《Regulating Miracles》(8-3) An Epilogue on Family


Location: My Room, Oldridge Residence

Time: 5:27 PM, January 6th 2108

“Olivia, what are you wearing?”

I knew what she was wearing, but my brain was too busy recording the sight to say anything else.

“A maid outfit! Idols dressed as maids are really popular. I figured I should let you see my new costume first, as a reward for rescuing me.”

“A reward? I don’t need one.”

“You say that, but you’re staring really hard.”

“Me? Staring? No, not possible. I’m just taking in the sights. It would be more insulting not to. There’s a world of difference between not needing a reward and ignoring one.”

“Okay, but even for an idol, this level of attention is too strong. Can you take in the sights without such an intense look on your face?”

“No. You’ve caused this, now accept the consequences. What gave you the idea to become a maid idol?”

“Jenifer. I asked her for advice, and she said you’d definitely like it if I got a maid costume.”

That annoyed me more than I’d ever admit, but still, good job, Jenifer!

“Should I be asking how she knew your tastes so well?”

“No, don’t worry about that. Jenifer is Jenifer. Let’s get on to more important matters.”

I approached Olivia and started to wrap my arm around her body, but a knock on the door stopped me from completely ensnaring her.

“Attention, attention. I’m about to enter the room. Please be prepared for someone to enter the room. And for the record, I’m not interested in any group activities, so please keep the scene I’m walking into family friendly.”

An annoying voice was coming from the hall.

I moved away from Olivia and opened the door. Jenifer was staring back at me. She tilted her head and looked past me, seeing Oliva, the maid idol.


“Heh.” A knowing smirk appeared on her face.

“Shut up. Thanks. Don’t say it. What do you want?”

“I hate to break this private concert up, but the master of the house has requested your presence in the drawing room.”

“Can he wait?”

“That depends. Should I ask Olivia how long this will take?”

“I get it, I’m going. Olivia, wait here. And no matter what happens, don’t change.”

I left my room and started heading toward the drawing room. I was hopeful it wouldn’t take long, but I knew it would. He wouldn’t waste his time setting up in the drawing room for me. He had to be entertaining guests.

Once I reached the drawing room I approached my uncle.

“What do you need?”

“That’s hardly a way to talk to your benefactor.”

“Did you want me to pretend to be a more respectful subordinate in front of your guest?”

“No, it doesn’t matter. She’d have seen through your act instantly. That’s one of reasons I am loath to involve you in this.”

The woman he was talking about was sitting alone on the far side of the room. She was gracefully drinking a cup of tea, completely ignoring our conversation. Her youthful face contrasted with her regal demeanor and exquisite clothing. She looked more like a doll after a particularly high class game of dress up.

“Oliver, this is Princess Elodie Esterhaert, one of the many children of the Pacific Empire’s reigning monarch. She’s also the older sister of the prince who’s caused us no shortage of problems. But most importantly, she’s the one I plan on making a treaty with, and the one we’re going to make sure becomes the next Empress.”

“I’ll be needing a favor from you.” Her voice didn’t match her appearance. Despite the first words she spoke to me being a demand I couldn’t find any fault in them. She gave no room for debate or negotiation. I wanted to think it was some kind of augmentation, but it wasn’t. When it came down to it, she was just more charismatic than I was. “Make sure you participate in your boss's new hobby. And help train your sister and cousin up to a reasonable level. They’ll be useful as well.”


As if my family wasn’t trouble enough. Now I had to involve myself with perhaps the most infamous family on the continent. Despite meaning nothing to me, it seems I’m a man that can’t escape the bonds of chain us all. Unfortunately, even at the end, this was still an epilogue on family.

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