《Regulating Miracles》(3-3) A Proper Reason


Location: ARA Office

Time: 8:45 AM, January 4th 2108

I focused my hearing into the ARA office as I prepared to go inside. Everyone else was already there. I guess that makes sense considering I was 45 minutes late.

Karen was talking to Vier and Emelia about something pointless, so I didn’t think she’d call me on my tardiness. I casually walked in and sat at my desk.

Nora’s heartbeat and breathing were slow. It would seem she was already asleep. I glanced over to see what Alec was up to. Spacing out. I’m not sure if he had a look of inner peace or boredom. Either way, I decided to be polite and say hello.

“Hey, Allen, good morning.” Alec looked over at me to confirm I was talking to him. His surprise probably didn’t come from the wrong name, but because I started talking to him in the first place.

“I know that we’ve had some changes in personnel lately, but please don’t forget my name so easily. My name is Alec, not Allen.”

“Ah, is that so? Sorry about that. I guess you just haven’t made much of an impression on me yet.”

“Coming from anyone else I wouldn’t think twice about that. We’ve known each other for eight years though.” Eight years? I guess I did know him in high school.

“Eight years, really? I completely forgot about that. It’s impressive how you always manage to remember the small details.” I made sure to add in a little surprise to my tone.

“I’d rather you not include my existence in the category of small details, but whatever.” It was almost impressive how complacent his voice was.

“On the topic of small details,” Karen walked over and interrupted our conversation, managing to cement Alec’s position as a small detail. “I’ve got a big detail to point out. Oliver, you’re late. Significantly late. Again.”

“Ah, well, yeah. I didn’t think you’d notice.”

“That’s not an excuse.”

“Well, you know what they say, honesty is the best policy. Besides, I’ve actually got a proper reason this time. Something big is happening today, and Hana was called in for extra security. I had to guard Oakley and Olivia on their way to school.”


Fortunately Karen wasn’t the type to point out that their school started over an hour ago.

“Something big?” Karen tilted her head as she spoke.

“So I heard. Some kind of conference.”

“The conference!” As Karen screamed I heard the water cooler freeze solid. “This could be problematic. Quick, Vier, get some detective stuff out. Oliver, pretend that you work here.”

“I do work here.”

“Really? I never noticed, so try harder. And Nora, try to stay awake.”

“Ah, um, okay. I can probably do that. Probably.” She must have woken up during Karen's initial scream.

“What about me?”

Karen jumped back when she heard Alec’s voice.

“Whoa, Alec, you surprised me. Don’t sneak up on me like that.” Karen honestly looked surprised.

“I’ve been at my desk this whole time.”

“And who put this desk here?” I pointed dramatically and recited that line like a prosecutor from a courtroom drama.

“Forgetting about me is one thing, but don't forget about the desk itself.”

“Listen, Oliver, I'm curious about that as well, but we don’t have time to play any detective games today." No, Karen, that's supposed to be our job, not a game. "Alec, just keep doing whatever it is you usually do, but somehow make yourself look busier.”

“I’m usually not doing anything.”

“Well then it shouldn’t be very hard to look busier.”

“Alright, what’s the deal?” No one else was asking, so I decided to be the one to bring it up. “Why are we pretending to do our jobs?”

“Because Kalder is coming! He told me to schedule a meeting with him weeks ago.” Karen’s constant yelling was starting to hurt my ears. I turned up the white noise on my headphones slightly.

“Kalder?” I listened for the sound of his footsteps. “Yeah, sorry, you were a bit late.”


“That’s quite enough, Deputy Chief Kaldsen.”

Everyone else looked toward the voice coming from the open door.

Kalder Kaldsen.

The Ministry Director of the MID and Karen’s older brother. Appearance wise they’re similar, right down to the white hair ending in blue tips, but their personalities were like oil and water. Or maybe, oil and ice. Kalder has always been incredibly serious, and Karen, well, she’s Karen.


“I didn’t come here to criticize your overall lack of work. Trust me, I’m already very well aware how little this agency gets done. But as long as you continue to fulfill your primary objective I’ll levy no complaints. I came here to discuss more important issues. Deputy Chief Kaldsen, have you reviewed the information I had given you?”

“Ah, of course I did. But, you know, we should probably go over it together. As a group.” Karen said while suspiciously clearing her throat.

“I figured as much.” Kalder didn’t leave the doorway as he spoke. He clearly didn’t plan on spending more time than necessary with us. “Listen, today is the first day in a series of talks between the Pacific Empire and Velstand.”

“And you need us for security? You got it. We’ll take out any augmented that even looks at the conference building.” Karen punched into her open palm.

“No, that’s what I was worried about. If anyone from the ARA got involved the senate would be in an uproar, especially after your last mission.”

“Because we killed that senator? That was an official order though.”

“It was, but understand the politics of it. It would appear that the reformist faction of the senate has been using the BAA in order to discredit the Prime Minister. Sending any of you to such a sensitive meeting would only make their objective easier.”

“So then, what? We’re supposed to do nothing?”

“Exactly. You’ve already done your part. Now let the Security General and the Prime Minister handle the rest. You’re under orders not to leave MID headquarters or cause any commotion. A joint operation between the MID and BAA will handle security at the venue.”

So basically, we were getting free time off while that conference was ongoing? Well, we couldn’t leave the building, so it wasn’t quite a day off, but still, no work.

What did I do to deserve such a boon?

“Eh, I don’t like it.” Rather than an employee, Karen’s complaint sounded more like a little sister complaining to her brother.

I figured she would try to ruin the gift we’d been given.

“Fortunately, I’m not asking you to like it.” Kalder didn’t return any of her familial tones.

“Fair enough. We’ll stay out of it.”

“Good. And one more thing, as I’m sure you didn’t read this report either. As of today the ARA will be getting a guest investigator. She’s been on the trail of an augmented that’s wanted in several counties. From what I understand this augmented has been spotted in Velstand.”

“If he’s a wanted criminal isn’t that more baa’s job?”

“A surprisingly insightful question from you, but not quite. This augmented has committed no crimes under Velstand law, with the exception of illegal entry, so the BAA would have its hands tied when it comes to the legality of dealing with him. That’s why we need you to work with the guest investigator to eliminate him before it becomes an issue. She might want to arrest him, but don’t bother. Standard mission protocol. After the conference, of course. Remember, while the conference with the Pacific Empire is still ongoing you’re not to leave the MID building.”

Karen’s face was showing a complex emotion. She clearly wasn’t happy. I doubt she even fully understood why we had to stay hidden away. Not because she wasn’t smart enough to understand, but because it goes against what she believes.

She somehow still believed in the nobility of our missions, completely unaware of what we are. Never questioning what makes an augmented ‘a risk’.

And as for the new person, safe to say everyone is hesitant to get any new help after what happened to Jaxon.

“Alright. We’ll handle it.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less. She’s currently in the Registration and Acclimation Office. She’s an augmented, so keep an eye on her, but feel free to use her as you see fit. Now, unless anyone else has something to add I’ll end things with that.”

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