《Regulating Miracles》(2-6) Everything Was Wrong


Location: 423 West 73rd Street, Foyer

Time: 12:18 PM, January 2nd 2108

“What, what the hell was that? You just killed her? What are you doing?”

Vier’s response to my outburst was a surprised look.

“Of course I killed her. I said I was going to.”

“That was a bluff! To get her to talk!”

“A bluff? Why would I need to do something like that? She was protecting the target. And besides, she was an augmented herself. I couldn’t just let her go free.”

“Then what about Senator Zea?”

“Obviously I’ll kill him too. That’s why we’re here. What’s with you all of a sudden?”

“What’s with me? What’s with you? We’re supposed to arrest him, just like you should have arrested her. We bring them in, and then the courts decide what happens next.”

“That’s just not possible. Even if it was, there’d be no point in a trial. Someone like that fire woman would get the death penalty either way, I’m just saving some time. These people have dangerous augmentations. Left alive they’re a huge liability. You think a prison could hold a woman that can turn into fire?”

“I’m sure the government could come up with a solution.”

“They did. What do you think the ARA exists for? They don’t keep me around to charge batteries. And as for Zea, arresting him would be pointless. I’m sure the BAA already made sure his record was spotless. The courts wouldn’t have anything to convict him of. That’s why the Prime Minister was in such a hurry to label his augmentation as a risk.”

“That’s all the more reason to not kill him. Are you seriously claiming you have to kill Senator Zea because he’s not guilty of anything? Aren’t we supposed to be supporting justice? That’s what Deputy Chief Kaldsen wants from us.”

“You’re worried about Ren’s feelings? Don’t be. I take my orders from her. This is the result of Ren’s justice.”


“This isn’t justice. Justice is about more than senseless killing. I didn’t become a police officer just to let people die.”

“You’re not a police officer anymore. And didn’t you already have this conversation with Ren? Personally I don’t care one way or another. I’m just doing my job. Feel free to direct your complaints to someone other than me. Maybe you could make a suggestion box.”

Ridiculous. Everything was wrong. I refused to give in to what he said.

“This is about more than simply doing a job. If what you’ve said is even half true, the Prime Minister is almost certainly abusing the ARA’s already questionable purpose in order to kill off anyone he wants.”

“I mean, yeah. I’d say about 20% or so of our missions are thinly veiled political assassinations.”

“Then why are you playing along?”

“Because Ren doesn’t see it that way. She readily believes the orders she receives are for the good of the city. Even Emi Emi, that girl was lucky there wasn’t time to push through approval for her elimination. If it had been an official request from the start Ren wouldn’t have hesitated in taking her out.”

“Then what about you? Forget about Deputy Chief Kaldsen for a second. Isn’t it up to those of us in the field to recognize when something is wrong?”

“I already told you, I take my orders from Ren. Beyond that, it doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t have a horse in this race. Now if you don’t mind, let’s just finish this. I’m tired of being part of this ethics debate.”

For me it wasn’t a debate, I was making a plea. This wasn’t a scholastic point I was trying to discuss. I was trying to save lives.

“Finish this? You mean go kill him?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

He was overly casual to the end. I hadn’t made him doubt his decision for a moment. Someone like him probably wasn’t able to doubt himself in the first place. Augmenteds, especially the strong ones, had a bad habit of putting on blinders.


Unfortunately, that made it clear what I had to do. For the second time in relatively short order I had to throw myself in front of a moving train.

“I won’t let you hurt Senator Zea. I’ll arrest him myself.”

“That’s not an option. We’re here to kill him.”

“It doesn't matter. Even if it makes you my enemy, I can’t back down. I won’t let myself.”

“You really shouldn’t. If you value your life I’d suggest dropping it. This is how we do things. Throwing a tantrum now won’t change anything.”

Throwing a tantrum? Is that really all it was to him?

“I value my life, but I value his too. I’m not dropping it. If this is how you do things, then you’re doing them wrong. As a police-, no, as a coworker it’s my job to correct your mistakes.”

“You really think you can stop me?”

“Not even slightly.” But that didn’t change what I had to do.

“Good answer. Let me show you what you’re up against.”

Bright lines started etching themselves across Vier’s skin. They created a pattern you would see on a circuit board.

“Yo, Jaxon Charlotte, I’m Vier.”

He finally felt like introducing himself.

“Jaxon, Jaxon, Jaxon. Mind if I call you Jax? I think I’ll call you Jax. It seems like I’m going to become the most important part of your life, so I figured I should at least introduce myself.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’d rather have my most important person be a nice, attractive woman.”

“Sorry, doesn’t look like that option is open.”

“Vier, please, listen to me for a minute. Just think about what you’re doing.” I knew he wouldn’t listen, but I had to try anyway.

If I wanted to stay true to myself I had to constantly fight battles I knew I couldn’t win.

“Jax, you’re disappointing me. Have you already forgotten my first lesson? You should have made your move as soon as possible. You don’t have a chance of defeating me either way, but that would have been the optimal decision. You have a unique ability, you should learn to use it more effectively. If you were to take the initiative most augmenteds would have trouble dealing with it.”

“I’m starting to realize someone like you would never understand, but I don’t want to defeat you. For me, victory is the two of us walking out of this together. Even if I managed to defeat you, I’d still lose.”

“Still trying to take that route, huh? Didn’t my daughter teach you that kind of attitude doesn't get you anywhere? I heard she took good care of you the other day.”

“Hana? On one hand I can’t say I’m surprised, but you really don’t look old enough.”

“Ah, that? Yeah, I’m definitely not old enough to have a kid her age. She’s a clone. After all, we’re Numbers. She seems to think of me as a father though. So let me finish what she started.”

Vier started to look happy. Happier than I’d ever seen him.

This whole situation was becoming a source of amusement for him. His smile got bigger and his eyes opened wider. I don’t want to admit it, but his face was truly terrifying. It was the face of someone who was about to take joy in killing another human being.

Was that the face Dinah had seen?


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