《A Traveller's Journey; A litRPG Tale. (part 1 complete.)》Chapter 34: Black Flame Army


While Peter was busy levelling up his alchemist job, Anya was contacted by the Z News for an interview. The interview helped in the game with an anchor specialized in the gaming industry.

"Hi, thank you for accepting our request. It's an honour to have the opportunity to host this interview."

"Thanks for having me."

"Miss Devil's Bane, could you tell us more about why you decided to become a warrior? Some very little girls played melee classes after all."

"Yes, I wanted to help my sisters. I'm bad with control so I let my sisters deal with the damage and make sure I stay and keep the enemies pinned down."

"Miss Devil's Bane humble is indeed too humble."

Anya looked down sheepishly.

"Miss, could you please tell us how you were able to kill that boss?"

"I hit it a few times and it died."

"This... Did you maybe receive a powerful combat job? Maybe one of those legendary ones?"

"No, I'm just a warrior. Uncommon job class. But I did get a few new items that over guild master crafted. They are super powerful."

"When you say guild master, is it the famous Blackbeak? I heard he makes amazing stuff. Can we see that item he made for you? If that's ok of course."

"Sure, which one? All my equipment were made by him."

"The sword. It looks amazing."

Anya took the sword and handed it over to the reporter, whose face paled instantly.

"This... A legendary magic item? How?"

Smiling a bit Anya said looking towards the cameraman, "We are recruiting combat players and if there is anyone that would like to join, please let me our sister Budding Rose know. Anyone interested in joining under us will get a chance to become a part of our elite group."

"Also we are planning to host a tournament after 5 days at Port Blair. The winner will receive this Blood fiend sword." She took out a sword that had a grim aura to it. The sword had rusted a bit over the edge and the sides seem to be chipped.

"Don't mistake it for a trash weapon. This is a level 50 legendary sword dropped by that sentient boss that I killed. The person who reaches first on the internal tournament gets to keep it. Everyone else of course will not be disappointed as well. Thank you, sister, Jane. I should get back to the game."

Anya did a light bow, took the weapon back from the reporter who was still dazed by the sword she held on to and logged out.

The channel went on a commercial break due to technical difficulties.

Peter was sitting on a couch with Mary and Sicily ton his sides enjoying the live interview. Anya got out of her cabin and walked to the hall where they were chatting about the guilds next steps. Sicily could lead the mass and possessed massive talent as a leader. She wanted to make an auxiliary combat guild under her leadership which had lead to the events so far.


The little TV interview was a good promotion to guild recruitment and Peter was certain he could provide the necessary items for the guild.

"If we want to outgrow the rest of the major guilds in the country we need a stronger base. The main guild must have a territory. Otherwise, no one will take us seriously. I'm pretty sure we can buy one but all the good ones are already occupied." Sicily was browsing through the forum searching for all the information she could get on guild development.

"Shouldn't I be level 40 to even get access to guild territories?" Peter wasn't certain if the devs changed anything since he last checked the guild stuff. He had always left at the management to Eric and the rest of the guild members.

"You only need a guild leader at level 40. The guild master doesn't have to be that high. The Winterfalls' guild master is only level 20 so far. But I heard he just changed his race to Changling. We still don't know much apart from it being a rare race."

"I'm an illicote. It's a legendary race." Peter said drinking his orange juice through a straw.

"Legendary? How? Tell me. If you know how to race change, then please let me change to something good as well." Anya suddenly rushed over grabbing his next fiercely.

"Anya!!! Don't kill him." Sicily said in a very soft voice half-heartedly. "We still need him for armour."

"I can take you over to a place but the rest depends on you. Maybe you would get a better race maybe not."

"Really??? Thank you." All three of them became excited and ran over towards the cabin to only get disappointed.

"Why is there a system update now?" Dejectedly the girls came back and sulked down on the couch.

"It's fine. I was thinking of crafting guild armours for various ranks. What do you think?" Peter got the attention back and the four slowly came up with ideas.

"Can you craft magic armour and weapon for everyone?"

"No, each magic armour has to be handcrafted. I don't think I will have enough time. But I should be able to make a few thousand rare high-level armours. What I'm concerned about is the design. Since it is black flames, I want to try and craft black armour but so far I haven't found any black metals to use."

"Why not just use a black flame on the chest piece?" Mary asked softly.

"I'm sure I can do designs on an armour. I don't have any design ideas. Think you guys can help with it?" 'The template should be able to help with the colour plating', thought Peter.

"So, we should make a few designs for multiple ranks too. Leaders should all at least get some very high-level stuff. Ok?" Anya got closer to Peter again.

"Sure. Just don't climb on me again."

Peter and the rest of the girls got back as soon as the game servers came online.

The world fame leaderboard got updated with Peter's and Anya's name at the 100 and 99th position respectively. He was the 14th in his country to enter the list while Anya was right above him.


From the massive experience gain from the sentient monster, Anya has securely scored first in the country while the world level leaderboard was still far away as the 100th place holder sitting at level 83.

The game always displayed the leaderboards after a server update. Peter went back to levelling up his alchemy class mass-producing the smaller recipes he knew so that he can reach the next tier as soon as possible.

Persistently concocting for five hours straight, Peter was finally able to reach level 20, unlocking a few higher-quality recipes from the pill makers class. He took a short break leaving the cabin to refresh and stretch his body.


"There are too many people. We will have to make another guild at this rate." Anya and Sicily were discussing how to accommodate the people who wanted to join them.

"It's only for five days. We should be fine."

"Did your father call you? I hope he isn't pissed with you joining and helping Peter."

"He was a bit angry but he loves me so it's fine. I haven't left Rising Suns yet. So it should be fine with him."

"Ok, this one is also full. We should make another guild."

"This... I hope all of them stays in."


Peter had become an Elementalist but his master and trainer, Aster was unaware of this. So he decided to meet his master to thank her for the help. Since Aster was an elemental mage, he was sure of receiving some help from her. So far she had just asked him to train and make new spells on his own.

Peter was curious about the spell crafting template but the thought of the effort he would have to put in to make new spells made him hesitate.

The Mansion was as empty as always apart from the few maids and the butler. Seeing the apprentice reappear the butler took him straight to Aster.

"When did you grow a tail?" Asked Aster curious. "Yesterday." "Looks like you won't have to worry about overdrawing mana. Don't lose your tail. For mana beings, the tail acts as an antenna to absurd and release mana when need be." "I wasn't planning on it."

Aster got up from her chair and walked around Peter measuring him up and down. "Not bad. Looks like your affinity for the elements reached a higher level than even my own. Even the ice element. I did not see that happening. How strong is your race really?" She went back to a corner and crushed on the couch.

"Is the ice element special?" Peter's interest suddenly peaked. "Ice element is simply a water element. But you also need a fire element to learn it. Even with two elements, it's rare for someone to actually wield it. Congratulations." After a short breath, Aster asked, "so, why are you here then? I thought I told you to learn the rest on your own. Have you made any new spells yet?"

"No, I haven't." "You should focus a bit more on creating a few spells of your own. If you want to take in apprentices, it's important that you carry a few extra spells on you. Don't think of it as a burden but beyond a certain limit, the ordinary spells cannot help you"


The massive guild recruiting was finally slowing down as the players flying into Port Blair stopped. With 14 auxiliary guilds, the Black Flame Army became the most populated guild in the Garesian Empire outgrowing the Winterfall guild. There was a considerable leak from all the major guilds as the less royal members constantly flocked towards this new guild.

"What's happening? Who is behind this Black Flame Army?" Cutting Edge, a guild leader of Winterfall was thrown into a fury and lashed out at his subordinates.

"Don't scold them for this. This is a good thing for us. If you think about it, they just cleaned up all the trash that was not loyal to our guild." A young extremely pale boy with elf-like ears and no eyelids casually said calming down Cutting Edge.

"You are right guild leader, Luke. But we can't let them go on like this. We must destroy their reputation or this will hinder our future growth in the country."

"I do have a plan. For now, tell everyone to focus on levelling and changing their race. I will leave now. You come to my place later." Giving his orders, Luke logged out.

"Hey, Sicily. How is the guild coming along?" Alex was nervous when he called his younger sister. Even though they didn't receive too much of a backlash as their guild had always received constant support from Peter, losing the largest local guild position caused Alex to vent in frustration. Even if Alex wanted to drag her out back to her house and force her to withdraw from these lunatics, Alex didn't have the guts to offend their family head.

"Bro, we just decided to make the fifteenth guild. There are now eighteen thousand members in our group brother. It's amazing."

"Don't forget most of them are only there for the products he produces ok. Speaking of which, think you can ask him to make us some of those armours as well. It would help us clear this new dungeon a lot easier."

"Stinky brother, you found a new dungeon and didn't let us know? I will let Peter know but you have to tell us where this dungeon is."

"If sister is interested, I will definitely take you with us next time. Well, don't forget about this brother ok?"

"I'm too busy now so I'll have to decline that offer bit I will let Peter know you asked for the armour. Talk to you later, brother." Sicily went back to check out the new recruits.


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