《The Bird in the Basement》On the Eve of Adventure
I was utterly entranced by the performance happening on stage. It was an incredibly high energy dance where the sound of the female dancer’s shoes clacking loudly on the hard stage were as much a part of the song as the instruments. I’m sure most of the patrons were partially preoccupied by the flurry of movements her legs were making in such a teasingly short skirt that showed that her stockings ended near the tops of her thighs, but I couldn’t pry my attention away from the rhythmic loud tapps and the way they completely negated any need for percussion of any kind in the band. The flute and fiddle were all that were necessary, in fact an added drum or other percussion instruments would have only fought with her shoes for dominance and mudded the beat of the song.
“You seem to be enjoying the show,” Garret said so close to my ear that his lips brushed against it with every syllable. “I’m very happy about that.”
I nodded in response, between the loud raucous performance and the hoots and claps of the people in the audience I simply couldn’t fathom talking and adding any more noise to the mix. Luckily, I seemed to already be starting to desensitize to some of the worst of my new enhanced senses, the performance at first had almost been too painful to stay, but now it was not entirely pleasant, but I was enjoying it.
“It’s traditional folk dance from around the region I’m from, my mother and sisters were dancers when they were younger, though I don’t think my mother would have agreed with the stage costume here. Great way for her to make more tips, but not exactly adhering to traditions.” He laughed softly and the puffs of hot air against my ear made the hair on my neck stand to attention.
With one final flurry of snaps from her shoes, the dancer finished with a flourish, her chest puffing rapidly and her face slicked with sweat. The bar patrons erupted into a rowdy show of appreciation with loud claps and whistles. I cringed at the sound and raised my hands to my ears to cover them and deafen some of the worst of the sound. Garret covered my hands with his and further lessened the pain much to my appreciation. Once the worst of the cheering had calmed down, he moved his hands back down to my shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze.
“Do you think you can handle seeing the next song once she gets a drink and takes a breather?” he asked just loud enough to be heard over the thundering din.
“I think we should find and talk to Mable,” I replied, “she needs to know you want to join us and also I think she was the one who was going to figure out the best time for us to leave. I don’t know, I was leaving it up to her, she seemed to be more sure about everything.”
“Alright, let’s go find her and drag her away from her lover boys for a moment if they’ll allow it.”
He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd of patrons who had smushed into the back to stand and watch the performance. It seemed like a lot of people had been let in at the last moment specifically to be able to see the show, there certainly weren’t enough tables to seat everyone. There was now a mad rush at the bar to get their drinks before the next dance, even the two men playing the flute and the fiddle had pushed their way to the front to get a drink before they had to play again.
We found Mable near the door, it looked like she had lost her entourage at some point in the crowd. Her eyes were following the dancer’s movements as she was circulating the room picking up tips being thrust at her and she had a curious and contemplative look on her face.
“There you two are,” she said once she spotted us coming towards her, “I was wondering where you two went off to. Figured you might have slipped out to go somewhere a bit more quiet or something.”
“Not at all, would have been rude to leave you behind to try to fend off your suitors on your own. Looks like you lost your litter of love sick puppies somewhere along the way all on your own though,” Garret said with a sly grin.
She rolled her eyes and nodded. “I would have loved to just have lost Bleu and kept the others around, but he’s sticking to the other guys like glue. He just can’t get it through his head that we’re nothing all that serious and it’s just a bit of fun. He’s acting far too much like I’m some part of his property now and it’s really starting to piss me off. So, I saw an opportunity while they were ogling the dancer and took it. Speaking of which, how hard do you think it would be to learn how to dance like that?”
Garret let out a low rumbling laugh and shook his head. “It is very hard and most girls learn from a very young age when their bodies and muscles can take the punishment and regrow quickly and with extra strength. If you tried that particular dance now I’m afraid your feet would always be in agony because they did not grow to move like hers.”
Mable’s face fell slightly. “Oh, well that’s unfortunate, I think I could have made a killing doing something like that instead of playing an instrument.”
“Why not some other kind of a dance? There are plenty you could do and maybe some not so intense that you might be able to still play at the same time. That would be a sight to behold, you dancing and being your own musical accompaniment,” I suggested.
“The only dancing I really know is mostly what the nobles do at balls and parties and a lot of that has a bunch of silly hand movements or is too slow and plodding to be much fun,” she explained, looking over a bit envious at the dancer as she passed us by. “I would need something fun and quick paced, really flashy and eye-catching.”
“There’s all sorts of folk dancing and you could play some of the traditional folk songs while you do. I've only been to a couple folk dances, but they are very energetic with lots of laughing and movement. I could see you doing a little country girl thing with a short skirt and farming boots.”
“Rose you might be onto something there,” Mable said, pointing her finger at me. “Once we’re down with what we have on the docket we need to find a folk dance going on nearby and I need to do some research. Maybe we both could get into it, a pair of dancers surely could be more entertaining than one.”
I didn’t want to squash her enthusiasm for her new idea, but I could not see myself as a dancer. It wasn’t that I was clumsy and wouldn’t have been good at it eventually, it just wasn’t something I felt I was naturally inclined to do very well or easily without a lot of work. Though, I wasn’t going to just seem like I agreed and she thought that I was agreeing to become her partner during her travels. I had no interest in the traveling bard life, I wanted to grow roots. My heart fluttered and my eyes wandered over to Garret as I thought about growing down roots somewhere. It was far, far too early to be thinking such things and madness to put my hopes in anything so new, but a girl could dream.
“We’ll see,” I said, “but, for now we need to talk to you.” Looking around the bar, it was far too noisy and crowded to safely talk without anyone potentially overhearing. “Probably outside, somewhere private.”
A look of understanding flashed through her eyes and she turned towards the door, pushing people gently out of the way and loudly excusing herself any time she bumped into anyone a bit too hard to be polite. Garret followed in the opening she was making, pulling me behind him by my hand. Just outside the door there were many people still waiting to get in and our leaving made them snap to attention and look meaningfully to the door man.
“Are you leaving for good?” Wallace asked.
“For now I think,” Garret answered.
Wallace nodded and waved through three people waiting nearest the door. There was a loud groan when he firmly stopped the fourth and fifth from entering the bar.
“Is it always that packed?” Mable asked, looking back briefly as she crossed the street to where the shops were closed and no one was around.
“On nights where there is a traditional performer, yes,” he explained. “People from my region miss the culture and music so any time we can find it we gravitate to it in droves. This is one of the few bars in the city that hosts these kinds of cultural events. I greatly prefer this one though since the owners are from my village.”
Once on the other end of the street and a bit down to where the people waiting would be out of earshot, Mable stopped and turned, her face a serious expression. “I assume Rose blabbed about what we’re going to be up to tonight.”
“She did and I’m wondering what exactly your plan was going to be with just you and her. I know you are skilled with illusions, but Rose here is just now discovering what she can do and would have not been much help on her own,” Garret said with a gentle, but still scolding tone. “I don’t think just the two of you would have been very safe and even if you did make it out, how do you even plan on proving anything?”
“We would have figured it out, we’re resourceful.” Mable turned to me with an excited look on her face. “You started experiencing magic?”
“Yes, the new bow and the changes to my fiddle seem to have made something in me change. It’s all very strange still.”
“That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you.” She gave me a tight hug.
“That is part of my point though,” Garret continued, “you were going to sneak into the castle with her as she was and hoped everything worked out. There is a decently high chance that the girl in the dungeon wouldn’t have been the only one on the chopping block on execution day if you get caught.”
“So we won’t get caught,” Mable said with a wave of her hand like she didn’t find the idea all that likely. “Besides, we have the invisibility cloak, no one will see us and we’ll just stroll in and out.”
“They might not see you, but they could still hear and smell you. What would happen if one of you tripped and fell out of the cloak? What would your plan be then?”
“Probably to run,” she said with a shrug, “but I don’t see that very likely to happen, we will just be careful. We’re not too lost little girls that you need to be all concerned about, we can take care of ourselves. Rose here has been on her own for years with little understanding of how the world even works and she’s made it okay so I think she’s a tough cookie and I’ve been all around to some of the seediest parts of this kingdom and I have come out unscathed as well.” Her face was indignant and a bit angry, her arms crossed on her chest.
“I wasn’t implying that you couldn’t take care of yourself,” Garret said.
“Yes you were,” she snapped.
He let out a long sigh and shook his head. “I wasn’t, I was merely trying to say that I think you’ve let yourself believe this isn’t going to be as difficult as it might turn out to be. If you are caught it is likely that people are going to think you were there to try to break the girl out of the dungeon. If they think that, they might think you were in on the assassination and no amount of trying to talk your way out of that is going to save you. You need a better plan than to just rush in and do it.”
“But we don’t have much time,” she countered, “the execution is soon. I don’t want to pass up the opportunity to get my dreams granted because I was too scared to take the chance.”
“You’re not going to have any chance to get that wizard to make your dreams reality if you are dead.” Garret turned to me and gave me a look that told me he wanted me to help him talk some sense into her.
“It is dangerous, that we can’t ignore,” I said. “I think we might be better off if the three of us come up with some kind of plan.”
Mable looked like she was about to argue with the idea of Garret coming with us, but he held up his hand to stop her words.
“Three is going to be better than two, if we get into any sort of fight or trouble there’s more likely to be a numbers advantage with three. Also I do have some skills that might end up being useful. If your wizard is so powerful to offer you such a generous reward, then it is probably not so much of a stretch to reward me as well. If that is not true and it would detract from either of your rewards, I simply won’t accept a reward for myself.”
“Fine,” she said sharply.
“Thank you, Mable,” I said with relief. “I feel much better having someone else there to help us.”
“Yeah, well, it might be nice to have someone to take the fall for us if we get caught. You know, two innocent girls being led astray by a manipulative gentleman.” I knew she intended it to sound like a joke, but there was something in her voice that let on that it was a real possibility if things got desperate.
“Do you want to tell your gentlemen goodbye and then we return to your inn to plan?” Garret asked, ignoring the hint that Mable might throw him to the wolves to save her own skin.
“They’ll figure it out,” Mable replied with a shrug. “They were not nearly as fun as I was hoping. Bleu kind of ruined the whole thing and the other three will find other girls to go home with tonight. Probably best that Bleu doesn’t know where I’ve gone off too or he might try to follow and ‘protect’ me. That will definitely get us found out, he’s not exactly subtle about anything.”
“Then let’s get going before they leave the bar to find you,” I suggested.
As if summoned to respond to the cue, I glanced over and saw the four men emerge from the bar, arguing loudly amongst themselves.
“You lost her!” one of them yelled accusingly.
“Get off with that! You did!”
“If we don’t find her soon, so help me I’m going to personally hold you responsible!”
“Me?! What am I supposed to be, her keeper?! I just met her today!”
“She probably left because you’ve been annoying and possessive all night!”
“I wouldn’t have to be if you didn’t stare at her the whole night!”
“Why shouldn’t I? She isn’t yours or she wouldn’t have invited all of us!”
“That’s it!”
The figure I assumed was Bleu launched himself at one of the other men and loud gasps and yelling broke out as the two of them collapsed to the ground and began to brawl in the street. It was hard to tell who exactly it was that he was attacking since it was dark, but I could tell it was one of the two guards who was much taller than him. Couple that with them being trained soldiers and I didn’t think Bleu was going to have a positive outcome. Mable grabbed my hand and pulled me further up the street away from the bar. Garret followed as we jogged away from the scene they were making, though he kept looking back as if he was considering breaking up the fight.
“Definitely don’t want them to find me now,” she muttered. “Idiots, why do I bother with men? I just don’t understand sometimes, nothing but trouble more than half the time.”
An urge to suggest that she consider perhaps not putting up the illusion of her being an absolute knockout crossed my mind, but it definitely felt like not the right time. Garret was right about what he said earlier though, she was doomed to attract all the wrong kinds of men for all the wrong reasons and the fight breaking out in the street was proof. She could do just fine for herself with her natural beauty and find someone who loved her for more than just to be candy on their arm to show off. It was a conversation I thought it was probably important to have with her at a later date, but soon.
We jogged all the way back to the inn, which was still brightly lit, though it looked like most of the nobles had gone to bed early for the night. Bri was out front sweeping away the extra royal decrees that had started to blow down the street and accumulate in doorways like leaves in fall.
“Hello there,” she said brightly, pausing her work to open the door for us. Her eyes fell on Garret, then a look of confusion and worry crossed her features. “Where is my son? I thought he was out with you.”
Mable let out a scoffing laugh. “He has made a right ass of himself, I’m sorry to be so blunt, but he has.”
“Oh no…” Bri sighed. “What did he do?”
“Treating me like he owns me and he hasn’t even known me a full day. I left him back at the bar where he was attacking someone else for the terrible crime of looking in my general direction. I’m sorry ma’am, but I could not stand by and be treated like I was his territory to defend.”
“I don’t blame you,” she said with another sigh. “I will have a very stern conversation with him while I tend to his wounds. I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you tonight to let you cool off and if you want to talk to him in the morning I will make sure he lets you be the one to approach.”
Mable nodded and gave the woman a small smile. “I figured you would understand, a pretty woman like yourself probably had similar issues before. I’m sure Mr. Livarot was not always the gentleman he is today.”
“You are very correct about that, I had to train him very well, I am unfortunately aware of where Bleu’s impulsivity and lack of thinking ahead comes from.” Her eyes wandered over to Garret and she gave him a short nod. “Is the gentleman staying with Rose tonight? I can have an extra pillow sent up.”
A flush washed over my body and I was pretty sure you could have fried an eye on my forehead.
“That would be lovely, thank you very much for your thoughtfulness, ma’am,” Garret said with a charming smile. He stepped forward and took her hand, kissing the back of it in greeting.
She let out a soft giggle and blushed a bit. “Haven’t had someone greet me like that in years. If you happen to sneak down and have breakfast in the morning with the girls, I won’t charge you a coin.”
“That is incredibly generous of you,” Garret said brightly, “I look forward to tasting your delicious cooking. Been a fair while since I had a nice home cooked meal.”
“Well then I’ll make sure your plate gets cooked fresh then, now you guys hurry up and get inside before my empty headed son comes stumbling back and making more trouble.”
Leaving her to finish her sweeping, we went up to Mable’s room and closed the door. For good measure she took the two rags next to the washing pitcher and stuffed them against the crack under the door.
“Let’s get to it, we need a plan and quick so we can slip out as soon as Bri is off dealing with her idiot son.”
Mable moved to where her bag was next to her bag and pulled out the cloak. “We have this and I think this is our best bet if we use it wisely, there are only three charges left.”
Garret gestured for her to hand him the cloak and then he turned it over in his hands, inspecting it and then he gave a nod. “This should work fine, we will just need to be careful, there will be a tight squeeze with the three of us, but we should manage. I have some tricks up my sleeve if we need them.”
“What kind of tricks?” Mable asked with a raise of her eyebrow.
“The kind that are best left a secret until deployed,” Garret said with a mischievous smile, “don’t worry, you can trust that with me you will be safe.”
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A story about a man who was never able to live life to the fullest, troubled by his useless pride and uncompromising principles. But he never regretted it, he refuses to ever be assimilated, to change for society, to be molded by a culture created predecessors he never knew. When the man was supposed to of died, a higher being gave him another opportunity at life in another world. A chance to be able to live again and live life to the fullest, unrestricted by the morals and ethics of his previous world. How will this man live his new life? This is an isekai story like many others that have been told before. TLDR: Cliche Isekai story This is the first story I ever made/wrote, I decided to try it out in the spur of the moment. I'm hoping to have fun with this, don't expect anything of quality in my writing. This story will be more of a wish-fulfillment so do not expect any intricate storyline and plot twist as I'm basically just chilling and writing w/e I'm in the mood to. Tags: R-18+, Dungeons, Slave Harem, Slice of Life, LitRPG, Male Lead, Selfish/Possessive Lead, Magic, Isekai.
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