《The Life of an Undercover Conqueror at Specialized High School》Chapter 5 - Sudden Change





From the previous meeting, we already know that a defier can be artificially created. But there's a catch, they are 'unstable' at best. Their profound emotion gets amplified, and if they lose control, they can't constrain their power properly anymore. But what if they couldn't restrain it anymore? What if they can't change back?

One week later at the next conference, that take place on a ship on the way to 'Greenland', there happened something that should not be happened. All of the seawater surrounding the island were colored crimson red, as if the water was blood.

Seeing those nightmare-fuel like sight straight from horror movie, everyone abroad the ship feels uncomfortable. The usually tough Admiral Schröder seems down, maybe because he thought this scene was possible due to his army failure to subjugate the demonic island itself.

"Alright let us continue our meeting. As you all knew, all of those crimson colored sea-water are the philosopher's stone itself. It's just a matter of time until all of the sea creature infected by the organism. At today meeting, we will be discussing about how to handle mass hysteria and the prophetic whirlwind. But permit me to tell you this first, due to the growth of the organism spiraling like crazy on the island. The predicted time is exponentially closer. Today we the researcher at the Genesis Lab and the army will work together to showcase you, what would come after the storm."

"We will arrive at the island shortly!"

"Today we will explore the demonic island itself. I don't know if it is a splendid idea or not, but I have a good feeling about this. Like something is calling for me there."

As the ship went near the sea of blood, they could feel the vibration getting stronger. They could feel the sea is rejecting them and want to flip them over.

"I did not foresee this at all. It seems like something knocking us from under the ship. Captain, turn back 180 degrees and maintain the distance."

But alas, as the ship turning. It can be felt something was grabbing into it. Something strong was towing it back to where it was.

"Look at that... W-what in the hell is that? K-kr-kraken? But how?"

As one of the leaders spoke, a slimy sticky giant tentacle appears out of thin air. How could a creature of massive size could not be detected sooner? How could the radar of the ship miss it? So many question yet so few time left till a disaster occur.

The octopus entire body painted in red, her eyes are as big as a fully grown adult also shine in red. Each 2 row of suction cups oozing purple liquid, and when this liquid comes in contact with the deck. It melts the steel. As if led being put in strong acid. The tip of the tentacles each has a solid red beak peeking from under its skin, and each tentacle move as if it has it's own mind. It's so nimble as if it could remove your limbs one by one without you feeling any pain at all.


Spoiler: Spoiler

What's scarier than watching your own body parts disappear one by one without feeling any pain at all?

"Holy Jesus God of Mother is that?!"

Every body panic, only some who are less human than the other don't. The admiral surveying his surrounding, searching for a week spot, but alas nothing comes up. The old Leonhart probably would have piss his own pants by now, but he is now presumably the least human from anyone abroad the ship.

He calmly and slow approaches the mighty Kraken, he chants 'wind, cut!' out loud shouting his lungs out. A huge razor sharp wind blade form from behind him, shooting with a tremendous speed. The wind blade cuts one of the tentacles, however the blade of the wind never reach the other end of the tentacles. Her regenerative ability is topnotch, she regenerates her tentacle faster than the blade could cut it.

"Hurry. Full power to the opposite direction. I'll buy some time."

The Kraken did not want to give its prey up. She rolled her four upper tentacles and launching them like a whip and her other four lower tentacles curling up like a cork and shoot out like a spear. The beak in her four upper tentacles ripped the ship apart and clawing to the body of the ship so it won't go away. And the other four lower tentacles pierce through the ship. When it goes deep into the ship, she opens each of the tentacles beak so it latches to the ship as if it was a grappling hook. Subsequently she pulled the ship back restraining it from moving any further.

Thinking of how to solve this conundrum. He thought to achieve that much level of coordination between the tentacles, her brain must rule each of it individually. When you chopped up life octopus, its wriggly tentacles still wiggle around, but not in unison. He just need to puncture the brain and cook it from inside out. A mere muscle memory is not going to be enough to hold this ship down anymore. Instead of treating each tentacle as an individual, he just needs to focus on the brain.

"Admiral Schröder, I have an idea that's probably worth a shot."

He whispers his brainchild to the Admiral.

"That's seem worth a shot. Alright, you slowpoke prepare a piercing missile and launch it just between her eyes."

His trained and most trustworthy crew always ready to listen to his order. Not questioning his decision at all.

"The missile is ready sir!"

"On my mark..."

As he commands his crew. The Kraken tore one of the propellers out, the vibration caused by this action is enough to knock even some of the adequately trained marines. Her war cries can be heard throughout the whole proximity. And as if she knows what would happen, she hides her crucial bits under the sea of blood. Which makes it harder for them to aim.

"God damn it!!!"

The Admiral curse really conveys all of their feelings.

"If it's like this we need a bait to lure her out."


"Good idea Professor Bloke. Alright, you slowpoke, who wants to be a volunteer?"

His crew faces grew paler in a matter of seconds. Nobody wants to be a volunteer. In the middle of the silence, a raising hand could be seen, a tiny small girly hand.

"No Jessica. Why would you do this to us?"

"It's okay, darling. Let me do it. I don't want to be a burden for you anymore."

"Absolutely not, you never were a burden to anyone, Jessica. All of the time I spent together with you always remain close to my heart."

"No it's not like that, I just don't want you to shoulder this duty alone. Because I know my dear, you will always be there for me even in my hardest time. And it could not be you either my dear, you need to heat the steel rod up and cooked it from inside out."


He hugged her, she cried in his shoulder. Only silence follows after that. They look into each other eyes, after acquiring mutual understanding. He lets her go. She walks to the stern of the ship.

Admiral Schröder who speechless until just now came back to reality. He didn't want to miss this chance that could be created due to her sacrifice.

The Kraken as if she could feel a prey got closer to her direction got her head up. Her four upper tentacles roll up preparing her self to whip her.

"Launch it now!!!"

The Kraken whips her tentacles at Jessica's direction.

The piercing missile shoot out from the chamber.

Leonhart strengthens the tip of the missile, heats it up, and spins the projectiles.

Immediately after a split of seconds had past, Leonhart sprint his life out. All of the memory between him and his beloved wife flashed before his eyes. He screams 'SHIELD HER!' as he see how close the tentacles are to his dear wife. He erected a thick wall colored red. He stumbles from his exhaustion hoping it is enough to save his one and only.

Jessica, who is at the front of all these events only could only accept her fate. Being only a normal human, she probably looks delicious in front of those large bulging eyes.

A barrier made purely out of desperation built to only be shattered within seconds of forming. Leonhart even if he stumbled and broke one of his leg severely, he still keeps trying his best. He run toward his wife, his only treasure in this whole world.

And seconds later his body feel really light, he dashes toward Jessica. And she involuntarily turns her back against the Kraken and smile really sweet to Leonhart.

A mere blur is the only way to describe the Kraken's tentacles. Jessica's untainted body becomes dyed in red, holes are everywhere within her body. Her radiant smile became jagged and disoriented. Not even a second of grace period was given to her.

Leonhart's heart broke. He can't feel anything anymore. He could only feel something being formed near his heart. He cried his soul out. He flew toward his now mutilated wife remains, that still standing with her disoriented smile. Her smiling face will forever etch in his mind. It will haunt him forever.

(Why? Why would all of this bullshits happened to me?)

(Isn't it enough God? You already took all of the person that cared for me, and now you took my only lifeline in this whole world?)

(If that what you want, then fuck this cursed world. Why would I protect such a world? A world that only can bring emptiness to those who live inside it. A world that only values economic growth more than anything. A world that stole everything from me.)

(I have lost all my faith in humanity. And now my wife, my only wife being a demon play thing. This isn't fair. Nope. Not fair at all.)

(In that case, if I can't acquire something that I genuinely cherished, something that I dearly yearn for. Then nobody else can.)

He hugged his wife and flew straight towards the Kraken. The tentacles tried to intercept him. But because his flaming anger, because he really despises the world, his flame combined with his wind 'traits' started to wreck havoc. Those two brewing a plasma storm, melting all of his surrounding.

The incoming tentacles melted like a rubber in wild forest fires.

Her instinct could only scream danger at his sight, and swim away to the depth of the ocean of blood. However, he lashes out his hand, reaping out her demon's core.

The deceiving calm after the storm. And only silence sorrow follows.

The demon's core melted, drenching him and his wife. The crimson colored liquid enveloping their body in the middle of the still ocean.

His wraths are piled up, not once not twice, the world has failed him.

The crimson liquid hardens, nurturing those flaming hot wrath.

Admiral's instinct screaming danger waiting to happen.

He observes his surrounding his crew and other world reader are not fit for all out combat.

"Maximum speed to the nearest inhabited island, this ship will not last much longer!!!"

"But Admiral what about Professor Bloke? Do we leave him out here?"

"Don't you all sense that he no longer a human being anymore? The Blokes are no more. All we can do for them are to appreciate for their brave actions, while they're still a human."

Nobody dares to raise a voice.

The sight of true love that forever frozen in time. The Blokes stuck inside a 'cocoon' made of crimson dust. His final action was quite the dramatic one, Leonhart kissed his wife while embracing the sudden change his body felt inside the cocoon.

(WHAT? WHAT THE HELL??? I can't control my power anymore.)

The sound of explosion was actually his doing. He only shouts and yet his surrounding were already destroyed beyond repair.

The only thing that he can feel is fear. He is afraid. Afraid of what? Maybe upsetting his parents even more due to his action? Who knows.

A fleeting feeling of insecureness swipe over his hollow empty shell like heart.

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