《RPG: Blithe》Chapter 4


Mateo looked at his departing assailant, with tears and runny snot flowing down his face, his pants wet and damp, soaked through with piss, he still had one hand clutching his neck and the other grasping at the direction of his escaping killer. Stupid, I'm so stupid, I danced with the devil tonight and I was too stupid to see the imminent danger that was oozing from the man, is this how it all ends?

Useless thoughts racing through his mind, he wanted to live, there were still things that he wanted to see and do. But he was growing weaker with each second, there was no pain only the sensation of being numb, his will to live dwindling down like a fire losing its oxygen. With faint eyes, I look back at the bright sphere floating in the sky,

"I...It..is.....I..ndee..d....be...uti...ful" a pained croak was all he could muster in the end. A bright crimson red ball was all that was reflected in his dark brown eyes.

This was the final image Mateo visualised before his eyes grew dim, his cold lifeless body lay there on the cold stillness, on the soft wet grass, his right hand clutching the blades of grass, the other hand still clutching his pale neck, around him a pool of blood widening ever so slightly.

Suddenly, a bright white light encapsulated his eyes,

"where am I?,....wait who am I?",

A weird sensation he thought, this sound came from his mind, he touched his mouth and tried to speak but he couldn't.

"That's strange" again that weird sensation, he couldn't believe it, sound was played in his mind rather than through his mouth, the weird thing was; he didn't even have a mouth, he 'touched' nothing.

What he used to touch, in other words his arms and hands were nowhere to be seen. He had sight but his eyes were nonexistent.


[Hello], a dominating sound emanated from above him, this was also a weird feeling because he didn't know the difference between up or down it was like he was in a constant state of spinning.

The dominating sound he believed came from above but in truth it was all around him. He instinctively looked up and saw a gigantic ball of radiant light,

[You are here and yet you are everywhere. Your name is Mateo Rosario Reiner, age 21, only child, American nationality, Name of Father: Joshua Rosario, Asian ethnicity, Deceased, Name of mother: Deirdre Reiner, European ethnicity, Alive]

"That's right...Mateo" then many images flowed into his spiritual mind reminding him of the past and recent events that took place in his short life, scenes of happiness, sadness, anger, desperation, love, sickness and fear. This occurred almost instantly like the detonation of a nuclear explosion, but inside his mind.

Then he remembered that grin, "I'm dead?" he saw a mans blurred face, he tried to remember his exact appearance but no matter how hard he tried to recall nothing came up but a viscous smile and a red eye.

[Yes and No, your past self is no longer existing but the current you does, you were destined to live a long life at the age of 88 but an error has occurred leading to your unfortunate circumstance]. Mateo tried to piece together the vague answers given by the strange entity and asked,

"Who are you" reluctantly.

[I am everything and I am nothing at the same time, a God in the eyes of humans] what does that mean? Why is it so contradictory, a God?

"But I am not religious, how can that be?" He was under the impression that you couldn't enter heaven unless you were a devout believer, wait am I in heaven? No it said that I currently exist meaning I'm alive.


[What you think is correct, this is not my heavenly domain but rather a temporary rift in reality where only you and I exist. To answer your former question, although it is encouraged to believe in a God, it's necessary to accommodate a spirit in the afterlife no matter if he is religious or not. One can not simply be forgotten for all of eternity, everything has its place] in essence everyone is sent to a place to which they belong.

"Temporary rift, what does that mean".

[It means that you are in a state of error, your destiny has been nullified by an unexpected trigger therefore it is for me to decide where you will go, originally you belong to my heavenly domain but now you are an anomaly].

Anomaly? Like a glitch in the system? Wait it said originally so I must have been destined for a specific course but where does that put me now?

[I have decided to give you another chance since your time is not over yet, however, I can not control where you will sprout as an individual, after all I am not omnipotent]

Suddenly, the area or the 'rift' began to shake uncontrollably, he could see black horizontal lines appearing everywhere much like a glitched computer screen, [Its time for us to part for now, Farewell Mateo]

"Wait! Wait please wait" screamed Mateo in his mind but silence was all he received.

Eventually everything was devoured by a swift darkness that embraced his everything. For what felt like an eternity, he opened his eyes to the sight of a smiling woman, sun glaring in the background. She was a beautiful woman he thought, deep crimson hair which ran along the back of her head further extending on, she had big hazel eyes which appeared orange in the sunlight and a bright smile which was different from that awful grin.

He was then moving in a rocking manner, his entire body was. He screamed in his mind but in reality he was crying as he was in the arms of a woman presumably his mother, gently rocking him in a consistent range of motion. He calmed down a bit and saw the mouth of the woman moving up and down as if she was talking but what came out was a series of intangible sounds nothing close to the sound of English. It was like hearing Latin for the first time. Then he looked at his hands and was relieved to see that they were there but wait they're a little too small? "Wait I'm a goddamn baby?? What the fuck!" More importantly thought the little guy, he glanced downwards towards his grand jewels and was overcame with extreme relief,

"At least I'm still a male".

In his mother's perspective, she saw her baby opening his eyes for the first time but suddenly he started screaming and crying so she gently rocked him in an effort to calm him down and after awhile he finally did so and he fell sound asleep. She was also getting tired due to the pregnancy, there was a sudden error in the birth process earlier which put her life in danger but she pulled through miraculously and only gained consciousness a few moments ago. She looked up and smiled at her husband, she held his hands as she lost consciousness again, sound asleep like the baby in her arms.

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