《Regulating Miracles》(3-4) Giving Out Information


Location: ARA Office

Time: 9:30 AM, January 4th 2108

An obnoxious ringing sound came from the room’s internal speakers. I’d never heard it before.

“What is that?” Karen seemed to be equally confused.

The ringing continued.

“There it is again. What’s making that sound? Oliver, help me out here.”

“I’m not sure about it, Chief. From what I can tell it’s just a series of beeps coming from the speakers. No idea why it’s happening though.”

“I’d say it’s more of a chime than a beep.” Alec felt the need to contribute nothing of importance.

Someone pushed the office door open.

“Excuse me.”

I didn’t recognize the woman that came in, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was with her despite the fact that she was alone.

On closer inspection, she had a familiar look. I’d describe it as sharp. After looking her over the first animal that came to mind was a fox. Her hair was dark black with bright orange tips. Pretty much the inverse of Karen’s. I’m not trying to make a deep character comparison by saying that, I’m just pointing it out.

Why didn’t I hear her coming?

“Stay quiet. I’m trying to figure something out here.” Karen didn’t waste any time giving orders to a woman she didn’t know.

“Hmm. I guess it’s done. Alright everyone, false alarm, get back to work.” Karen posed in an accomplished manner, as if she somehow averted a crisis.

We were supposed to be alarmed? And I wasn’t working in the first place.

“Excuse me.”

The woman was still trying to get Karen’s attention.

“What, you’re still here? We’ve already settled the issue from earlier, you’re free to go.”

“No, that’s not what I’m here for. I’ve been sent here to assist you in capturing an internationally wanted fugitive.”

I figured it was the case, but she was our extra help. I’m not sure what I was expecting She seemed a little young to be an investigator sent abroad. Not that I was in any position to say anything about that.

“Ah, you’re that lady. Want a drink? Coffee? Tea?”

“Thank you, I’ll take some tea.”

“You got it!”

Karen started moving toward the water heater, but Emelia cut her off.

“As amusing as it is to let you serve drinks, I’ll handle this one.”


The new girl was fortunate enough to avoid frozen tea.

“So, I’m Deputy Chief Karen Kaldsen, head of ara.”

“My name is Kamiya Kanon and-”

“Cannon! I like it. It sounds powerful.”

“I’ve come to realize that my name is similar to the English word cannon, but it’s not the same. I’d appreciate it if you could pronounce it correctly, Deputy Chief Kaldsen.”


“No, Kanon.”

“I’m not following you, Cannon.”

“It’s pronounced with an ‘on’ sound at the end, not a ‘nen’ sound.”


“Yes, that is correct.”

“Personally I suggest you start going by Cannon.”

Kanon scanned the room with a face I can only describe as strained professionalism. I get it, Jaxon had the same face. The ARA isn’t the kind of environment anyone expects, you just have to accept it. No point in fighting against the tide.

“I think I’ll keep my actual name for the time being.”

“Then I guess I can’t make you change it yet.” Yet? “Now, I don’t really feel like doing introductions since I just had to give them the other day, so you’ll be getting the fast version.”

“Perfect. The sooner we handle that the sooner we can get to the real work.”

Kanon seemed to already have a huge misunderstanding of how things work in the ARA.

“Of course!”

Somehow Karen had the same misunderstanding.

Karen started pointing out the people in the room.

“She’s Nora Norfolk. She handles the computer stuff, and the research, and most of the paperwork, and pretty much all of the odd jobs. She also falls asleep a lot. She’s still working though, even when she sleeps.” Basically she’s the only one who works at all.

“He’s Oliver Oldridge. His uncle is the Prime Minister, and he likes to act like a playboy, but you don’t need to worry about him. The only girl he has any real interest in is his little sister.”

I really wish she’d stop giving out information that hasn’t been revealed yet. And it’s not like I have a complex about Olivia or anything. Isn’t it normal for a brother to look after his sister?

“He’s Alec Alexander. He’s not that interesting. Sometimes he’ll end up telling a depressing story from his life, but that’s about it. I can’t imagine he’ll have any impact on you, so feel free to forget about him. The girl bringing your tea is Emelia. I’m not really sure what to do with her yet.”


“And the only person left is Vier. I chose to save him for last, so I could give you a small warning. I shouldn’t have to say this, but in light of recent events I guess I should. Don’t try to fight him. Vier is a Number, ah, I guess you’re from outside the Free Cities. Do you know about Numbers?”

“I know enough. I’ve heard plenty about the artificial humans the Free Cities are infamous for.”

“Good, good. The most important thing to know about them though is that he will kill you. He’s fine like this, but whenever he starts using his augmentation he won’t think twice about ending your life. Two days ago he killed our last new hire on his first day.”

At least, officially. With no body found and Vier not bothering to even try and come up with a lie the only person who believed Vier killed Jaxon was probably Karen. I don’t know what actually happened, but if any of my initial theories were even slightly accurate, I’d rather not deal with the annoyance of learning the truth. If Vier said he killed him, I was happy to let it end there.

“I appreciate your concern, but don’t worry. I’m perfectly capable of defending myself.”

“You see, that’s exactly the attitude that might put you at risk. This isn’t an insult or anything, but you won’t be able to defend yourself against Vier.”

“I apologize for my rudeness, but I can’t accept that. I won’t let my family’s honor be sullied in such an obvious fashion.”

Kanon already seemed like the type that would never get along with me. I couldn’t imagine what made a person want to live that high-strung.

“You’re really worked up about this, huh? Jeez, I’m starting to wish I never brought it up.”

“No, whether you brought it up or not, this was bound to happen. That artificial human was created partially through DNA samples of my family. I’d be lying if I said his presence wasn’t part of the reason I wanted to work with the Augmented Regulation Agency.”

That’s why she looked familiar. They’re not similar enough to pass as siblings, but cousins maybe.

And what kind of family was that woman from? I can’t imagine a Number being created, even in part, from suboptimal genes.

“My father approved his creation, so I won’t question it. Still, I need to see what this doll using my family’s blood is capable of. I wish to be the judge. I request a duel with him.”

Kanon stood dramatically and pointed toward Vier. It looked exactly like the kind of exaggerated movement you’d see in Karen’s playbook.

A duel, huh? I was already enjoying my day of forced vacation, but something like that would make for a nice break.

“A duel? Yeah, sure, sounds fun.”

Wasn’t she just against them fighting? I mean, I was obviously in favor as well, it was just a quick turn around from Karen. It seemed boredom had already set in for her as well.

“Very well then. Should we schedule a time and place?”

“Eh? No need, we’ll just go right now. And for the place, the second basement, or would it be the -2nd floor? I guess it doesn’t matter, but anyway, that floor is full of combat training rooms. Unless you’re not ready.”

I don’t think it was on purpose, but Karen’s words ended up sounding like bait.

“No, I’m ready. The sooner the better. Is your artificial human prepared to fight?”

And Kanon took the bait without hesitation.

“I’m sure he’d be ready, but you won’t be fighting Vier.”

“What? Fighting him was the whole point. Who else would I be dueling?”

“I'll let you fight Vier, but not yet. He’s like the secret boss you unlock after beating the game. If I let you two fight it out without knowing how strong you are you might get seriously hurt. You’ll be fighting someone else first. And depending on how that goes we’ll see if you’re ready to move on. If you’re truly confident in your power, then it shouldn't matter. But if you can’t beat any of us, it’s not worth Vier’s time.”

“Fine. I’ll defeat whoever you want me to and make my way to him. Who will I be fighting? You?”

“That sounds like fun, but no. You’ll be fighting him, Alec Alexander.”

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