring it to a calmer side of the battlefield Sicily calmly tore it down avoiding the occasional straw arrows sent in her direction.

Two of the captains stood in front of Anya blocking her path from the commander while a large number of soldiers started approaching Mary and Peter who stood at the back.

"Ice rain"

A large number of ice shards appeared in the sky. The cold temperature and the misty sky helped the process complete faster. As soon as the soldiers entered his range of 20m, he released it causing massive damage to the army. The soldiers were unable to block the unexpected attack and a huge number of them were on the verge of death.


A chain of extremely high damage value rose as Peter sent out the next wave of ice rain. Anya and Sicily who were held down by the captains smiled seeing the dead soldiers surrounding their healer and mage.

"Anya, come back. Let me do an Earth break." Seeing the two captains ganging up on the girl peter called her back behind her casting an earth break as soon as she was a safe distance away.

Earth break

- 780607

Massive damage appeared over the commander's head downing his health by half. The entire battlefield stopped for a second from the stunning seen of thousands of soldiers and the two captains instantly dying to a single spell.

The commander who regained his sense, suddenly turned around to run back to the fort only to get pinned down by a much faster Anya with a strike down.

- 14340

The stunned effect followed by the damage caused the commander to freeze momentarily. Peter sent an elemental fire blast at the commander through this opening.

- 122,472

With no soldiers not archers in the vicinity Peter arrived next to the Commander, casting a Mother's Embrace locking down the opponent in place following it with a barrage of instant cast flame blasts lowering his health considerably.

Seeing peter plummeting the commander, Anya left to help Sicily with the one remaining captain.

Elemental Flame blast

- 122,472

The final flame blast killed the commander. Peter turned around to see the remaining captain killed by Anya and Sicily. Mary who had yet to move from her initial spot cast a mana regeneration spell recovering their lost nana instantly.

"Looks like you can solo through this whole war." Said Sicily approaching Peter with Anya and Mary tagging behind. "The cooldown on tier five spells are long. It's not good for prolonged fights. Besides my health and defence is too low. Not to mention my light armour." Peter said modestly.


"Looks like we can stroll over to the fort gates without much difficulty." Anya who got excited went ahead and walked towards the distant fort whom the rest followed. They all had a smile on their face as they approached the gates.

The fort was massive.

That was it. It was the defining features. It was just massive. The gates were all at least 30 meters high with the walls as high as the eyes could see. What appeared to be small from a distance became a behemoth as they approached it. There were steps to reach the front gate with artillery and anti siege weapons decorating the fort walls. Faint lights were visible from the small pigeon holes giving the place an ancient feel. Sicily looked at the castle as if she was in a dream. "Awesome." She muttered.

What stood in front of their eyes was the biggest fort they had seen. To Sicily and the other girls, who frequently visit other super guilds and their territories, this was great news of pride. "Looks like those bought territories are nothing in comparison."

Your party received a battle quest update

Territory Quest

1. Destroy the third army of the frozen king. (Complete)

The third army of the Frozen Fort has mobilized to eliminate you. Reach the Frozen Fort without losing any party members.

Kill the three battalion captains(3/3).

Kill the enemy commander(1/1).

Reach the Frozen Fort gates(1/1).

2. Breaking through.

A true warrior breaks through anything that they face. Breakthrough the front gates and occupy the front courtyard.

Destroy the front gates(0/1).

Reach the Front Courtyard(0/1).

The quest log unlocked the second part flagging off the second stage of the territory conquest quest.

The massive door that stood in front of them had insane durability of 15,000,000. Seeing the massive value the two girls in front looked at Peter smiling.

"Fine, its off cooldown."

Earth break


The front gates broke down like paper instantly as an icy wind assaulted them from the inside. Thankfully there was no damage but a lowering of resistance to ice damage which no one in the party had.

Walking in the front courtyard was empty. There was a snow raven flag hoisted in the centre. The party approached the flag pole and received another update from the quest.

Territory Quest

1. Destroy the third army of the frozen king. (Complete)

The third army of the Frozen Fort has mobilized to eliminate you. Reach the Frozen Fort without losing any party members.

Kill the three battalion captains(3/3).

Kill the enemy commander(1/1).

Reach the Frozen Fort gates(1/1).

2. Breaking through. (Complete)

A true warrior breaks through anything that they face. Breakthrough the front gates and occupy the front courtyard.

Destroy the front gates(1/1).

Reach the Front Courtyard(1/1).

3. Forces of the frozen king

Your presence in the frozen fort has enraged the king. The full force of the army has moved to destroy the invasion from the root. Prepare for the incoming assault.

Withstand the four waves of enemy attack(0/4).

Survive without casualties-Optional(0/1).

The assault will start in 2 minutes.




Name: Peter

Race: illicote(L)

Title: Creative Artisan II(R), Knight

LVL: 29

Gold: 7.8M

Credit: 20.4M

Available points: 0

STR: 195(+5)

VIT: 150(+1850)

AGI: 50

INT: 125(+580)

AP: 1950(+50)

HP: 1500(+18500)

SPD: 100

MANA: 70500

DEF: 750 20%

Combat jobs;

Illicote Elementalist(L): T2 LVL 19/30


Crafting jobs;

Magic Blacksmith(R): T2 LVL 32


Pill Maker(R): T2 LVL 20


Gathering Jobs;

Herbalist(C): T1 LVL 13


Miner(C): T1 LVL 11


World fame: 5170

Blacksmith fame: 1250

Alchemy fame: 200

Elemental Affinity;

Air: 1.55/2

Earth: 1.2/2

Fire: 1.35/2

Ice: 1.3/2

Water: 1.4/2

Light: 1.001/2

Void: 1.001/2

Mana manipulation: 1.023/2

+ 5 Str from mystery

+ 80 int from light armour bonus

+ 500 int from weapon bonus.

+ 1800 vit from ring



Name: Budding Rose

Race: High Elf

Title: N/A

LVL: 50

Available points: 0

STR: 200(+5010)

VIT: 40(+4690)

AGI: 30(+35)

INT: 330

AP: 2000(+50100)

HP: 400(+46900)

SPD: 60(+70) max:100

MANA: 33000

DEF: 18000 75% EVA: 80%

Combat jobs;

Elven Caretaker(R): T3 LVL 40

Crafting jobs;

Herbalist(C): T1 LVL 1

Elemental Affinity;

Air: 0.001/1

Earth: 0.001/1

Fire: 1/1

Ice: 0.001/1

Water: 0.001/1

Light: 0.001/1

Void: 0/1

Mana manipulation: 0.01/1

Six element bow

Bear boss pelt armour

Ring of ifrit



Name: Devil's Bane

Race: High Elf

Title: Demon Slayer

LVL: 62

Available points: 0

STR: 552(+13320)

VIT: 50(+16400)

AGI: 20(+30)

INT: 100

AP: 5520(+133200)

HP: 500(+164000)

SPD: 40(+60) max:100

MANA: 10000

DEF: 72000 96%

Combat jobs;

Overseer: T3 LVL 52

Crafting jobs;

Herbalist(C): T1 LVL 1

Elemental Affinity;

Air: 1/1

Earth: 0.001/1

Fire: 1/1

Ice: 0.001/1

Water: 0.001/1

Light: 1/1

Void: 0/1

Mana manipulation: 0.001/1

Lightning god's Might

Ring of life

Frozen earth armour set



Name: Faithful

Race: High Elf

Title: Our Mascot

LVL: 46

Available points: 0

STR: 30

VIT: 20(+3600)

AGI: 50

INT: 320

AP: 300

HP: 200(+36000)

SPD: 100

MANA: 32000

DEF: 700 20%

Healing Power: 200(+7860)

Combat jobs;

Natural Healer(U): T3 LVL 36

Crafting jobs;

Herbalist(C): T1 LVL 1

Elemental Affinity;

Air: 0.001/1

Earth: 0.001/1

Fire: 0.001/1

Ice: 0.001/1

Water: 1/1

Light: 1/1

Void: 0/1

Mana manipulation: 0.1/1

Pacifist's Moniker

Healer's Pride


(Minimum Damage values of items. It may or it may not be used in the battle)

Sicily(Budding rose-archer)

(Slight difference from what was provided before. I Will change it together with the editing)


1. Inferior fire fang arrow

Damage: 200*520*5

(Pure STR*Element damage*mana cost)

2. Frost fang arrow

Damage: 200*160*20

3. Iron head arrows

Damage: 52100*2

Anya(devils bane-fighter)

1. Strike down

Damage: 346800


1. Healing Aura- 200 hp per second regeneration


1. Ice rain

Damage: 982629 [4*150*(2.323*705)]

Cooldown: 10 seconds

2. Earth break

Damage: 15,672,150 [5*(2.223*705)*2000]

Cooldown: 5 minutes

3. Elemental flame blast

Damage: 2,509,447 [3*(2.373*705)*500]

Cooldown: 7 seconds

4. Icicle

Damage: 245657 [3*(2.323*705)*50]

Cooldown: Instant cast

5. Flame blast

Damage: 501889 [3*(2.373*705)*100]

Cooldown: instant cast


(Approx damage value required to kill instantly. They can't be killed instantly arm because of 'Our Mascot' title unless Mary dies first. Whom glass cannon Peter is protecting.)

Peter: 77,000

Anya: 4.2M

Sicily: 210K

Mary: 46000

The calculation for anya,

( HP/(1-Armour negation))+defence



Same calculation for the rest.


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