《Regulating Miracles》(5-6) Sara Decided to Think


Location: Park

Time: Wednesday Afternoon

The rain had stopped, so Sara was relaxing leisurely by a lake in the park. The downtown park. It wasn’t raining for very long. Still, Sara made the right choice. The icy woman managed to hit Sara, to cut Sara’s skin. The information lady was right. Fighting her was a bad idea. Maybe Sara could win. Hard to say. The icy woman’s ability was confusing.

Slightly embarrassing. Sara wasn’t going to talk about it any more. Sara skipped all the bad stuff.

What next? Sara wasn’t sure. Right? Right. Sara needed someone to tell her what to do. What decision to make.

Who could help Sara? No one. Sara abandoned the mission. Can’t go back to them. Not yet. Needed time to cool off. Maybe they’re dead. Sara’s phone had been ringing too much, so Sara dropped it in the lake.

“Someone come to help Sara!”

Sara was yelling out to the universe.


The universe yelled back.

A figure fell from the sky. She was riding on a sheet of metal. Sara watched as she crash-landed in the lake. The area surrounding Sara was splashed with water, but Sara remained dry. Mostly. Sara was still a little wet from the rain.

Then Sara watched the figure swim, and then crawl out of the lake; rolling onto her back once she reached land. Sara walked over and stood above her face.

“Ah, great. Why did I ever think being an intern would be any better? I must have been absolutely horrible in a past life.”

The universe made sure to deliver the right person to Sara. The lines on her face were glowing bright. Sara’s wife must have been fighting.

“Who are you fight-”

Wait. Sara stopped talking. Sara decided to think. Remember what Red said. Remember what the information lady said.


“What’s your name?”

“Emelia Emin.”

“You busy?”

“You could say that.”

“Have any plans?”

“I could really use a solid plan right about now.”

“Want to make plans?”

“If I could make plans that were halfway decent I wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Anything else?”

“Nope, not really. I tried working with the feds for a little bit, clearly that didn’t work either. I’ve somehow ended up in the same situation again.”

“So, a date then?”


“Hmm? Of course.”

Sara continued to look down at Sara’s wife. Right? Wrong. Emelia. Sara continued to look down at Emelia.

“I’ve got to say, seeing as my entire body hurts and there’s not much I could do about it, your current kidnapping plan isn’t that great.”

“Kidnapping? No, Sara is finished with that. She kidnapped the girls earlier.”

“I saw the footage, but I was referring to myself.”

“You? No, that’s over. Sara didn’t get you the first time, so that mission went away. Besides, Sara doesn’t really work with those people anymore.”


“Hmm. Of course.”

“Then why are you here?”

“To relax. That’s why Sara does most things.”

“So you’re not working with that guy? The one in the hat who talks like he can’t remember what day it is.”

“Oh, Hatta. You know him? Small world.”

“And it seems like most of it is trying to kill me.”

“Makes sense. Hatta went to talk with the Prince. He probably told him to burn up loose ends. Crispy. Don’t worry about that. Sara wants you to survive, so you’ll be fine.”

Someone like Hatta can’t overrule Sara. The big sparky one could kill Emelia though.

“I don’t understand, I really don't understand. Are you with that guy or not?”


“Was. Sara left them. For now. Maybe Sara will go back later. Sara doesn’t really have anywhere else to go. And Sara forgot until now, but Sara will need to get new medicine at some point.”

“So then what are you doing with me?”



“Successfully so. Sara is doing a good job. The conversing is easy when you can’t run away.” Maybe Sara should keep her tied up always.


“Love, obviously. Sara is making date plans. Get it?”


“Sara’s wife, obviously. Ah, no. Emelia.”

“Ah, well, it seems like I’m missing a piece of this puzzle.”

“No reason to worry. Everything will work out for Sara. Where should we go? When? Right now? Right now.”

“Um, that’s not really possible at the moment. I’m a little preoccupied.”

“Get unoccupied. Easy.”

“Not easy. My life is currently being targeted, remember?”

“Oh, that? Just get rid of Hatta. With Sara’s help it will be easy.”

“You’ll help?”

“For the date.” Sara learned negotiation from watching the information lady and Red.

Emelia closed her eyes and sighed.

“So, if I’m understanding even a fraction of this, you’re not working with the guy who sent me flying across the park?”

“Not at the moment.”

“And you’ll help me get rid of him?”

“For the date, yes.”

“And by date, you mean what exactly?”

“The romantic variety, obviously.”

“Yeah, sorry, I’m definitely still missing something.”

“Don’t think about it. With Sara around everything important will be found without looking. Just agree.”

Emelia closed her eyes and let out a short scream.

“Alright. I really need to stop taking deals from the people I’d just been running from, but alright. There’s no way this works out the way I want it to. Still, why not? At this point I’m almost curious at how messed up my life can get.”

“Sara fixes things.”

“Yeah, sure. Hey, can you use your augmentation on other people?”

“Of course. Sara can do anything.”

“Good. Let me rest for a few minutes, then let’s go. I’m not sure how the fight is going, but I can imagine how Allison will react if she sees you again.”


“No. I’ll need you to make me lucky like you while staying out of sight. If you can do that, I’ll go on your date.”


What was Sara thinking? Spending all day concerned? Asking for advice? Pointless. Sara should have known that everything would work. Sara’s love would fall from the sky. Sara could have spent more time focusing on the important things, like buying pastries. Sara didn’t buy a single pastry all day. Sara didn’t even think about it. Sara shouldn’t be surprised. From the beginning, this was nothing more than an interruption on love.

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