《Regulating Miracles》(1-1) Public Nuisance


Location: Abandoned Amusement Park

Time: 2:10 PM, 12/29/2107

As the police officer leaned back I noticed an audible creak coming from the bench he was using. He had a fairly athletic build for someone I’d assumed was in their early twenties, so I imagine it was more a testament to the quality of the bench rather than his weight. After flashing an awkward smile he decided not to push his luck and leaned forward. It didn’t look like he needed the rest anyway.

I couldn’t say the same thing about myself. If the police officer would have brought it up I’d have blamed breathing in too much of the dust cloud that girl’s lightning caused, but in reality my own lack of stamina was the more likely culprit. If I’m calling someone like him ‘fairly athletic’ then I suppose I’m not much better than ‘frail’. Either way, he definitely noticed that I couldn’t keep running. That’s why he suggested taking a short break. At least one of the old rides had a mostly intact covering that gave some shade.

“Why did you protect me?” After the police officer broke the silence with an old bench, I decided to reciprocate. I couldn’t bring it up when we were running, and I definitely couldn’t bring it up while those three were trying to figure out who got to kill me.

“Because I’m a police officer.” Obviously, the uniform gave it away, but that’s not what I meant.


“It’s true! This is a real badge!” The officer jumped up and pointed to the badge on his chest with both hands.

“But that’s not why you protected me. If you were just doing your job you’d have listened to that MID agent and let him deal with me. Everyone knows either the MID or BAA get final say when it comes to people like me. So what’s your deal?”

Alright, even I can admit I was being a little confrontational. A necessary trait for anyone who grew up in the slums. Help doesn’t come free. That’s triply so when dealing with someone like me.

“I wish the situation would have allowed me to let my superious call the shots, but that wasn’t an option. He wanted to. . . Act in a nonreversible fashion.”

“He wanted to send me up to the farm, where I could play with everyone’s long lost pets.”


“He wanted to kill me.”

“I got it the first time, thanks.”

“I feel like I shouldn’t be the one to say this, but you probably should have let him. Haven’t you looked at my face?”

Even as we were speaking he was doing everything he could to avoid looking at it directly.

“Honestly, I feel like I got pretty unlucky. Most augmented don’t have such an obvious stigma, but of course I got one that can’t be hidden.” I traced the three dark lines descending the left side of my face. “You know, when I use my augmentation they start to glow.”

It looked like the police officer wanted to say something, but I kept on the offensive. He seemed like a nice enough guy, there was no reason for him to die with me. If I played the role of a villain, one I was born to play, he would abandon me.

“I can’t complain too much though. Living alone in the slums isn’t exactly the safest thing for a young girl to be doing. Without such a noticeable stigma I’m sure I’d be in store for a fate worse than what the MID agent had in mind.”


I forced a smile onto my face.

“Hey. You recognize my stigma, right? It’s almost the same as my father’s was.”

The police officer faced me for the first time while showing off what a real smile looks like.

“So what? Sure, I’ll admit it threw me off, and I wasn’t sure where to look, but that’s it. No one can hold your parents’ crimes against you.”

“You can’t expect people to ignore them either. I’m a public nuisance. The very idea of me, the child of those villains, living next door is everyone’s nightmare. How could they sleep at night? Maybe I’m just an innocent girl, but maybe I want revenge. Or maybe I’m some super weapon they were training.” I’m not sure who that haughty person using my voice was, but they had my thanks.

“None of that is your fault.”

“It isn’t. If the world was reasonable I wouldn’t have to live like this. But the world isn’t reasonable. These lines on my face are proof of that. They’re proof of the unreasonable power I have at my fingertips. People like me are weapons that can’t be disarmed, only destroyed.”

“So then, what? You’re supposed to die because people are afraid of you? That’s not justice.”

“People in the real world don’t have the luxury to be worrying about such philosophical points. Justice is irrelevant if it means they could sleep soundly at night. It’s not like this wretched existence I’ve been clinging to is worth anything. Besides, if things stay the way they are it looks like my family will claim yet another victim. A nosy police officer that got involved with something he shouldn’t.”

“I got involved because I wanted to. Justice is Justice, whether or not it’s convenient. Especially when it’s not. Whatever happens to me, it’s not your fault.”

“And I’m sure Helen didn’t mean to launch a thousand ships, but we know how that ended.”

“In the founding of Rome. Don’t be so quick to assume you know how things will end.”

“There’s only one ending for me. Even if I survive today, they’ll kill me tomorrow.”

“Then why did you run?”


The answer was obvious. There’s a difference between accepting death and wanting it.

“You let me save you. If you actually believed any of this you’d have let them kill you when they first showed up. Actually, you would’ve let someone kill you years ago. But you’re alive. You’ve been scraping by, trying not to cause any problems. Besides, even with your back against the wall you didn’t use your augmentation. Some evil super weapon you are.”

Of course I didn’t use it. The world had no need for a power that can only cause pain.

“Listen. I get what you’re trying to do, but you’re not the actress you think you are. If you can’t even convince yourself you’re ready to die then don’t bother trying to convince someone else. And do you actually think the kind of idiot who’d risk his life and probably ruin his career to help you is the kind of person that would sell you out after hearing your pity party?”

Eh? That easily? I couldn’t even make him waver for a moment. And it didn’t seem like anything I could say would change his mind.

Probably because he was right. Despite my words the truth was self-evident. I wanted to live, and I was willing to use any help I could get. If I actually wanted rid of him I wouldn’t have had that discussion. It was nothing more than me protecting my fragile ego.


I wasn’t using him, he was involving himself against my wishes.

At least, that’s what I needed to believe.

Either way, there wasn’t any reason to keep up the act. Clearly I wasn’t going to be able to convince him to leave. In that case, my best option was working together. It’s unlikely, but I suppose it was possible that the two of us could overcome the odds.

Or at least, he’d create a situation I could use to escape.

“Alright, fine, you win. I thought I’d do my good deed for today, but it’s your funeral.” I suppose it would be my funeral as well.

“Don’t worry, I’m not so far gone as to need the consideration of the people I’m supposed to be protecting. We’re both going to survive this, I’ll make sure of it.”

There are two kinds of people that can pull out that kind of unwarranted confidence. I won’t even bother talking about the first group. The second group however are the ones who’ve never spent a night outside of the city. They’re filled with baseless optimism crafted from the good fortune they were born with.

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but after our short conversation I’d like to think I at least skimmed the first few pages of this police officer’s character. With that in mind, I could confidently place him in group two.

“And I’m supposed to take the word of someone who hasn’t given their name?”

The police officer took a step back and suppressed a nervous expression.

“Ahaha, you’re right, sorry. I got so wrapped up in things I kind of, you know, forgot.” Without warning he tensed every muscle in his body and stood up straight. “Jaxon Charlotte. I’m a police officer from the 10th district, currently on patrol of the slums positioned outside of the city proper.”

“I’m sure you already know, but I’m Emelia Emin. My father was Plasma Cutter, my mother was Queen Bee, and my brother, well, I’m not sure if he has a villain name yet. But the important thing is, I’m an augmented, an unregistered one at that, and my family is the most infamous group of villains in the Free Cities.” Having nothing to hide, I gave an introduction that no one ever bothered to listen to.

“Nice to meet you, Emelia.”

“And what about you? I haven’t noticed a stigma, but you can’t be a normal human. I saw you take that girl’s attack like it was nothing.”

“Ah, well, I’m not an augmented, but I’m not exactly normal either. That girl’s attack was something though.”

I wasn’t sure if this was his attempt to subtly direct the conversation or he was just boldly ignoring my inquiry. Either way, best not to pry. Not everyone has to wear their story on their face.

“And it’s not just her. The other two, I’m sure they’re just as strong. I certainly drew a tough crowd.”

“Do you know anything about them?” Jaxon asked a question that had been on my mind as well.

“Before today? No. The man, Oliver, the Ministry of Investigation and Defense agent, was the only one to introduce himself. And other than the fact that he hunts people like me, there wasn’t a need to talk about much else. What about you?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but, well, I think I actually know about the girl. The one who turned shadows into lightning. I’m pretty sure her name is Hana.”

“You think?”

“I’ve never met her or anything like that, but I’ve heard talk about one of the newer Numbers. A young kid with pale skin and white hair, always dresses in black and white. If I’m remembering correctly, she was given the serial Hana, Korean for one. She’s the first in a new line. I thought she was supposed to be watching over the Prime Minister’s daughter though.”

A Number? Forget keeping me alive, Jaxon’s life was forfeit as well. It was a waste trying to convince him to leave. I can’t imagine a Number leaving any loose ends.

“You really are an idiot, aren’t you?”

“Huh? I feel like I’m being insulted for no reason here.”

“Really? That’s strange, because I’m definitely insulting you for a reason.” If he knew she was a Number from the beginning he should have already known his lofty ideals surpassed suicidal. “What about the third, the woman dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood? Know anything about her?”

“Other than her name and the fact that she talks in the third person, no. But let me warn you in case we get separated, she’s the most dangerous of the three. I’m sure of it.”

“Based on what? You do realize you just got done telling me there’s a Number coming after me.”

“Intuition. When I first arrived, out of the four of you, she was the only one who wasn’t tense. She was too relaxed.”

“And that’s supposed to be intimidating?”

“No, she wasn’t trying to intimidate anyone. She was able to stand across from the other two without showing any concern. No normal person could do that.”

“I’ve yet to meet an augmented I’d call normal, but I get what you mean.”

That Little Red Riding Hood, Sara, was certainly off. I wouldn’t go as far as Jaxon, but I’d admit her character was more than a little suspicious. That was fine with me though. Compared to the open hostility from the other two, I was much more comfortable with suspicion.

Not to mention it didn’t look like she was participating with the other two. I couldn’t say if they were enemies, but at least they weren’t allies.

“Ahaha, you’re right about that.” Jaxon checked his watch before looking back toward me. “Ready to keep moving?”

“Is there any point? Anyone who could track us this far through the park could find us anywhere. And besides, it’s not like I’ve got a safer spot to go to. The people in the slums might hide a petty criminal, but at the moment I’m a little too hot to handle.”

“About that, you’re probably right. That’s why we’ll have to get you out of the slums. Into the city proper, and then ideally, to another one of the Free Cities.”

“And you think you’re capable of that?”

“No, I’m not. Even I know I’m outclassed, but I didn’t come here alone. I have a partner for this patrol. He’s an augmented from the Bureau of, that I don’t work for. A bureau that I don’t work for. A different department.”

Suspicious! Way too suspicious. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in a position to be picky.

“You think he’ll help?”



“Probably. I won’t risk being tracked to send him a message, so I can’t be sure. It was his idea to patrol this area today, so I feel like he’ll have to help. His personality can be a bit. . . But he’s a good guy.”

“A good guy?”

“A good guy.”

“I’m all for a solid escape plan, but if he’s such a good guy you sure it’s cool to volunteer him for this suicide mission?”


“Honestly, I’m not convinced. But at this point anything beats standing around in the sun. What are the odds your partner is waiting around in the shade? Wait, huh?”

I looked up and saw the ceiling. There were some holes that allowed sunlight to travel though, but not enough to cause the entire area to be bereft of shade. That was the whole reason Jaxon picked this spot to take a break.

“It’s her! Close your eyes and cover your ears!”

I followed Jaxon’s line of sight and saw the far side of the covered area was unnaturally dark, with the shadows seemingly rising up from the ground with a life of their own. I quickly looked back to Jaxon, just in time to notice him throw something toward the darkness. Not wanting to push my luck any further, I closed my eyes and covered my ears.

A deafening sound rattled my brain, causing me to stumble as an incredible red light assaulted me through closed eyes.

The nauseating sensation refused to end, but I forced my eyes open. I caused this, I couldn’t let myself look away.

My ears were still ringing, so I couldn’t hear, but I saw a monochrome girl standing across from me.

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