《The Life of an Undercover Conqueror at Specialized High School》Prologue - The Beginning of The End



It is neither a product of fantasy nor legends, as it should have been anymore.

We humans thought it won't be possible to summon a scorching fire and a freezing ice, as we wish.

We humans thought magic was just a product of wild imagination.

When we read the Greek mythology or even folklore, we believed how in the world is this possible.

Magical beasts, that defy all of our logic.

A human, that is able to resist them.

Well for some reason all of that become reality. Starting from spring 2100 AD, spreading from Northern and Southern Hemisphere to the Equator. A mass whirlwind of crimson red dust like particle sweep all over the world. At first few weeks after this world class catastrophe, billions of people went sick. A few weeks later two-thirds of the world population simply died. Our lovely world became a sorrowful mass grave. This was the first of the predicted seven world-class catastrophe.

Nonetheless, there is an unexpected Gift behind this catastrophe.

We Humans, that are left, are resistant to the Crimson Dust. And even some of us can control the crimson dust particle that are practically everywhere in the world. Some who can wield this world defying power are called Defier. A defier can control the crimson dust freely, constituting a stellar explosion, brewing a storm, make plant grow at an accelerated rate, and so much more.

28 January 2101 AD

Exactly one year after the crimson dust disaster. After many conference involving practically every lead figure around the world, it was decided that the only area deemed fit for human to live are only the Equator. The Northern and Southern Hemisphere were unsuitable for humanity anymore. So now the Equator was divided into four regions based on their ancestry.

The region, where the Americans and Canadians are residing in, is called USAC (United States of America and Canada).

The region, where the Africans are residing in, is called NUA (New Unified Africa).

The region, where the Europeans are residing in, is called NEU (New European Union).

The region, where the Asians and Australians are residing in, is called AAAN (Association of Asian and Australians Nations).


Spoiler: Spoiler

Summer 2102 AD

Another year had gone by after the first catastrophe. A wave of demonized animal came from Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The animals became so different, a lion that got a goat head on its back and a snake for tail, a flower that attracts humans to their death, a wasp as big as water bottle and from its sting flows a deadly venom. The people who are in the dark about the reason behind all this madness could only stay and pray for their safety. The military from all of the regions was working in unison, because their own life depended on the success of this mission. However, for some reason bullets didn't work, it couldn't penetrate their thick outer armor like skin.

Subsequently a scientist proposes a new idea, "What if we change the bullet alloy from lead to something else?".

For exactly three days this idea worked, but on the fourth day, it didn't work anymore. Because changing the alloy from steel to gold and other rare material seems so stupid, they decided to abandon this idea.

Until one day, a defier and his family who live near the border to Wilderness get attacked by Demons. This event awoke his trait. He focused all of his mind, and he tried controlling the crimson dust particle that's practically everywhere. He made a scorching hell surrounding his family and even made a shield against heat.

All of the demons got cooked alive.

Due to this event, the defier became a race above the normal humans. Immediately following this event, the defier from all over the world swore to defend the world. Thus, born Demon-Slayer-Battalion (DSB), an international organization which fought against the demons.

Fall 2102 AD

The demons invasions are not only getting bigger, but also getting stronger. Humanity got pushed back, all of the four-region decided it was most efficient to erect a wall surrounding all of their border. It was created with crimson dust particle, and it was found to be the most effective method against the demons. So due to this most of the defier worked as a [Wall-Maker], because only them that can control this crimson dust particle, and because the walls needed to be there all the time. The workload divided by four shifts, one shift every six hours. Until the government had enough money to erect one, that is better than the makeshift crimson dust walls.


Then miraculously, a professor at the Genesis Lab found a way to extract the crimson dust energy. From all of the demon that had been slain, there's a core somewhere near their heart. The core that made of concentrated crimson dust used as a new source of energy. When placed on a specialized generator made of crimson dust combined with cooper, silicon, and quartz, it created a bit of electrical energy, even though it is small in current, it is perpetual. In the future presumably, all of the energy source will come from the Demon's Core.

Not long after that discovery, the same professor also had a marvellous idea of melting the cores to erect even starker walls. When the demon's core placed in a vacuum chamber and flooded with plasma, it will slowly but surely melt. But hard to believe more than 90% of the crimson dust came back to particle instead of melting so this work is so tedious to do. Later it was known that higher tier demon has a finer demon’s core. Since all of the demons that attacked all four regions still Tier 1, it is not confusing as to why only 10% are viable for us to use. The first thing that the Genesis Lab made was a brick made of crimson dust.

Then finally after one year of collecting demon’s core, enough brick had been made, and the first wall made fully of crimson dust erected. The wall was built by combining human intelligence and the brick indestructible attribute, with the power of modern architecture and state of the art technology. Even explosive such as C4 couldn't destroy it. This wall was named after the scientist who found the way to melt the demon’s core and made it into a brick, Edward le Brickkopf.

2150 AD

Then after the condition of the world was stabilized, in case of other world-class catastrophe all of the four regions separately and steadily were grooming a new race called a defier, the one who defies the rule of the world. Because of these all four regions tried to make a new education program, thus born Specialized High School. Normally a defier power will slowly grow overtime, because of this reason, when a defier came of age of 15 their power was being measured, when it was deemed to be enough a defier could enter Specialized High School.

However due to educators that's also a defier are very limited, there is only 100 new recruits every year. 50 was called Unique the other 50 was called Bland.

The Unique got a full-time education with educator.

the Bland got a terminal desk, filled with data crucial for study and a study curriculum to back it up.

There are four of these kind of high school in each of the region.

The First Specialized High School located in AAAN, specialized in anti-demon combat utilizing high-class trait and magic.

The Second Specialized High School located in NUA, specialized in rural anti-personnel combat.

The Third Specialized High School located in NEU, specialized in research and development of magic and trait.

The Fourth Specialized High School located in USAC, specialized in mass area bombardment with magic.

Don't you notice something wrong?

Where is the Russians?

They decided to go separate ways with the rest of the world.

Because of this, they still live in their designated land.

They also refuse to stay connected with the rest of the world, so currently there is no information whatsoever involving this country.

Who knows, maybe they also develop some kind of weapon to protect their kind?

We as of now also don't have any information regarding their stances, are they neutral or are they enemies, nobody knows.

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