《Regulating Miracles》(7-5) My Involvement


Location: Oldridge Residence, Mistress Oakley’s Room

Time: 15:24 4/1/08

After silently watching over Mistress Oakley from her shadow for over an hour I was starting to think I made the wrong choice. By that point Alli and Emi Emi could have been killed while I was waiting for an assassination attempt that never came.

How long until I could assume no one was coming? Either way, I couldn’t stay in her shadow much longer. I was trying not to use too much power, but channeling energy from the information dimension for that long was too hard on my body.

How would Mistress Oakley feel when I revealed myself? When I had to explain that I used my only two friends as bait to make things safer for her.

She would be upset, obviously. Rather than hate me, she would hate herself. She would never blame me for prioritizing her, only herself for being a person that needed prioritizing. That was what I wanted to avoid at all costs. That’s why I was trying so hard to remain hidden.

Still, Alli made her choice. It was probably the right one. I could admit that, even if I wasn’t willing to make it myself. Protecting Mistress Oakley was my responsibility. I couldn’t be out playing with friends while I was supposed to be on the clock.

Although, I should probably be more apologetic toward Emi Emi. I actually pulled her away from the safety of the ARA before abandoning her. She didn’t even get a chance to voice her opinion.

My internal monologuing was interrupted by someone entering Mistress Oakley’s room. The intruder wasn’t rushing, nor was there any sign of a struggle. They were allowed free passage.

That was what I was worried about. Someone that the house’s security would overlook.


“Hey! Oakley! You wouldn’t believe the day I had. How could they treat an idol like that!”

The younger Olive barged into the room, ignoring that fact that Mistress Oakley was deaf.

After organizing what she could understand through reading the younger Olive’s lips, Mistress Oakley grabbed her notebook and wrote a quick message.

‘Are you okay? What happened? They wouldn’t tell me what happened.’

Mistress Oakley seemed to be just as willing as the security to overlook her presence. I couldn’t blame her. I won’t let anyone blame her. The younger Olive’s acting was perfect, even I couldn’t detect anything off about her.

But when facing a competent enemy the least suspicious tactic should be regarded as the most suspicious. How easily the younger Olive was able to gain access to Mistress Oakley should be a red flag to any bodyguard.

I already proved my willingness to sacrifice my friends, did the enemy really think I wouldn’t treat a member of my Mistress’s family with hostility? I already decided that I was unwilling to take any risks.

“Can you believe it? They took me hostage! I mean, I understand fans can get passionate about their favorite idols, but that was too far!”

I let the younger Olive continue to walk toward Mistress Oakley. I wanted to wait until their shadows crossed, then I would make my move.

Only that moment never came.

Ignoring the security stationed outside her room, the older Olive blew open the doors to Mistress Oakley’s room.

“You picked the wrong voice to imitate. The one thing I’d never overlook.”

Pointing his arm at his sister, the older Olive snapped.

As a hole was blasted through her body she started to change. The form of the younger Olive was replaced with that of an older man.


I appeared from Mistress Oakley’s shadow in order to block her from the blood spray.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

Everything I did ended up meaning nothing. Despite putting Alli and Emi Emi at risk someone still came for Mistress Oakley. But even then, it was solved without my involvement. All I did was keep her clothes clean. If I’m really that pointless shouldn’t I have just done whatever I wanted instead of agonizing over it like an idiot?

As my laughs died down I turned to face Mistress Oakley and started to sign a message to her.

‘Sorry, there’s somewhere I need to go.’

Still in shock her hands were shaking too much to properly sign anything back. That’s just as well, because I was planning on leaving without waiting for a response either way.

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