《Tales Of Narcinica》V2 Chapter 3 - Erie Nights


Noah was walking through the back alleys of Solitude. He loved the calm and scary alleys because it was an opportunity to calm down before going back to the dreaded lifestyle he lived. It was way too chaotic and sometimes peace is all you need. In the sooner days of Solitude's defeat he would usually put Shadow in charge of the kingdom. The stress was too much.

Chants in the distance got louder. He hated the Terminians and wish he could just snap them away like Thanos. Sadly nothing would stop it just got worse. Day by Day more people started to invade Solitude. Day by day more people left Solitude. Nobody could live like Solitude did. The fact that people were still willing to stay in Solitude was a surprise enough.

Solitude resisted all the fights that came their way.

They would keep resisting for a long time. They often did not get enough credit for their fighting tactics and defense techniques.

Caleb was under immense pressure also. Everyday tending to soldiers and every night. He slept 3 hours a day and if he was not sleeping he was helping out soldiers. Everyone was under immense pressure and if one button got pushed the kingdom would crumble.

Shadow was abnormal for she only needed an hour of sleep to keep in healthy shape. She could fight all day and not be tired. She did not have trouble with any of the attacks. She in fact enjoyed the fighting and loved spying. Shadow was not having any trouble with any of this. She had a power that only a few people had. She had the ability to turn into a wolf at anytime she wanted. This helped her greatly with her spying. She was having a blast with the fighting and usually looked on the bright side. You could call her an optimist.


Josiah was spying and bringing intel to Solitude. Since he was older nobody would think much of him since he is just a poor old man. He also did not have much trouble with the all day everyday cycle of being awake. He was under pressure just like Caleb though. If he did not deliver he would suffer for it along with all of Solitude. He and everyone in the kingdom had a crucial job that everyone had to do. Young men were trained to fight the moment they turned fifteen. People started protesting in the kingdom. A few riots broke out but those were just the people who had no job. All the riots that did break out were easily fixed by giving the rioters work to keep them busy.

It was an all day everyday struggle. Everyone was sick of it and Terminia was bragging about their divided kingdom that looked as if it was in good shape. Solitude had no allies and they could not call on anyone to help them. Solitude regreted not having allies. They had to get over it though. Solitude was alowly planning on ending the wars once and for all.

I thought Solitude was doing great as I was studying abroad. They really were good at keeping secrets. They even hid secrets from the High Court. The kingdom Solitude had once grown to was now gone and practically did not exist anymore. They grew and fell in a matter of months. That is how fast things can change and they experienced it first hand.

They still had a long ways to go and they needed all the help they could get. The help was not coming and not all stories have a happy ending.

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