《Regulating Miracles》(4-1) Refute Her


Location: MID Building: Training Room

Time: Tokino-48 year (2108), Jan. 4 (Wed) 11:02

Deputy Chief Kaldsen and Special Agent Oldridge hadn’t made a move for thirty seconds. Special Agent Oldridge was trying to show he was serious, while Deputy Chief Kaldsen was testing his resolve.

In that situation, I couldn’t help but agree with Special Agent Oldridge. Following orders may be important, but there is no duty more just than defending your family. When we first met I immediately got the impression that he wasn’t the kind of person I’d ever get along with. That might have been too hasty on my part.

If he was willing to go that far in order to serve his family then perhaps I was wrong about him. At least in this instance, he was capable of doing the right thing.

That doesn’t mean I planned on helping him though.

His younger sister is not my family, so I had no reason to ignore my orders. He would be doing the right thing by trying to save her, but I’d also be doing the right thing by stopping him.

“Oliver, no matter how much I think about this it seems ridiculous for you to go rushing after her alone.” Deputy Chief Kaldsen broke the silence with an unexpected remark.

“Huh? What are you trying to say?” Special Agent Oldirdge wasn’t trying to hide his hostility.

“I mean, I get that she’s your sister in all, but we want to rescue Olivia as well. It just seems pointless to leave without a plan.”

“You want to save her? Weren’t you just trying to stop me from going? What about Kalder?”

“You think I care about what Kalder says? I was stopping you because you said you were going after them alone. What kind of leader would let one of her men go after the enemy alone?”

“Ha, you kidding?” Special Agent Oldridge ran his hands through his hair. “Seriously Karen? You thought I was fighting you over going by myself? Fine, I guess that works. I’ve seen the error of my ways. You were right. We should go save Olivia together.”

“I’m glad you understand. And stop calling me by my first name.”


Deputy Chief Kaldsen looked proud of herself, but I didn’t understand the scene that was developing before me.

“But, Deputy Chief Kaldsen, what about our orders? Ministry Director Kaldsen clearly told us to not go after the hostage and to remain on standby.” I didn’t feel any guilt for trying to ruin things for Special Agent Oldridge. We all couldn’t abandon our orders on his behalf.

“He did give those orders, but I’m going to ignore them. That’s all there is to it. Kalder probably knew this would happen. That’s why he made sure to point out the chain of command. The orders came from him, not Father, not from the Security General.” She didn’t even need to hesitate before saying such ridiculous things.

“How does that translate into ignoring them?” It was hardly the first time since meeting her, but I couldn’t follow her line of reasoning.

“Because that kidnapper, Oliver ran into her before, and I spent a few hours on her tail. The Security General has already determined her to be a risk to the city. That means we technically have orders from the Security General to track her down. Kalder can’t overrule that.”

“You can’t make it sound so simple. You can’t just pick and choose what orders to follow like that. You need a reason.”

“You want a reason? Okay, but first, let me ask you a question. Do you know about my augmentation?”

“Control of ice. It’s an augmentation that’s run in your family for generations.”

Of course I knew something on that level. Did she seriously think I’d travel to this city without first researching the families that have controlled it since it was given independence? Not to mention, anyone who researches family lineages would recognize the Kaldsen name.

“A lot of people say that, but there’s more to it. You probably did your research on me, my older brother, my father, my grandfather, and maybe a few more. But did you research my youngest sister? She has a fire based augmentation. What about my oldest sister? She doesn’t have an augmentation at all. And how about all my aunts and uncles and cousins and second cousins and second cousins once removed? You think we all have the same augmentation? Sure, some do, but there are plenty that don’t. My point is, I got an augmentation that represents me, not my family.”


“What does that matter?”

“Because I’m ice. You know, water is something most people want to be. Water can fit anywhere in any situation. It can conform and strive no matter what. And eventually water has the power to reshape the earth.”

“But it has its disadvantages. Anything can push it aside. If you drop a rock in a puddle it will sink. It will move the water out of the way and take its place. How does the puddle react? It just expands itself. There's nothing it can do to the rock, so it has to occupy new space. Well, what if I drop the same rock into the ocean? The result doesn’t change. It won’t be noticeable, but the ocean will expand the same as the puddle did. Isn’t that ridiculous? As powerful as the ocean is, it can be pushed around by a random pebble from my garden.”

“Ice, ice is different. Ice is strong and firm. Ice can’t change to fit its surroundings, but it can’t be pushed aside. Once the ice has been molded there is no changing it. Sure, you can try to chip away at it, but my ice is strong. It won’t be broken easily. That’s how I’ve chosen to live.”

“I’ve already been molded to enforce justice as I see it. I might not always be correct, but I’ll always know the right thing to do. It doesn’t matter if it's society’s rules or a superior’s orders, I’ll ignore anything that tries to stop me from doing what I know is right. Because I’m not like water. I’m ice.”

She paused, giving me a chance to decide how I wanted to reply to her speech.

“But all ice melts eventually, Deputy Chief Kaldsen.”

“If left unattended it does, but I’ll never let that happen. That’s why I’m vigilant. That’s why I’ll never be able to turn a blind eye. If I let someone who deserves death live something would melt away. And if I listen to Kalder’s orders right now, even though I know it’s not the right thing to do, something would melt away. If I keep letting things like that happen I’ll no longer be ice. I’ll just be water that has accepted being pushed around by anyone with a rock.”

“Then what about the rest of us? I can’t be alone in thinking that I don’t want to jeopardize my position to do a favor for Special Agent Oldridge.” I didn’t track Hassan halfway around the globe to this blasphemous city just to be kicked out for disobeying orders.

I had to find him, and bring him back.

“That won’t be a problem. Like I said earlier, I’m simply having you follow the Security General’s original orders. Besides, if anyone got any heat for this, it would be me. You should be more worried about ignoring your deputy chief’s orders.”


The look on my face was unpleasant and my voice lacked any conviction.

It was because of the damage to my ribs. Okay?

As much I wanted to refute her, she was right about one thing. Despite the logic behind my words, I was the one arguing with a superior.

What was I supposed to say in such a situation? For more than one reason, arguing with that woman was pointless.

“Hey, uh, you know, I love a good philosophical debate, but can we hurry things up? Once Sara realizes she’s kidnapped the wrong person we won’t be able to guarantee Olivia’s safety.” He was trying to use his usual cadence, but the stress in Special Agent Oldridge’s voice was clear. “Besides, it looks like Kanon might start crying again.”

“I won’t! And I wasn’t crying before! I was just surprised!”

“Ah, right. My bad.” Deputy Chief Kaldsen’s apology didn’t help my mood. “I got so absorbed talking with Cannon that I forgot we were in a rush.” By this point I’d given up on her using my name. “Let’s go. Back to the ara office. No point in the four of us trying to figure this out down here.”

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