《Regulating Miracles》(6-0) A Conclusion on Lies (Alec Alexander)


I was skipped, clearly I was skipped. In what world does seven come before six? Ah, I was forgotten. Isn’t there a limit to how far you can take a joke?

Whatever, I’m over it. No reason to keep complaining about it. It’s not like anyone would care to listen. Sure, they’ll nod their heads and say ‘yeah, sure,’ but that’s just a cheap act that everyone pretends to believe. In the end, people are really only interested in talking about themselves.

Myself included. The only difference is that I don’t bother pretending otherwise. I don’t see the point in trying to hide that universal truth. We’re all just waiting for a chance to talk.

About what we love, but more often than not, about what we hate. It’s impossible to resist the temptation of complaining about what you truly detest.

And everyone has things that they hate. It’s perfectly normal to hate things. Society has tried to attach a negative stigma to hate, but I’m not buying it. Hate is good. I love to hate. Because, I mean, some things deserve to be hated. And I think we can all agree on that. We might not agree on what those things are, but we can agree that they exist.

People have foods they hate, animals they hate, movies they hate, all kinds of things like that.

What do I hate? Lots of things. But I should probably pick one, right?

I hate whenever you ask someone what they dislike, and they say ‘nothing.'

I hate whenever you ask someone what they want, and they say ‘anything.’

I hate whenever someone says ‘I don’t know,’ when they actually do.

I hate whenever someone says ‘you look fine,’ when you don’t look fine.

I hate whenever people talk at each other and pretend it’s a conversation.


I hate whenever someone tells you ‘it’s not your fault,’ when it most definitely was.

I hate lies. I hate the small lies no one thinks twice about. I hate the lies no one challenges. I hate lies of convenience. I hate that we live in a world where it’s my job to read between the lines, between the lies, to see the truth. Just like everyone hates, everyone lies. And I hate them all.

You don’t want to cause any strife? Give me a break. The kind of people who lie because they lack any kind of conviction are the most unpleasant.

I’d much rather face bad news directly than hear an endless stream of empty words. Forced kindness for the sake of it is more painful than the truth could ever be.

Sometimes the reality of a situation can be unpleasant. A lie will always be more of a headache. Eventually it will come back around. Maybe it’s just my lack of social awareness, but I really can’t deal with things like that.

Basically, I’m just whining about not being adept enough to fit in with common social etiquette. But, hey, at least I’m not trying to lie about it.

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