《Ashen Skies》VII - The Feast that was Promised
Lia still couldn’t believe she was in the same room with Levise herself. She, the great Saint of the empire was sitting in front of her small round table, offering them a cup of coffee. Lia of course accepted; it was the greatest of honours to drink with her.
She sipped the hot tea slowly to savour it better, it wasn’t like anything she had tasted before. Sweet fragrance filled her nostrils and gentle warmth of the tea warmed her insides, giving her a sense of joy and excitement. It just… tasted serene. It tasted like love.
Lad on the other hand, swigged the cup in one gulp and sniffed the empty cup later.
“Nice.” He commented. “And I agree.”
“Oh,” Levise grasped in surprise. “I thought I would need to find something to encourage you. To think that you would agree even before I said what I wanted.”
“How could I refuse an offer from you, my lady.” Lad bowed slightly with legs crossed. He didn’t sit on the chair. He occupied it. There was a certain sense of vulgarity in his every action, even when he refrained from doing anything.
“It is enough to know that you are willing” Lad raised his head, showing sinister smile. “Show the place, and I’ll slay whatever you ask. You didn’t even need to go through all this trouble. A hawk with a letter would suffice.”
“Great to see your enthusiasm but you’ll not be hunting in the desert again. You are going to the Empire, Northern Revera to be exact.”
“Oh, I thought you were going to send me put that insomniac lizard to sleep.” Lad raised an eyebrow as he started to chew on the silver spoon on his cup while giving a subtle look at Lia.
“Brelard is gathering a team to deal with our little draconic issue as we talk. I’ll need your assistance in imperial soil.”
“Hmm... So, you are finally meddling with the funny hat guy’s back yard. I like that. Well… I would have preferred the desert but okay. I’ll do it. Just because you asked.”
“Hey!” Lia gave a stern look. “That funny hat guy carries the blood of our Lord in him!”
Lad giggled upon hearing her confrontation. The reason why she got angry was not because someone insulted her father, or her emperor but because that same man carried the blood of a god, disregarding the fact that the blood would be quite thin considering that the god lived a millennia ago. Quite the religious type, huh? A thought brushed his mind.
“I know. And he also carried you once within him. What lies in often ends up as disappointments when out.”
“Lad.” Levise knitted her golden eyebrows. “Don’t be disrespectful. Not to her nor to her father.”
“Whatever you say my lady.” Lad gnawed on the spoon. It looked like he was bending it in a weird shape.
“Also, the Crown of Vitae is already in knowledge of your quest. Actually, they were the ones to request it.”
“That sounds odd. I thought baldie didn’t want your help. What changed?”
Upon seeing Lia’s eyes, he added. “Don’t give me that look. I’m not insulting your god’s genes. I’m only questioning his children’s preference in partners.”
“Lad.” Levis gave him a last warning and Lad surrendered, raising both hands.
“Okay, I’ll continue annoying her later. Now tell me what am I supposed to do.”
“It’s great to see your enthusiasm. You relieved me. I didn’t know who to send if not for you.”
“How dare you think I would refuse a request from you! I feel quite insulted you know. You only need to tell me where and when, and that’s all I need to go.”
“Well. In that… You are not going alone. You’ll be taking Lia and her friends. They’ve just parted their ways with their mentor, and they need a new one.”
“What? Eîlar! Do you remember what happened the last time you decided to do this? I died.”
“What?” Lia gasped, almost spitting the sip of tea she was enjoying in her mouth.
“Well. I didn’t die that much. But no! I’m not going to be a babysitter again. No! Never again. And her friends? No. Never” Lad refused every possible thing in quick secessions of words.
“They would be a great asset to you.”
“Yeah, you are right. What about…” He turned at Lia, scratching his chin. “A no?”
“I think you are being a little rude to Lia here. You know she is extremely talented. Both of you can learn a lot from each other.”
“That’s the point! I don’t care who she is. It’s me who is not qualified. If you told me jump in front of that dragon unarmed, I would do it and you god damn know it I would. But teaching? No.”
“I think it’s about time you meet them. Perhaps that would change your mind.” Just as Levise stopped they all heard a knock. The smile on her face showed confirmation, like she already knew they were going to knock at that exact moment.
“Here they are. You can come in my dear.” Levise snapped her elegant fingers and the door got opened by itself. Lia felt no magic, not tricks. It looked like the door simply wanted to obey her wish.
“You’ll love them after you’ve met them. Yel, Inni please greet your new mentor. His name is Lad.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I am Inni Ruiz, but my friends call me Inni. You can call me Inni too.”
“I’m Yel.” The boy looked at Inni for a second before turning back at Lad again. “And you can call me Yel.”
Lad studied the trio for a while and continued with a distasteful impression on his face. “I liked the guy, he is funny. But if you don’t come up with something very interesting, I’m going to jump off the island.” He stopped chewing on the spoon. He left it on the table wet and full of dents and teeth marks. “And I’m not sure if Vir’ni would hold me this time.”
“He calls himself Viran.” Levis quietly said. “The last to be exact.”
“And I could call myself a Firstborn. I don’t think that makes me one of your brothers.” Lad bowed his head slightly towards one side, eyes closing and brows rising as he made his point.
“I’m afraid he is a lot more than a pretender. Empire has already sent people to deal with him. First some scouts to examine the explosion in Demina, and then some… proper soldier to find what happened to them.”
“They couldn’t pull him out of his hole. Up until three days ago of course, when emperor finally played his cards. He sent three Archmages. Kisna, Azyr and Temruz. They are fine now but Temruz says that it’s only thanks to Viran getting interrupted.”
As Lia listened to the saint, she couldn’t believe what she said. If it was anyone other that her, she would have taken those words as lies. To face three archmages and dominating them was not something everyone could. Even for the Archmages, perhaps except of Yesui. The only precedent in the last century was the White Flame of Ruiz, but the deed had taken his life.
“That feat alone should narrow the people who are capable enough. You sure you don’t have any names popping in your head?”
“If that was the only thing he did, perhaps. But that’s not the end. According to Temruz, he also has an artefact that he used to steal their power and heal himself.”
“And that artefact is...?”
“We are not sure. Detection and retrieval of the artefact is one part of your mission. The other is to pacify the Viran and find his goal.”
“Okay. I’ll do it. But I’ll go alone.”
“You need them Lad, and they need you.”
“This is going nowhere and you know that, right?” Lad got up, giving a last look at his odd-shaped spoon on the table. It almost looked like a letter.
“A feast.” Levise smiled and Lad turned his back, as he was reaching for the handle of the door. The temperature of the whole room raised a few degrees as the edges of her lips curled up. It was overwhelming to look at her face. Lia felt like she could pass out from joy at any second. It wasn’t a spell or enchantment; she was just happy that Levise was smiling. It was like a scenery. “I promise you a feast. You will leave it warm and full.”
Lad turned back with a wide grin on his face. “You should have started with that form the beginning.”
“Raise your sword higher.” Lad commented at Lia’s attack as he danced between the swings three swords. “You can already kill a man with one sword, no need to swing both for an attack. I can’t be more dead if stabbed twice.” He continued as Yel lowered both of his short swords, gasping for air when a flaming arrow based by Lad. He gracefully moved around the arrow and dodged it as if he was dancing. If he hadn’t, the arrow would have landed in his head.
“And you, the redhead.” Lad turned at Inni. “Next time don’t wait until I stop talking. You don’t need to hear what the guy you want to kill says.”
“Even if they say something that makes sense?”
“Especially when they say something…” An arrow cut Lad off and a swing from Lia followed it.
“…that makes sense.” Lad continued as he danced away from both attacks.
“Adapting, huh?” He smiled as he dodged a blow from Yel.
“Still no sweat though.” He smiled through his teeth as they heavily panted. “Seems like you don’t want to be in her holiness’ quest.”
“You are cheating.” Lia argued. “You must be using some spell that we can’t detect to keep yourself dry.”
“So?” Lad raised a brow. “Either prove it, or cheat yourself too.”
“Alright.” Inni said as he nodded and breathed in and out slowly. Soon, the temperature rose as Inni infused her mana into air. It got hot. Hot enough to kill a polar bear. It was their time to cheat.
Yel jumped at Lad, with wind guiding his steps. He floated in air, swiftly and gently swinging his sword at the master, but Lad slapped the side of his sword and sent it flying.
Yel stepped into air and jumped back, launching himself at Lad once again. With his second jump, Lia swung her sword once again. This time, the steel was clad in lightning. They tried to pincer Lad. Though the condition for their victory was making him sweat, beating him would do the same trick.
Yel swung his remaining sword at Lad, but the latter simply ducked; avoiding the two flaming arrows Inni sent at her. Without Lad to meet Yel, he flew over his head and crashed on Lia.
“Still not cheating enough.” Lad laughed as he clapped his hands, his sword sheathed thought this whole match. “But presenting a hell of a show. I approve this.” He grinned like a mischievous kid.
Yel grasped Lia’s hand and pulled her up after getting off her. His hand is sweaty. Lia thought. So is mine.
Pick up your swords. Lia whispered to Yel and Inni. Her mouth stood still; it was her spell doing the talk. She whispered right into their minds. Lad had to be oblivious to what she was going to say. Pressure him with arrows. Send them at his escape routes. Pin him.
Yel picked his swords up and Inni pulled the string as an arrow of flames appeared on the shaft, without giving any hint of their communication.
Don’t fly over him. Get close. Make him disarm you. Slap him. Lia gave the final order as they launched.
First one to make contact was Yel. He swung one of his swords and Lad slapped it away again. He was going to dodge but the arrows kept him from moving. After Yel, Lia struck Lad. He slapped the blade away again, disarming her. She then quickly drew her other sword, the Yrridian one as Yel and Inni kept him occupied.
Seeing the dark steel, Lad cracked his neck, steadying his stance. Yel and Lia drew closer and closer, step by step. This time, Lia initiated the first attack.
She sent one stroke after another with the sword, she pushed him back; to Yel. Lad had stopped dancing between blades as if they were made of wood. It was good.
As he approached Yel, with his back turned at him; Yel swung his sword wide open, cutting into Lad’s shoulder. The blade grazed the skin and slashed his old dark cape with his once white shirt beneath.
Lad turned back at a superhuman speed and disarmed Yel once again. Sensing Lia’s attack from behind, he was urged to roll to the side, but a flaming arrow cut him off again.
Instead, he summersaulted and kicked Lia’s sword to the sky and landing in the same place he was standing on a second ago, with an arrow stuck to the ground right next to his feet and bowing before, saluting like a thespian after a play.
His bowing head however, met with a strong slap.
Ouch. Yel thought. It felt like hitting a brick.
Lad raised his head, with one brow raised and baffled. “What in Levise was that?” Instead of picking up his weapon, Yel had waited him to stop and slapped him as he did so. Cunning Lad thought. Excellent.
“We won.” Lia sheathed her sword. “The condition is met.”
“No.” Lad kept it brief. “I still haven’t had a single drop of sweat.”
“You have it.” Lia laughed. “Right on your cheek.” She pointed at the sweaty mark of Yel’s slap.
“Did we cheat enough?” Yel asked.
“You can never cheat enough.” Lad replied as he swiped his face with his shirt. No wonder it has turned yellow Lia thought. “But you passed.”
“Vidin’s balls!” Yell cussed as held his wrist with his other hand. “I think I dislocated it.”
“Serves you well.” Lad laughed. “Next time you hear someone order you to slap me you would think twice.”
“Wait?” Lia asked, baffled. “You could hear me?”
“Duh.” He picked his ear with his pinkie, irritably shaking his hand. “I tried not to, but you were practically shouting. It hurt my ears you know.”
“How did you…” Lia was shocked. It was quite possible to notice someone using telepathy but read what was said was impossible.
“It isn’t impossible.” Lad smiled slyly as a book hit him in the face.
“No, you didn’t.” A woman with curly hair approached them. “Stop fooling the kids.”
“Hey, sis!” Inni rushed at her, tightly hugging her. “I thought you were on a quest.”
Woman hugged her back. “I was away, until I heard of your…” She took a glance at Lad. “Little quest.”
“It’s good to see you.” Lia smiled at the Runemaster. She didn’t look much younger than her, but Lia knew very well that she was over thirty. She did age like everyone else; her youth wasn’t just an illusion. It was just the runes covering most of her body healed her so rapidly that the process was slower than the rest.
She had carved those runes on her skin, deep in her flesh; all by herself. It was a painful experience, and a hard discipline to subject but Naye did it, nevertheless. It was not a choice either, she had to do it if she wanted to stay alive. There were many daggers aimed at her in the Academy, and even more in the Empire.
“It’s good to see you too.” Naye smiled as she put her hand on top Inni’s head, noticing a gaze from Yel who had fixed his eyes on her, with a pale face.
“And… Who this young man may be?”
Yell looked at Naye for a few more second before he realized the question was asked to him.
“Oh, me? I’m very glad!” He stopped, if he could control his hands, he would have facepalmed. “I mean to meet you. Not that it’s my name. I…” him off.
“Easy boy.” Lad cut him off. “She is pretty but not that pretty.”
“No, no.” Yel squirmed in sweat. It looked like Lad enjoyed seeing the boy struggle to talk. “I wouldn’t dare to judge such a great mage like you with your face.”
Lad cut him off again. “So, you say she’s ugly? Too ugly to be looked at? How dare you!”
“Ahh…” Yel let out gasp. It was weird to see him like that. Lia never saw him this nervous and stressed. She had witnessed him jump on the back of a Varka unarmed or jumping in a horde of flying Griffons, dancing on the air currents.
“I didn’t mean that. I would never insult your hi…”
“I’m no highness, kid.” This time Naye cut him. “Not for a while.”
“Yes.” Yel shut up as a shade of red rushed to his brown cheeks.
“And don’t bully the kid.” Naye turned at Lad with a hint of amusement. She looked familiar with scene and Lad being Lad.
“Why?” Lad went around and put a hand in her shoulder. “You loved it when I bullied you. Remember the time I shaved your head? It was hilarious.”
“Yes. I remember. My axe remembers it too.” She put her hand on the silver headed axe hanging around her waist. Like her arms, the shining head of the axe was also covered in scriptures.
“I’m just glad I never taught you how to actually use that thing. It would have been catastrophic.”
“Wait.” Lia jumped in between. “Lad was your mentor too?”
“Not exactly. But we travelled together a lot. And he showed me a few tricks.”
“Those tricks seem to have done its job. I heard you have become a Runemaster too.”
“You used me as a punching bag. I would have done fine too without a few less broken bones.
“Oh, come on! I never hit you.”
“Yeah. But you used me to hit other things. It’s kind of the same thing on my end.”
“Hmm…” Lad scratched his clean shaved chin and his face soured as he reminisced. “Aight. I got the point. I owe you an apology.”
“You don’t need.” Naye curled the corners of her lips up in a way that looked like Lad’s wry smile. “I’m planning on taking a revenge on the journey.”
“What revenge?” Lad raised his voice. “You killed me. And no. Hell no! I agreed on babysitting three kids. Not four.”
“You are the one who needs guidance.” Naye said, smirking. “Not me.”
“That’s really rude. You break my heart.”
“There’s nothing left there. We all know that Lad.”
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