《The Life of an Undercover Conqueror at Specialized High School》Chapter 3 - The Dark Truth


After the break was over...

What await them was another session of bad news.

"Alright let's continue our conference.

Because the island was not big enough to contain the organism. It is predicted that in the near future a massive whirlwind is going to hit the 'Earth' from Southern and Northern Hemisphere. This gigantic whirlwind will carry the organism to across the world. The island we chose 'Greenland' coincidentally would be struck first in this humongous whirlwind. We as of now don't know where did the wind came from. Because all the data we have been projected for 10 years into the future did not predict this whirlwind whatsoever. Only in the near past, per se, one week before the meeting, we re-examined our data that has been drastically changed due to the fluctuation of electromagnetic field that are getting stronger by the hour in that island."

"Why don't you solve all the problem that you start yourself, huh?"

"Didn't I say this research is very crucial to the future of man-kind itself? Without this research we 'humans' could last at best for only 5 years top.

But with this research we could last forever. Could you comprehend a world where every energy resource is perpetual? There's no need for us to work anymore at generating more energy, because the sources will unlimitedly contribute something for us. We don't have to worry about the CO2 production rate increasing, because all the plant in the world would stop being eaten by the livestock. Could you envision such a world? Those are Utopias that us scientist of Genesis Lab has been pursuing all our lives."


The flaming anger at some of their eyes vanished into nothingness.

Leonhart Bloke assumes nothing wrong in his words. Because the world that we know of has changed since the last century. Global Warming, Air Pollution, Over Population, etc. have been the primary cause to this dying Earth.

"That's why we as the leading researcher of humanity took the initiative to start the gamble with our world at stake. We got nothing to lose anyways. And the result speaks for itself. The organism not only extending the life expectancy of some endangered species but also strengthening their genes. On one side they really are a true helper of nature. But on the other side we the literal destroyer of nature reaped what it should have been happening to us thousands of years ago. Survival of the fittest, the rule of the jungle. If Gods want to play some crazy game with us 'humans' go ahead. 'They' made this game, and as expected the Gods are really fair. Because surprise surprise, we 'humans' could get infected too."

"Wait, what do you mean by that? Do you expect all of us could turn into those 'savages' one day?"

"That's not what I want to convey. Have you heard from somewhere that other life-forms and us are inherently in different classes? In this case, it is precisely that, because we 'humans' have some genetic make-up that other being doesn't have. We named this set of genes Miracle Genes, due to it really was a 'huge' relief that we have these. Principally, these arrangements of genes resist the effect of organism as much as 99.995%. But here is the catch, not all of us, possess these genes. The one who doesn't, will die 100%, due to organism tried to take over the brain, thus messing up our nervous system and motor function.


At first when the wind hit, there will be a high temperature fever all across the world. The fever is the result of our intricate immune system fighting against organism, thus resulting inflammation everywhere within our body. If the human that doesn't have Miracle Genes in their DNA got infected with organism. They simply died after suffering from agonizing pain within the first week. Their body will form bruises all over their body and boiled from the inside out due to the heat. And only a small percentage of us that have Miracle Genes in their DNA would survive this world-class catastrophe, as if it was a joke."

Everyone in the room all share the same thought 'we're all doomed'.

"You're making fun of us right now, aren't you?? Please tell us that you're just jesting with us."

A face full of denial.

"Sorry but i'm not joking at all. Only one-third of humanity have this Miracle Genes. Those of you who don't? Please accept my condolences.

Still, if you think about it our gift from Gods should be the same as the other being. We could evolve into new being never seen before. Maybe some of us that survive that catastrophe will gain new power to support humanity. As a prove to my statement. Here, take a look."

Leonhart unfasten his collar to reveal what appear to be an almost connected ring shape bar at his neck.

"I volunteered to start the experiment on myself. I, Leonhart Bloke, coincidentally have Miracle Genes on my body."

He punched down the podium, that stand in front of him. With just one punch the strong podium that made of ironwood tree shattered to pieces.

The strength that he displays, only one word is enough to describe it, 'inhuman'.

"That's still hurt, but on the optimistic side I don't have any bruise whatsoever in my hand."

He showed his hand to the audience.

No wound could be found on his hand.

"All that seriousness and now you conducted a party trick? Get real!!!"

He clenched his fist and aims his finger near the raging audience head.

A burst of small flame enough to wield steel shot out like a laser from his finger.

"Who say that this is only a party trick? I even do experiment on my own body and yet you dare to make fun of me?"

"It seems you forgot your dose of suppressant today, Leonhart, please take it easy."

One woman, but not just any woman, she is his beloved wife. Jessica Bloke. Took out a syringe and plunged it into his pulmonary vein, while hugging him from behind. Immediately his body got unconscious. So his wife takes over the conference and...

"My apologies but let's continue this meeting tomorrow at the same time as today."

A profound sadness could be seen in one of her eye. A slight hint of regret in the other.

You could say that due to the experiment, his emotion can get amplified easily causing harm to the other.


Tomorrow on the exact time the meeting were arranged.

The audiences could only wear a stern face.

The audiences went through many emotional trips yesterday.

"I extend my apologies due to my unsightly display yesterday evening. I myself planned to retire as the Head of Genesis Lab as soon as it's possible, and invest all my time to the research. My last research. Today I want to explain about how can I done something so outrageous like yesterday. Don't worry I took twice as much dosage of suppressants compared yesterday."

At this point their faces relaxed for a little bit then continued to pay attention to him.

"Firstly please take a look at this diagram. On the left side of the diagram there's a picture of a dormant Miracle Genes and on the right side of the diagram an active Miracle Genes. Inherently there are some of us that have an already active Miracle Genes, and there's also some that have a dormant one. The one who got an active Miracle Genes able to use this world defying power like i did. The one who don't, they are just, what is called a normal human in the near future."

Everybody paying attention to what he is saying as if their life depending on it.

"The one who have it naturally seems to be able to manipulate the power more freely. And more importantly their emotion didn't get amplified such as me yesterday. Inherently there are some of us that have an already active Miracle Genes, and there's also some that have a dormant one."

"Then if that's the case..."

"Bingo. Congratulation Admiral Schröder. As you can see when you tried activating the naturally dormant ones, there's a side effect. Every emotion you feel whether you were tired or bored got amplified by multiple times. But we still don't know what would happen if I stepped out the save boundary. Would I be able to change back to a normal 'human' or will i be categorized as a Demon."

His expression changed, he feels isolated, in fact he is the only one in the world who has this kind of shoe.

"The active Miracle Genes together with organism, creating a path-way in our bodies. Connecting our intellect and feeling together. For example if i shoot out a laser like fire at Admiral Schröder but never really mean anything by it. The fire will feel like nothing at all. Care to try admiral?"

"Alright, let's do this."

A beam of fire shoot out from his finger to the admiral hand.

"How does it feel admiral?"

"It feels a little bit warm, but not enough to hurt anybody even a baby."

After stopping the flow of organism through his finger, the fire stopped.

"And now let's complete a demonstration. Jessica if you don't mind bring me a 10 cm wide sheet of steel please."

His wife Jessica brings it with a help of a trolley dedicated for display purposes. And after placing it parallel to the back stage curtain, she goes back to the back stage.

"And if I really mean it, witness it for yourself."

The beam of fire passing through the sheet of steel like a hot knife through butter.

At this spectacle anybody in there just stare at it dumbfoundedly.

"Thus, we the one who could defies the rule of the world could be called a Defier. And the science behind these phenomena is as follow. We the Defiers are controlling the organism within our body. Then due to the path-way that these Miracle Genes and organism create that basically linking our brain and heart to our own Demon's Core. Thus, we defiers are able to alter the world phenomenon as we wish. And if just now I demonstrated something that a heart did, now I will show you something the human mind can do, if they're a defier of course."

He operates the button on the podium and a few seconds later a vertical maze popped up from the stage floor.

"First the easy one, for me chanting the word out make it easy for me to focus. Hey, fire, spin."

He summoned a candle sized fire at the top of his index finger, then as he said the word spin the fire started to spin.

"Go faster, now."

The fire while small in size but has a very strong rotational force. And as a result it looked like he threw a chakram with an excessively rotational speed, but very slow velocity on its continuous motion. And the moment the fire hit the sheet of steel. It sliced through it as if someone wields a sword and slashes through it. After it had landed on the target, it vanished as if it was programmed to do so.

"And for the simple maze it only need to go straight, up, then straight again. Once again this is only my own method of chanting it outside my head to amend my concentration. Forward, up, forward, now."

The beam of fire successfully completed the maze.

A round of applause could be heard in the audiences seats.

"That's the end of today conference, we should schedule another meeting about how to handle the whirlwind and on how to avoiding mass hysteria. I will personally tell you the where and when the meeting place is. Thank you."

A satisfied smile on an isolated man's face probably is the most admirable thing that happened in that meeting.

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