《Lost Child》Chapter 30: a Mother, a Nap and a Lunch
Howdy, Chapter 30 is here. I don’t care too much for the title of this chapter but who reads those anyways. One change from chapter 29 is that Atesha is no longer a General she is First Captain. It is only a title it basically holds the same position. Enjoy https://yougots.wordpress.com/
The following morning the Linnare guards led Otis and Sonashi to Caeanos’s chambers, not that Otis needed the help between his map and [Aura Sense] he knew the placement of everyone and everything in the compound. He knew who was already awaiting them in Caeanos’s room before the door even opened but it still did not prepare him for what he saw.
[First Captain Atesha - Level 45]
“Hello First Captain At…” Otis was at a loss for words as he stepped into the Prince’s chambers.
“Kavdiir, so these are your friends!” General Atesha squealed. Unlike Otis’s chamber’s, the Prince’s chambers had a sitting room. The almost seven foot Linnare was so close to Kavdiir they were basically attached while sitting on a princely sofa. Her tail was wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck pulling Kavdiir’s head into her chest.
I knew there was no such thing as personal space but this is too much isn’t it?
“And why can I not hold my son? I have not seen him in over five years, you know?”
Ugh, I spoke out loud again! “Kavdiir is your son? It is nice to meet you.” Otis approached her with his hand held out. Her tail wound itself around Otis’s arm and pulled him into her reach. Before he knew it Otis found himself in a one arm hug next to Kavdiir.
“Five years? This one has only been with the Legion for over a year?” Kavdiir struggled to speak as he caught his breath, his mother had loosened her grip on him to hug Otis. Sonashi watched the three of them in fear as she firmly pressed her back to the wall to stay out of the First Captain’s reach.
“Gack.” Atesha exclaimed but the sound was different from Caeanos and Kavdiir. Atesha’s was less surprise, more in annoyance and definitely more feminine. “You are home with family and friends there is no need to speak so formally. I have missed you so much these five years. Yes I am sure it has been five years I am your mother I would have known if it was just a year. So learn from your friend here and stop squirming. And by the way what is your name Kavdiir’s friend?”
“O-Otis.” He pulled Atesha’s arm away just long enough to squeeze his name out. Another squeal came into the chamber grabbing everyone’s attention.
“Caeanos!” The Queen launched herself into Caeanos who had been oddly silent and standing far away from this entire time. At some point she had wrapped up Sonashi too and pulled them both into a hug.
“I am sorry about the show last night but you know how it is when the senate is in. I cannot show any favorites. The senators have their own champion they would like to become Prince. And shame on you Atesha, sneaking off and leaving me with those old dirty water snakes this morning.” She frowned and stuck her tongue out at the First Captain. “So tell me what have you been doing for the last five years?”
Caeanos struggled to speak as he clawed and pulled at his mother’s arm. “My my you have gotten weak. A Prince cannot be weak so now that you are home you start to train again.” She smiled revealing her sharp fangs and softened her hug as she looked over her son in concern.
Caeanos and Sonashi gasped for air the moment the Queen loosened her hold. “No mother you just have gotten stronger.” He panted while the Queen beamed at the compliment. “Like Kavdiir said, it has only been a year since we were smuggled into the Legion. Are you sure it has been five?”
“Of course I am sure.” She squeezed him harder and rubbed her cheek against his. “You are my only son and speak up girls do not like a mumbler, it is not cool. How do you expect to find a wife if you cannot even speak clearly.”
“Yes mother. This one…” Caeanos was cut off by the squeeze of his mother’s arm. “I-I understand. Where is sister?”
“At the meeting with the advisors this morning, that Atesha skipped, your sister and her team was sent to scout the gate. We have to smuggle you and your friends back to the Legion. As much as I wish you could stay with me you still have your task to complete. Speaking of friends can you introduce them to your mother?”
“This one is Otis.” Atesha spoke first as she lifted Otis to rub her cheek against his. She took extra care to keep her horns from cutting his soft skin. “He may be ugly but he is strong. I think he could have even escaped my hug if he tried and he makes a lot of heat. Hey Kavdiir does he have a mate?”
“Mother you are at least three times his age.”
“Aw don’t say that. I am a young 82 years.” She pouted.
Otis held his hand showing his fingers to Kavdiir. “Five? She’s five times older than you?” Otis would have held up more but his other arm was pinned down.
“Eh. He’s barely hatched then too young for me. Maybe Ilesha will like him. What do you think Aludi?”
“You know my daughter only has eyes for Kavdiir and from the looks of his cute little shocked face he feels the same.” The Queen answered while rubbing her cheek against Sonashi. “And what is your name dear? My son still has a lot to learn about etiquette.
Aludi squealed the moment she heard the name. “What a cute name! How about it? Do you like my son?”
“Mother!” Caeanos hissed. “Don’t you think you have teased us enough?”
“Aww fine.” She released the two from their hug. “Let’s have a seat and discuss the plans from this morning meeting. Atesha you should release them now.”
“I don’t want to! Otis, you do not mind right?”
“I mind!” Kavdiir shouted and pulled out of his mother’s hug as it loosened.
“Go my worthless son. I have found a new favorite son now.” She wrapped her arms and tail around Otis and pulled him closer. “He’s so warm.”
“Yes, I think we have some news for you Queen Aludi.” Otis spoke from Atesha’s lap.
“Oh and what would that be sweetie?” She stared at Atesha not bothering to hide jealousy on her face.
“Your plan is to smuggle us back through the gate right?” Otis asked as he pulled Atesha’s arm down from his neck.
“That is right.” Her eyes narrowed a bit at the question. She was not used to being the one with less information so she was suspicious of what he could tell her that she did not already know.
“That is going to be a problem you see we destroyed the gate on the Legion’s side.”
Silence took the room and Atesha’s arms gripped Otis tighter as she stopped rubbing against his cheek. The Queen’s eye twitched as she looked over to Caeanos.
“Son, is this true?”
“Yes, mother we destroyed the gate and took their instruction manual so they could not rebuild it. At least not anytime soon.”
A wild grin took Queen Aludi’s face. “I only expected that maybe you killed a sub commander but this. I am glad I shut you up last night before you announced it to the senate. Did someone tell you? We need to change plans…” She trailed off lost in thought.
“Tell me what?”
“Two years after you left another challenger for the title of Prince appeared. He is backed by at least half of the senate. His chosen task is to destroy the gate. We believe it is to stop you and Kavdiir from returning. Our reports say that he has failed two attempts so far and will be attempting again soon. He has gained the allegiance of many of the younger generation and is getting closer every time. But now.” Atesha laughed as she petted Otis’s head finding that his hair feels interesting and fluffy. “If it is already destroyed. He has lost. We have spent so much effort in stopping the young from rallying to his cause and in one night, Caeanos, you tear him down.”
“I did not do much and besides it was Kavdiir’s plan. Violam” Caeanos gave Otis a strange look as he just realized Otis gave a different name. “Otis probably even killed sub-commanders and thousands of Farg soldiers. Sonashi is smart and always has the good ideas. I did not do much.” Caeanos looked away from his mother’s concerned eyes. She had finally came out of her thoughts when she saw her son in pain.
Queen Aludi wanted to wrap her son up in a hug but resisted. She cannot always be there to pick him up and she knew it. She wanted him to be the next leader of the Linnare. He had it in him but it was up to him to find it. A Prince, no a King cannot be crippled with self-doubt. A mother can only do so much to help her son get over those feelings but doing too much for him could cause other problems all together. So she was relieved when someone else spoke up in her stead even if it came from the unlikeliest source in the room.
“You know you earned your place on Rose Team.” Otis spoke with a serious expression that was only betrayed by the fact that he was being squeezed tight by a large Linnare woman. “I would not have selected you otherwise. You are strong and you will only get stronger. Don’t worry I will continue your training the first chance we get.”
“Thank you Otis but I thought Kavdiir was the leader of your team? You make is sound like you are.” The Queen asked.
“He was.” Sonashi cut in with a sharp reply. “But we had some disagreements.”
“My Otis was? You know inner squad disputes happen all the time. In fact, at one time I tried to kill Caeanos’s father. Now why was that?” Atesha looked up in thought as she scratch the tip of horn that came up from just over her left eye.
The Queen snorted. “Which time? The time you find out that I took him as a mate or when he drank the last bit of Ale rations?”
The First Captain shrugged in response. “Either one I guess. He was such a weak little man. I do not know what you saw in him.” She said with a smile.
“Probably the same thing you saw in him.”
“Mother, what did you do to solve the dispute?” Kavdiir attempted to get the conversation back on track.
“We fought until one of us could not fight anymore.”
Caeanos swallowed and looked as if he just lost a bit of his life. “No thank you. Please spare this one from doing that again.”
“Oh you fought my Otis but he is so soft and squeezable.”
“We all did and at the same time.” Kavdiir looked his mother in the eyes. He was also feeling a little jealous of Otis. “You may think he is soft and squeezable but he killed the Butcher in a fight.”
“YOU KILLED THE AMBASSADOR’S SECOND IN COMMAND!” The Queen jumped to her feet and pointed at Otis then shifted her focus to the Linnare caressing his head. “First Captain go summon Ilesha back things have changed. We must figure out how to send them back and sooner than planned. Caeanos needs to be there to strike the Ambassador while he is weakened. As for the rest of you, I suggest you get over yourselves. You have one enemy and that is the Ambassador. You do not have the time to worry about your petty personal differences.”
“Petty? He tried to kill us! I trusted him!” Sonashi shouted in defense showing her own fangs.
“So what? I have tried to kill many people including my First Captain but do you see her complaining about it. Otis is still here is he not? He helped save you when you needed to escape right?” Queen Aludi’s finger poked Sonashi in the chest. “My son said you were the smart one then be quiet until you have something smart to say.”
“You tried to have me killed?”
“Quiet Atesha I am trying to make a point.”
They all watch Sonashi’s shoulders sag under the weight of the Queen’s words. Just when they thought Sonashi was going to speak again the Queen interrupted. “Come girl give me a hug it will make you feel better.” She wrapped Sonashi in a hug before she had a chance to refuse.
Sonashi sniffed attempting to hold back her tears. “I have an idea. Vee do you still have the stone?
“Uhh yea.”
“Enough.” Queen Aludi interrupted gently. “We will make plans over lunch. Atesha why are you still here? I gave you a task.” The First Captain tossed Otis from her lap and rushed out the door without looking back. “Kavdiir be a dear and tell the servants to get the small dining hall ready and to prepare a feast for fifteen.” Queen Aludi spoke to Kavdiir as she swept Otis in one arm and wrapped Caeanos in her tail and dragged them all over to the sofa. Sonashi attempted to pull away but the Queen just tightened her hold. “Shhh none of that dear just be quiet and relax this will help all of you.”
Otis stirred from his nap with a yawn “Otis it is about time you wake up. Lunch is ready and my daughter will be here shortly.” Aludi said looking down at him.
At some point he had fallen asleep with his head on Queen Aludi’s lap. Otis did not remember putting his head down it was just so relaxing. Unlike Kavdiir and Caeanos he was not about to push away the comfort that was being offered. For the first time in a long time he felt safe. It was like a dream to Otis, he could take a nap in the middle of the day without any worries. There was no army, no killing, no threat of torture and blessedly no Neuromancers to haunt his dreams. Most importantly there was no Bloodrage corrupting him. He still did have Violam and no idea how he would handle his other self. He had ignored the issue since he took over but he could not afford to ignore it for long. Violam was there still in his mind and no amount of ignoring him would make Violam go away.
“He is a heavy sleeper just give him a minute and he will get up.” Sonashi told the Queen as she left the sofa. She did not push the Queen away either instead they had a conversation while Otis slept. He had caught bits and pieces of it usually when his name came up. He may have been asleep but he was not dead to the world though he did have the decorum to not listen in. From his cursory glance of Sonashi it looked as if whatever was said had appeased her anger.
Caeanos, on the other hand had pulled himself out of his mother’s grasp earlier and was currently sitting on the other side of the room with his nose in a book. As Otis turned his head to see him he was reminded of something. “Do you have any books to learn your language?” Otis said through another yawn as he sat up.
“That is an odd question. Did you have a nice nap?”
“Yes best I have had in years.” He said as he spotted some snacks and hot tea on a table that must have been brought in at some point. What he had assumed was Tea was sludgy green liquid. He avoided it and went for the crackers, they were dry and stale but probably the best they could get in the Under Districts.
“Do not eat too much dear like I said lunch is ready. There are clothes prepared for you in Caeanos’s room so use his bath and get cleaned up quickly.” Queen Aludi thought for a moment as she scratched her chin with her claw. “I do believe we have some old Linnish language books stored somewhere. Most of our children learn to speak through hereditary knowledge but we do have books for those who have problems. I will have them brought to the dining room.” She called out to Otis as he walked into Caeanos’s room.
The robe and pants laid out for Otis was much more elaborate than the one he was given the night before. The material felt like silk but it was far too heavy. It was dark green with some golden decorative work in the shape of a clawed Linnare hand with its palm held outward over Otis’s heart. A servant led Otis to the dining room and pressed Otis into the seat next to Sonashi.
“Took you long enough. No matter the amount of scrubbing you will not be able to get rid of your kind of ugly.” Sonashi whispered under her breathe and despite the words Otis could tell her heart was not in it.
“Thank you Sonashi and you look stunning in your robe. The Queen has quite the eye for color, it suits you well.” Otis said just loud enough for the others to overhear. Caeanos rolled his eyes while the Queen grinned madly. Sonashi blushed and shifted uncomfortably under everyone's eyes.
“My My, maybe I did not need to speak with Sonashi after all.” Queen Aludi continued to grin. “I hope you like your robe Otis. I wanted to find something worthy of your pretty green eyes.”
This time it was Otis who blushed but it was not last long as Atesha arrived with another two Linnare following her. She promptly took the seat on the other side of Otis.
“When is the food coming? I got here late on purpose you know.” She stated as she plopped down and scooted herself next to Otis. The Queen just responded with a smug smile.
“You don’t want to sit next to Kavdiir? I figured you would still have some catching up to do.”
“I think that seat is already taken by Ilesha. Speaking of that.” Atesha’s voice rose as she looked at her two subordinates. “Ilesha and Gralie, please introduce yourselves to our guest. You are being rude.”
Ilesha stopped her heated conversation with Kavdiir to see Otis and Sonashi for the first time. Gralie had sat next to Caeanos and was smiling at him sweetly despite his look of annoyance. Her smile faded as she looked over at the two disinterested.
[Lieutenant Ilesha - Level 36]
[Royal Guard Gralie - Level 29]
“Say Prince Caeanos why are you traveling with such weaklings? You should stay home where I can protect you.”
“I agree, Kavdiir why do you have to get stronger? Maybe I should take the weak boy for mine instead of you.”
“Such fools.” Atesha whispered under her breath.
“I agree but that is why the food is not here. I wanted to watch the show.” Queen Aludi whispered in response. She had moved to sit next to Sonashi vacating her seat at the head of the table as the others had arrived to take their seats. She rested her hand on Sonashi’s shoulder to calm her down.
“Mother what are you whispering about? And why are you so comfortable with that female? I understand the First Captain has a new plaything but the girl. Is she going to become a new servant?” Ilesha questioned as her eyes narrowed.
Queen Aludi squeezed Sonashi’s shoulder causing to relax and unclench her fist. “No dear she is a guest just like Otis is. They are both honored guest since they your brother and your beloved return safely.” She said with a wistful smile. “Now I believe you have forgotten to introduce yourselves.”
“Return? You mean escape right? Yes I know and maybe if my brother had not taken on such a foolish task and surrounded himself with such weak partner’s maybe they would have returned in victory.”
“Sister that is enough.” Caeanos hissed as he let out his frustration through his claws that gripped the table leaving scars in the wood. “They are my friends and I will complete my task.”
“You do not have the strength to command me brother.”
“And that’s the problem isn’t it? He soon will, that is if he sticks with me.” Otis said through the smile that had been plastered on his face since the show started.
“Who gave you permission to speak!” Gralie stood from her seat. “Like you could show my Prince anything besides how a servant can carry his bags.”
Otis ignored her outburst. “Atesha, you must have told them we will be leaving soon and that spoiled their mood.” The First Captain gave a short laugh in response.
“Otis, can’t we enjoy their tantrum for a little longer. I rarely get to see my children act like kids anymore. They have gotten boring since they became of age though Kavdiir is handling himself well. In fact he looks as amused about this as I am.” Queen Aludi answered for the First Captain.
“Yes, he has always been level headed which is why I was confused when you announced Caeanos as Prince. Not to say Caeanos is incapable he certainly has what it takes to lead like I said earlier he was chosen to be on my team for a reason not just because he was a friend.”
“My Queen are we to sit here and listen to him insult Prince Caeanos?”
“Does Caeanos look insulted?” Queen Aludi gestured to her son as he sat straight and proud would a slight smile on his face. “And he has not earned the title of prince yet, you would do well to remember that.”
“Have you still not realized that you are the weakest at this table?” Queen Aludi cut the Royal Guard off. “You claim power has the right but you cannot recognize it when it sits in front of you. Gralie, you may lead the Royal Guard at young age but that has less to do with your abilities and more to do with our current situation. Our people may have been subjugated and scattered but our war still goes on. We need all of positions in our fighting force filled and we have less people to fill them. You still have a lot to learn.”
“Mother you cannot be serious.” Ilesha said as her friend sat down.
“I am and if I had not been restraining Sonashi here she probably would have cut out your tongues for belittling her and her friends. Do not give me that look I would not lie to you. I can tell you that she has been through a lot and does not take your insults to her friends lightly. In a fair fight you would not walk away unscathed. I am also sure Otis is amused by your tantrum because he would utterly destroy you in a fight.”
“Oh come on, I would not destroy her.” Ilesha smirked at Otis’s denial of her Mother’s claim. “I would make sure not to hurt her after all she is your daughter and Caeanos’s sister. At least I would not hurt her any more than I could fix. But I would not need to fight her I am confident Kavdiir could take her.” Otis felt Atesha stiffen at Otis’s last statement. He took a drink of water ignoring their gaping stares.
“Otis, sweetie, I know you are Kavdiir’s friend but there is no need for false claims. Ilesha is one of the strongest among us and in a decade she will probably be the strongest.” Atesha stated.
“Their strength is closer than you realize and I watched her walk in he wins by far in skill. He has also fought in war, training can only do so much even if it is my training.” Otis looked over his teammates. They had all gained levels in the cave and grown stronger. Fighting in the Legion, hunting insect mages improved their skills leaps and bounds. Otis himself gained several levels in their escape by defeating Neuromancers and the Butcher.
[Kavdiir - Level 33 Leader of Rose Team]
[Sonashi - Level 30 Rose Team]
[Caeanos - Level 31 Rose Team]
[Violam - Level 36 Rose Team]
Kavdiir cleared his throat drawing all eyes to him. “This has gone on long enough. Violam stop playing around.” Kavdiir stated weakly. “If no one wants to introduce themselves I will do the introductions. Lieutenant Ilesha and Gralie this is Lieutenant Violam and Sonashi. Violam, Ilesha is the fourth strongest among the Linnare a title she takes very seriously. Gralie is the head of the Queen’s Royal Guard.”
“See Kavdiir is always level headed and please call me Otis. I am no longer a Lieutenant and Violam is somewhat of a nickname but that is a story for another time.”
“Queen Aludi can we please get started discussing the plans for our return to the Legion.” Kavdiir asked desperately trying to change the subject.
“We are waiting for one more to arrive and he likes to be late.” The Queen grunted.
“No, we are not there is a dwarf outside the door. I believe he was frightened by the yelling earlier.” Everyone at the table looked at Otis in confusion.
After Otis’s announcement the dwarf from the sandwich shop begrudgingly entered the dining room and sat at the end of the table. Servants also entered bringing plate after plate of meats and vegetables. It was far more food than the people present could eat. Otis was not the only one surprised by the food so was Kavdiir and Caeanos.
The Queen spoke noticing their astonished looks. “My daughter and her team successfully raided a storage warehouse a few days ago. We are well stocked at the moment so I decide we would have a celebration feast. There is no reason to hold back please eat as much as you would like.”
“This came from the other side of the gate didn’t it?” Otis asked as he recognized some of the meats. “You are going to need to raid those warehouses soon. The supplies will not last.”
Ilesha eyed Otis suspiciously. “Yes, speaking of the gate. Mother, I have something to report from this morning’s scouting mission. But maybe I should wait for somewhere more private.”
“No here is fine though I already know there is something wrong with the gate, right?” Ilesha nodded in response.
“Well Caeanos and his friends destroyed the gate on the other side. That is why it is not working today.”
“What? If that is true how did they make it back?”
“I would like to know that too. How did you suddenly appear on the Temple level?” The Dwarf, Darmyl Redbraid, interjected.
“We got here the same way we are returning.” Sonashi stated. “Vee, do you still have that damn stone?”
“Sure do.” Otis acted like he pulled it from his pocket and set it on the table. “But how do we get it to take us back? It does not work for me.”
“True, it will not work for any of us but we are not the only ones that came for that world.” Sonashi answered cryptically.
“That is right many of the insect people have been brought here. Caeanos and I have seen many of them cross when we worked at the gate.”
“Otis my dear could you please explain so the rest of us can understand?” The First Captain asked as she was reaching for more [Horned Boar] steak.
“Sure.” He said holding the stone in the air. “This is a [Recall Stone] it will take the user and any friendlies the user is touching home. It for some reason will not work for me and Sonashi’s home was destroyed by the Farg so Caeanos or Kavdiir must have touched it during our escape and it brought us here. I am assuming Sonashi wants to use some prisoners that the Farg brought through the gate to get us back.”
“May I have a look at it?” Queen Aludi asked and stuck out her hand expectantly.
“Ah no.” Otis put the stone in his pocket and sent it back into its bag. “I do not know where it will send you and I would rather not risk it.”
“How dare you?” Ilesha stood followed by the Gralie the Royal Guard. “Mother offers you food and shelter and yet you refuse her request! I cannot let this thing stay here any longer.”
“Sit down Ilesha.” The Queen spoke with an unyielding tone. ”He has a right to refuse. I understand his worries though I wish he would have trusted me more.” The Queen turned back to Otis. “I did not intend to use it because even after I have been here for over a hundred years I do not consider this planet home.”
Otis feeling ashamed looked away from her gaze. “I am sorry. I will let you examine it after we are done here.”
“Mother, what are we doing here?” Ilesha asked in a tone that suggested she was not content with Otis’s answer.
“Before it was to plan on how to smuggle them back through the gate but now, since the gate is not an option and we have that stone, we need to get them into the holding cells and if possible destroy the other gate. I would like to ruin any and all of Sejin’s plans since that little bastard wanted to keep my son from returning home.”
“Sejin is the one whose task is to destroy the gate?” Sonashi asked.
“Yes he is.”
“Mother, how is any of that possible? We have never been able to get into those facilities. It would take months of planning if not longer.” Ilesha rubbed her head.
“Sister, that was before you had us. We can do it now you will see.” Caeanos boasted.
“Ilesha you do not have months only a few weeks at best Caeanos must complete his chosen task while the Ambassador is weakened. Which is why I invited Darmyl here, he has good information.”
“We do not have weeks to wait either.” Sonashi added as she cleaned her second plate of food going on to a third.
“What? Why? I wanted to wait until the [Moocher] wore off we only need nine days.” Otis said through a mouth full of food. All of Rose Team including the normally reserved Kavdiir were eating their weight in food.
“Have you all forgotten the insects fled if we wait Otis your people will die. The Legion is only going to move faster now that the insects left and they have no support from the gate.”
“Not to speak out of place but I do think you are all underestimating Sejin.” Darmyl spoke up after he finished the last rib on his plate. “I was informed earlier that he has move up his assault on the gate to two days from now. He has also heard that it is not working as such he wants to destroy the gate before it can be confirmed. He does not know about the stone though so he thinks this will also stop Caeanos from completing his task.”
“Then it is settled!” Otis laughed as everyone looked at him as if he was insane. “We hitch a ride on this Sejin guy’s plan. We will infiltrate the facility with them then break off and use them as a distraction.”
“He would never let you or anyone in this room join him in his chosen task.” The dwarf stated flatly.
“We are not going to ask him and unless he has something that can detect camouflage I don’t think he will notice.” Otis covered himself in shadow and vanished before their eyes to make a statement.
Otis reappeared in his seat and ate a spoonful of creamy peach colored pudding. It was not any flavor he could recognize but it was sweet and delicious. Kavdiir and Caeanos could not hide their smiles as they saw the shocked expressions on their mother’s faces. “So what is your chosen task anyway Caeanos?” Otis spoke releasing the other from the spell of shock.
“I am to kill the Ambassador.” It was the first time Caeanos has ever said that with a laugh.
“There must be a reason you picked something so stupid but we are agreed I have to kill him as well. I have promises to keep.” Otis said with a mouthful of the last of his pudding.
“You are all crazy. How can you expect to kill the Ambassador? Why would you choose such an impossible mission?” Sonashi asked while looking considerably pale.
“Little shit stole my pudding!” Ilesha interrupted. She realized there was an empty space where her plate of pudding should have been.
“And my pastry! Give it back!” Gralie shouted.
“No! You had four already, share with everyone else you glutton.” Otis took a bite of a newly acquired pastry. It was filled with a fruit that reminded him of apples and he had taken a liking to it.
“And you already had three of them! That was the last one.” Gralie shouted again with veins throbbing on her reptilian forehead. Not caring that Otis has already taken a bite she reached across the table to snatch it back.
“Yeah and now we are even.” Otis shoved the rest of the pastry into mouth before she could reach him. His eyes held a look of pure bliss.
“I hope you choke on it!”
“Now children please calm down. Otis is our guest let him eat what he wants.” Queen Aludi said in a soothing purr as she secretly winked at Otis. He responded with a thumbs up and a cough to finish swallowing the pastry.
“Otis, you have become stronger with the shadows I did not even see you this time.” Caeanos complimented earning a hard glare from his sister and Gralie. “Those temple guards must have been mistaken you are definitely beyond ‘C’ grade cloaking.”
“It probably is because he had us all cloaked in shadow.” Kavdiir added. “There had to be some drawbacks to covering all of us.
“You mean my Otis can cloak others too.” Atesha asked.
“Yes we just have to be touching or chained together if it's a group.” Otis leaned into the First Captain’s shoulder and pushed the shadows over her. She yelped in surprise and he quickly withdrew them.”
“What else can you do?” Queen Aludi asked with an unnerving glint in her eyes.
“Did you get that book I asked for? I will show you the skill I find most interesting.”
The Queen nodded in response and a servant entered the dining room carrying several books. Otis had noticed a wordless transmission between the Queen and the servant. There was telepathy there, he felt it but it was different than his in that it had been aided by an unseen medium. There must be a device, Otis assumed, that connected the Queen to another’s mind or just to this servant. He was tempted to eavesdrop or force his way into the transmission but decided not to as he saw the Queen giving him a knowing smile.
It's not worth it anyway, Otis thought. I would have to consume an intellect potion to use my [Telepathy] well enough to enter their unspoken conversation. [Telepathy] may not consume mana but there is some connection to the Intelligence attribute.
“Thank you.” Otis said to the servant as she passed them over to him. He quickly cast [Inspect] over the books as he set them on the table.
[Beginner’s Linnish Language]
[Language Tome. Can be learned through use of Magic]
[Fight Like the Dragon You Are]
[Combat skills Tome. Can be learned through use of Magic. Grants increase to Battle Tactics, Footwork, Martial Arts Combat, Sword Combat and Spear Combat]
[Following the Dragon: Linnare History, Culture and Etiquette]
[Textbook created for Linnare children born after subjugation. A book heavy with knowledge. Not Learnable through use of Magic]
[Linnare Battlecode]
[Combat skills Tome. Can be learned through use of Magic. Grants Lock picking, increase to Battle Tactics and all stealth related skills. Increases Mental Resilience. The Battlecode: 1. Stealth, 2. Evasion, 3. All is fair, 4. The Battlecode is formless.]
“Queen Aludi, may I keep these books permanently.” Otis gave her his winningest smile.
“Mother those…” Ilesha was stopped by her mother’s raised hand.
“Yes, you may keep them.” The Queen answered cautiously. “May I ask why you would like to take them? You certainly will not be able to the Linnish without our help if at all and all of the books are written in Linnish characters as well.”
Otis did not immediately answer instead he snatched the first book from the stack. The book broke down into a golden aura which immediately traveled up Otis’s arm and into his mind.
[Linnare Language Learned]
[Title Granted: World Traveler]
[Title granted through actions. Has traveled to three or more worlds. Has learned three or more languages. Has established relations, good or bad, with three or more races.
--Increased Wisdom by 10%
--Languages learned at a faster rate
--Increased Affinity to Travel Magics (Locked: Shadow Affinity Requirements not met)
--Increased Movement Speed (Hidden Skill) by 15%]
“Thank you.” He stated in a heavily accented Linnish growl. “I can...eat knowledge.”
The Linnare definitely follow the Hug It Out school of though.
- In Serial88 Chapters
A Journey in Darkness
A Journey in Darkness is the story of a human girl who finds herself displaced far, far away from home, in a new world filled with wonders to discover and perils to overcome in her very own way. Waking up in a cave in her pajamas will only be the start of her problems. Will she find a way out? Maybe. Will she get eaten while searching for it? Probably. Is she going to be quite unhappy with the menu offered? Absolutely. Hello! I’m Mr. White and this is my first story. I hope you will like it! In this tale you won’t find a powerful main character conquering the new evil world with only the power of his tortured soul. What you will find is a normal person growing and finding her way despite the hardships she encounters in a world that is not so black and white. I will be posting every Tuesday and Friday and I’ll try to keep as large a backlog as possible. English is not my first language so I hope you will inform me if you find any mistake in the chapters. Discord Royal Road Writathon challenge Winner! Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash
8 201 - In Serial47 Chapters
Reincarnated as a Dragonman (On Hiatus)
Marcus was your average teenager, going to school, working part-time and that stuff. After a string of unfortunate events he has died and was chosen by a goddess as one of the 10 who will journey to another world and entertain her. Before, he had to live with what the world gave him. Now, he will force the world to give him what he wants (with a little gift from a certain goddess)
8 131 - In Serial83 Chapters
Curse of Immortals: Tempestatem
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon Challenge] Once a talented, young gymnast, Daiden resents his existence after a career-ending injury. In death, he is offered a chance to traverse into Mioverold, a decaying world cursed with immortality.With a new body and reawakened ambition, Daiden now prepares for life in a fantastical, war-torn world, with a simple promise - to leave a generational mark. -- Posting Schedule:- One Chapter/ Day- Two Chapters/Week (After catching up with the original buffer)
8 99 - In Serial30 Chapters
Bad Habits {V2 Out now!}
Some people are lucky, others are unlucky, but a tiny bit of the population have it way worse than unlucky. Takumi Ishido (Red) is one of these people. Takumi’s father was the expected successor of the Ishido clan, a group of dangerous people doing dirty work all around Japan. But it went wrong. Instead of his father, his uncle took the role as leader of the Ishido Mafia. Both his parent’s disappeared from his life and he ended up in an Orphanage. Here he meets a group of people who had something similar happening to them. The first he knew was Ukato Takeshi. (Blue) They quickly became friends, but the Orphanage started slowly to fill up with more. Later on Kuruka Zukaka (Green) joined the Orphan, following him up was Nokado Tatafu. (Yellow) The last two were brothers, the older brother was Rikishi Mika. (Pink) The younger one was Tado Mika. (Purple) They all ended up becoming friends and after half a decade, they had one week left until they were allowed to leave the Orphanage and make their own future. The workers of the Orphan who took care of them: Ryan and Anne started to search a present for the boys. That is when the biggest change of their lives happened… - - - - - - - - - - - Note: I don't own the characters in the cover, nor do I own some photo's in the Web Novel you see later on. - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair"
8 261 - In Serial59 Chapters
(previously titled The Vampires Human)"Awe pretty baby, look how cute you look all tied up and crying for us," he softly stroked my face, but the smirk on his lips made me shiver. He turned to look at them, "What should we do with you now?" He asked, lowering himself to my face. I stared at him wide eyed, listening to the others circle around me like lions ready to pray on a lamb. I can't hide my arousal from them, they can sense it, even if I lie, they'll call my bluff. I bit my lip, staring into his red eyes. "Punish me?" ~•~This book contains sexual content, age gaps, light bdsm, and second hand embarrassment. If you don't like submissive female leads, this isn't the book for you.READ THE DISCLAIMER.(cover by @asweetprincess )
7.63 98388 - In Serial17 Chapters
Guns A Blazin'
This story is about a young boy born under the evil hand of the five main mafia families of planet Flinkaz.
8 212