《Lost Child》Chapter 19: a Cave, a Demon and a Green Light
Yea so I had this ready to post on Monday but RR was down. Then I forgot that it hadn't been posted.. Sorry about that here it is now. Visit https://yougots.wordpress.com/ for other stuff.
The fog retreated from Otis's body. To him it had only been an instant since the fog snatched him. The formed its square barrier once again only this time it was much smaller. All four walls of the barrier were within two arms lengths of Otis. The fog barrier turned red at once and dark clouds also formed on all four walls.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Otis commented to himself. He took a page from his attacker's book. He formed a compressed shadow in the shape of spike then twisted into a screw. “This better work and Fast!” The darkened clouds grew in intensity, the gray spikes would emerge soon. Otis plunged his spike into the barrier. He rotated his twisted spike drilling deep into the barrier.
The barrier shook. His attack caused it to lose much of its strength. A gray spike jetted out from behind Otis stabbing him through the back of his calf nailing him to the ground. Otis screamed out in pain. He did not have time to even dodge the spike before it struck him. The spike pulled his energy from him. The black drill Otis created faltered and its rotation slowed. It was close to breaking through. Another spike stabbed into his shoulder. The drill stopped completely this time. Otis body slumped down his consciousness was fading. He pushed his last bit of energy into the drill. It spun one last time. The tip managed to just penetrate the barrier.
The hole in the barrier was tiny and closing fast. Otis merged with the black drill. The drill shimmered into a single black line vectoring itself through the opening. Outside the barrier the line took a perfect right angle and shot to the ground below. As soon as it touched the line spread out reforming back into Otis.
Otis slept sprawled out on the ground. In the sky above him several gray lines stabbed into a cloud. The lines receded from the cloud and scattered out in different directions to begin their search for the anomaly once again.
He woke and stared into the burning sky. “Shouldn’t merge with the shadow that often until I have worked on it. It feels good." He shuddered. "Like I am in two places at once.” The cloud in the sky that was once Otis’s prison has now finally reformed. The cloud moved downward towards the boy at a slow pace. “I guess I have had enough rest. Better put some space between me and that thing.”
The area that had once been green grasslands now looked brown and wilted. Otis ran towards the red crack in the sky. Flames constantly shot from it into the sky. Some flames still fell to the ground although it was quite a bit less than before. Otis passed flames that had burnt away. After the flames died they left behind a boiling red puddle. Around the puddle the ground was scorched gray and cracked. Otis watched one puddle merge into another and seep into the ground. “That cannot be good.” He shook his head and continued on.
Otis arrived at the gorge. The land had changed drastically. The quakes had shifted the ground, the other side of the chasm stood much higher than Otis’s side but the gorge was not nearly as wide as before. The red liquid streamed over the chasm walls in several areas flowing down into the abyss.
"I think I can make it this time but just in case." Otis summoned a shadow and wrapped the bottom of his shoes. He then condensed the shadows into cleats. He summoned another shadow and did the same on his palms. Otis took a running jump to leap to the other side of the chasm. He had aimed himself towards a small ridge and grabbed ahold. He did not waste any time and began to climb to the top. He was not far from the top only about ten feet. As Otis climbed the distance never lessened. "Damn just like before. I cannot go the way I want to go." He said in frustration.
Otis gave up trying to climb to the top. Instead he changed directions and went down. The distance from the top grew as the boy moved further and further towards the abyss. He had attempted to move to the left or right but he had the same result as if he was trying to climb up. He was not able to move left or right anyway as the red liquid was encroaching on either side of him. Soon he could no longer see the top of the chasm only a tiny sliver of the sky. He came to a hole in the wall. The hole had claw marks on the side of it like something had burrowed into to it. It was only large enough for his arm to enter. The red liquid had also stopped flowing downward, it pooled at the level of the hole and seeped into wall.
Otis attempted to continue past the small hole but he was not allowed. He could only go as far as eye level to it. Otis sighed in defeat. He willed a shadow into the hole. He sent the shadow down deeper into the tiny cave until it was large enough for him to fit. He widened the shadows on his feet and fell through it. Otis roughly exited out of the other shadow landing face first in the dirt.
At this part of the cave it was large enough for Otis to stand. The red liquid traced along the walls, the liquid glowed giving the cave a dim red illumination. Otis followed the glowing red veins deeper into the cave. The red liquid gathered into larger streams the deeper he went. There were streams running on every surface. They were running on the ground, walls and even the ceiling of the cavern. They ran around, over and through the stalagmites. Stalactites even jetted out from the stream of red liquid on the roof of the cavern.
"Fefefefe” A sudden sound caused Otis to spin around. Something was stirring in one of the red streams. The ripples in the liquid stopped as soon as Otis had seen it.
"Cococo” Another sound came from above. This sound was a deeper pitch than the one before. The boy backed away. He wanted nothing more than to retreat from this place but like before no matter how many steps back he took he never moved from his current spot.
"Fefefefe” Otis spun once more. This time it was from ahead of him. A tiny figure stepped out from the red liquid. "Fee Fee Feed” Its voice was high pitched and scratchy. It was the size of a child and had large pointed ears. A sharp edged weapon formed in its hand. The goblin looked up to Otis and stepped towards the boy. A title appeared above the goblin’s head. It was the first time Otis had seen anything like that since his mind had split. He did not even have his own status bars or menu.
[Blood Goblin - Level 5]
"Feed the Bloodrage! Feed the Bloodrage! FEED THE BLOODRAGE!" The blood goblin yelled. Its mouth opened impossibly wide and a liquid bubbled up from its gullet. The goblin wretched, spewing boiling red liquid at Otis. The boy jumped away dodging the liquid and landed on a nearby stalagmite. The liquid turned and shot towards Otis again. He rolled out of the way. The liquid dove into the nearest stream merging with the red river.
Otis jumped back dodging the goblins attack. It had continued to approach him while he dodged the liquid. The blood goblin attacked Otis again with its red sickle. Its attacks were clumsy and forecasted. Otis stepped around and dodge the goblins continued attacks. I don't want to touch the creature. It's made of the red liquid I don't know what that stuff will do to me. Otis thought as he jumped back to create some distance between the two.
Otis constructed a green flame and fired it at the red goblin. The flame hit the red goblin in the chest and the green fire splashed across its face. "FEED!" It screamed at the dying flames. "FEED THE BLOODRAGE!" It charged at Otis with renewed energy.
“Well that didn’t work. I guess I will have to try something else.” Otis slipped through the goblins swings and stepped away once again. A large dark boulder appeared hovering in front of the boy. It shot out crashing into the goblin. The impact made the goblin take a few steps back. The boulder lost size at it melted into the goblin.
“BURN!” The scream filled cavern as a red creature fell from the stream on the ceiling landing on four legs. A sharp horn jutted out from the crown of its head. “BURN THE MIND!” The creature shouted as it stood up on two legs. Blood red wings emerged from its back. The large bat like creature took to the air.
[Blood Bat - Level 10]
“BURN THE MIND!” The flying beast screeched. The air vibrated with each screech. The creature zeroed in on the Otis, it flapped its wings and dove towards the boy who was dodging the goblins attacks. It readied it claws to slash into the human’s back only to slash at empty air. The boy had vanished. The blood bat attempted to correct its flight but still crashed into the tiny goblin and tumble to the ground.
Otis stepped out of a shadow on the outside of the room. “Time to stop playing around.” Otis summoned a condensed shadow it was in its more adaptable liquid form. “I really didn’t want to touch those things.” He was connected to the shadow now. He would feel what the shadow feels and he can only move his condensed shadow a few feet from his body so his attacks had to be up close and personal.
The two creatures growled and scrambled to their feet. The goblin vomited another stream of red liquid. Otis jumped out of its path but the bats screech pounded Otis's ears. “BURN THE MIND!” Otis pushed past the pain that lanced into his brain.
Otis stepped into his shadow and fell from the ceiling of the cave. “Burn this you flying rat!” The black shadow sharpened as Otis slashed. The bat was cleaved in two and fell from the air. Otis’s entire body burned when the shadow touched the beast. He landed in a heap on the ground paralyzed by pain. A blood red sickle appeared slashing down into Otis’s face. Otis rolled out of the way of the sickle just missing him. Otis brought his edged shadow across the goblin’s neck relieving it of its head. The bat and goblin dissolved into pools of liquid. The liquid rolled across the ground to merge with a nearby stream.
Otis’s body spasmed in pain once again. Once the moment passed, he dismissed his shadow and stumbled forward deeper into the cave. “I have to get out here. That damn thing. What did the goblin call it? The Bloodrage. What has Violam gotten us into?” Otis cautiously watched the streams as he moved further down into the cavern until they merged together.
He had summoned a condensed shadow and looked at it thoughtfully. “I need a way to protect myself and I can’t be paralyzed with pain. I don’t have access to the elements and those things eat mental energy. All I have is the shadow but it hurts like hell when it touches them.” He formed the shadow into a condensed wall though it was much smaller so Otis could manipulate it. “I cannot push it very far out at all.” The wall hovered a little over an arm's length in front of the boy. Otis sharpened the edges and spun it around his body. “Now they can’t sneak up on me like before. I just need to test it to make sure it works.”
Otis spent the next half hour walking undisturbed. There had been several corridors that he was forced to pass up. He was sure they led to the surface but this world only allowed him to move in a certain direction. He had further condensed down the shadow till it was just thicker than his old training sword. In the past he had been able to see through the shadow wall but now it was the darkest black he had ever seen.
The sounds came once again. “fefefefe” He had heard them several times since the attack but nothing ever came out of the Blood river. The cavern had opened up into a large room if it wasn’t for Otis’s enhanced vision he would not have been able to see the walls. By this time the red river had all accumulated to one side of the room. Otis cast a wary eye towards the river that was slowly pooling into a lake. If given enough time the river will completely take over the vast room. The top of the lake gurgled and boiled. The gurgling sounded strangely like words but they were unintelligible.
Dirt landed on Otis’s shoulder, he reached up to brush it off but faltered as the ground and walls twisted and shook. Waves of red liquid crashed into the underground lake. The lake expanded swelled consuming a majority of the space in the cavern. The patches of the ceiling crumbled and fell to the ground. Otis dodge and rolled away from the debris. He used his shadow to split some of the large falling rocks. In the confusion and destruction of the cave red creatures stepped out of the expanding lake. They all screamed in their desperate scratchy voices drawing Otis’s attention.
“Oh now you come! Couldn’t you at least do this on my schedule? Come back in an hour when I am ready?” Some of the creatures had already reached Otis striking distance. Otis braced himself for pain and brought his shadow guillotine down on one of the four legged creature’s neck. Otis body felt itchy all over as the shadow sliced through. He deemed the shadow a success he rotated it slicing another creature in half. Goblins of all forms continued to step out of the lake some of which did get crushed by the falling debris. The boy easily out maneuvered the monsters as well as the debris. The shaking ground did not have much effect on his fighting abilities, the only thing that slowed him down was his cumbersome weapon. It required too much concentration and its reach was rather limited.
Otis created some space between him and his attackers. “Why didn’t I think of that earlier?" An idea came into his mind. The shadow wall stretched out, first forming into a pole then the top of shadow staff flattened into a blade. This was one of his favorite weapons taught to him by Captain Trevino. He had told Otis it was called a Guan Dao. The Guan Dao was solid black, the bottom of the staff was adorned with a small spike and the blade had one curved side and the other was jagged both of which were very sharp. Otis grabbed ahold of the Guan Dao, its weight felt just right in Otis’s hands.
Otis spun the weapon and launched himself against the dozens of enemies who had appeared. The polearm swept out bisecting the first four opponents. Otis winced in pain, it felt like his spine was on fire. “I can’t stay in contact with them for too long. I need to aim for their necks. They may have a weak defense but all of my attacks hurt me as well.” Otis stepped into shadow and emerged behind a blood goblin. He took its head. The ground continued to shake. He moved through the short goblins ending them one by one. A black line traced along another goblins neck. The polearm looked like a black streak in his hands.
Otis wondered how many he had killed so far. He knew it was a lot but they just kept coming. “Feed the bloodrage!” They mindlessly cried. Otis was getting weaker, each kill ate away at him. He not only felt weaker, he felt as if there was less of himself every time he touched the blood. He felt like he was no longer complete.
Gigantic blood bats jetted out from the river. “Burn the mind!” Otis’s steps faltered he miss his kill instead he severed the goblin's arm at the shoulder which was worse as his blade did not cut cleanly through the monster. Fires burned through his body burning himself away. He ripped the Guan Dao from the creature. His breathe was erratic and ragged.
The bats continued to scream. “I need to get rid of them first.” Otis said through the pain. He stepped into a shadow and fell from the ceiling ending one of the bats. He did not land on the ground instead he fell through another shadow and came out of the ceiling again removing another bats head. He repeated this several times gaining more and more speed. “This is what I need! Speed!” Otis shouted as he fell through another shadow.
The faster he was the less time he spent in contact with the blood creatures. Otis ended the last blood bat but he was still left with a horde of blood goblins. Otis flew out of a shadow high on the cave wall. He angled himself at the horde of blood goblins. His polearm extended out further and a second blade former on the bottom. Otis sliced through the group ending many of them before falling into another shadow. Otis shot out of the shadow with the intention of finishing the fight when another creature stepped out of the blood river.
“Destroy the Halls!” A deep voice boomed. A wall of boiling blood erupted from the ground. It consumed the remaining blood goblins. Otis frantically shifted his polearm stretching the shadow out to cover his body. He reinforced the shadow as best he could and dove though the blood. To the surprise of the blood demon Otis came out the other side. He crashed limply into the ground. The blood wall receded leaving a deep incision in the ground.
[Blood Demon - Level 25]
The blood demon marched towards the unconscious boy. A crude smile ran across its lips. “Uhhh.” Otis moaned as he rolled over and stared at the blood demon. His entire body felt as if it was on fire and he could hardly move. The blood demon paused and sneered at the boy who had resisted his attack.
Otis looked past the blood demon. “Oh great now you show up. Why couldn’t you have come ten minutes ago?” The blood demon looked at Otis in confusion. Otis aware of the blood demons change in demeanor; he weakly lifted his hand and pointed past the monster. The fog was entering the room. It had finally caught up to Otis.
“Destroy the Halls!” The blood demon ruthlessly attacked. A blood wall erupted in front of the fog. The demon smiled and turned back to Otis. Otis responded by weakly pointing again. Rage showed on the demon's face as it roared once again. “Destroy the Halls!”
Otis had regained some of his strength. The demon was smarter than the other blood creatures. Otis knew it was only a matter of time before it lost interest in the fog and he was not going to wait for that. “There is no shame in running only in dying stupidly.” He summoned a shadow beneath him and moved away from the demon. He used his summoned shadows to transport himself deeper into the cave.
It did not take long before he could no longer see the fog or the blood demon but now he reached a point where he couldn’t push his shadows any further. Otis was covered dirt; he was not all that skillful at moving through the shadows and landed on his face several times.
“Stuck again.” Otis sighed after he attempted to push his shadows in other directions. The shadows stopped just a few feet away him. Otis observed his surroundings nothing stood out. Based on previous experience he knew he needed to find the direction the world would allow him to move. Thankfully the path heading towards the blood river was also blocked off. The only thing that stood out in this part of the cave was the fact that the river had gotten smaller and was now flowing in the direction he had come. He surmised that there must be something important with that lake. “Well it’s not like I can go check it out now. The demon and the fog are that way.” He said to himself while probing his surroundings with shadows.
“Speaking of the fog.” The fog was distant but now it was visible as it moved closer at a steady pace chasing the boy. Otis frowned at the fog and increased the shadows searching for an exit to his invisible box. Otis finally gained enough strength to stand. The ground still trembled as he stood but it was less chaotic. “I’ve checked everywhere.” He threw his hand up in desperation. The fog was nearly to him now. Its slow steady movement just added to the boy’s panic.
Otis threw shadows out in all directions in desperation. A dumb look fell on his face. He looked up to the ceiling, it was the only place he had not checked until now. When he threw the out the shadows some of them hit the ceiling and he had felt something. It was high above him so he had not noticed it before. There was a fissure in the ceiling. Shadows dove into the hole at his command. They traveled upwards at an incredible speed and covered a vast distance.
Just how far down have I traveled, he thought. The fog was drawing closer and closer. Metaphysical sweat ran down Otis’s back. The fog was within ten feet.
...Nine feet…
...Eight feet…
“Damn it! I don’t want to go back!”
...Six feet…Otis pushed himself back as far as he could go.
...Five feet…
The shadows entered into an area large enough for Otis. He stepped into the shadow and out the other side. Otis stood on a peak surrounded by a red sea, there was no land besides the peak, and everything had been submerged by the red sea. He looked at the tiny hole that he had come from. “Well that was lucky.”
The sky was on fire. “Burn the mind.” Otis said as he watched the flames as they rained down from the sky to the surface. “I always fall from the sky when I escape the mental barrier.” Beyond the fires were floating window, it showed the world through Violam’s eyes. Violam was on a battlefield and he was fighting large insects this time. His attacks looked mindless there was no skill to them whatsoever. He was nothing more than a beast moving from one enemy to the next.
A voice interrupted his thoughts. “It seems you have survived!” The flames bombarded the sky at a greater intensity. The sea boiled even hotter until blast of steam shot out to accentuate the voice. The words reverberated in Otis’s ears. The voice had come from the hole in the sky.
Otis held his head trying to stop the pain that came from hearing those words. “Who are you?” Otis looked up to see his enemy.
[Bloodrage - Level 52]
“Who am I? Why should I answer that food? Just stay there you will die soon.” The Bloodrage was not shooting fire instead flaming entities were running out of the hole and across the sky. “Now go feed my children. Go burn the mind, flood the body, destroy the halls and corrupt the soul.” The formless demon laughed as more fire dashed out of the crack.
“You’re the Bloodrage? Otis asked in a daze. He had not expected it to be an actual physical being. “Why are you doing this? Is it for the Farg?”
If the formless demon could sneer it would have. Rage and disgust permeated its voice. “The Farg? You dare say I work for the Farg! They are just dogs made by my master. If his servant had not given them the tools that connect my prison to the halls…” The formless demon trailed off. “Enough! My children will kill you soon.”
He’s a talkative one, I guess life in prison will do that to someone, Otis thought. And for whatever reason it doesn’t look like he can attack me directly. Maybe I can get more out of him or even convince him to stop. He hates the Farg so let’s go with that.
A mischievous glint appeared in Otis’s eyes. “So if the Farg are dogs and since you are working for them. Does that make you less than a dog?”
The formless demon shook in anger and the fire entities paused for just a moment. “Do not misunderstand human. I do this at my master’s command. I am not working with the Farg, I am more like an unwilling partner for now.”
“A partner to what ends? Why don’t you just stop this madness?” Otis shouted in anger as the blood sea rose up the peak. He had much less time than he had realized before. The blood level was increasing rapidly.
The Bloodrage laughed loudly. “To what end? To what end?” The demon repeated. “No, to the end. To the end of everything and in its end there will be new beginnings forged on the blood of the old. Once my master is released from his prison he will destroy all and rebuild everything in his image!” The Bloodrage’s facade of sanity cracked. It stopped sending fire entities out of its prison. It was lost in the reverie of its master. “Now that the bitch is dead there is no one to stop him! He will rule over all!”
“Well that went south fast. Who would have thought that an imprisoned demon was crazy? I should have gotten more out of him.” Otis admonished himself. The Bloodrage continued to cackle and ramble on about its love and devotion to its master. “How the hell am I going to get out of this? Violam doesn’t look like he is doing too well.” Violam was still running through the battlefield. He was moving slow now and Otis could tell that his body was reaching its limits. His enemies looked more humanoid now but Violam still mindlessly bashed his way through them. “They are buying time trying to stall him.” Otis spoke to himself as he watched. Otis was afforded this time to observe because the Bloodrage in its rant about the destruction of the planes of existence or whatever. It bought him time so he did not intend to interrupt it.
Two legged insects swarmed Violam and he was killing them easy enough but Otis could see the insect mage behind the swarm charging its spell. The swarm could only buy it a second or two but that was enough time for it to finish its chant. A green light flickered from the insects clawed fingers.
Green vines emerged from the ground spiraling around Violam but at the same time a green light exploded and pulsed in Otis’s world. A large plant shot forth from the green light. It snaked over the red seas. The blood recoiled from the grand vines at its touch. Poisoned oozed from the tips of the thorns that sprouted. When the poison dripped on the blood sea it sizzled and evaporated away revealing the gray cracked ground beneath. The Bloodrage howled in anger breaking away from its rant.
“The Bloodrage is weak to magic?” Otis said to himself as he watched the snaking vines direct its attack at him. They moved rapidly over and through the red sea coiling up the peak he stood on.
Constructed ground built up around Otis’s feet. He stepped on it raising himself higher in the air towards the crack and formless demon. The fire entities now ran out from the prison at an incredible rate. They were targeting the green light, the source of the vines. Fire entities streaked across the skies to rain down upon the green light in an attempt to extinguish it.
The vine snaked up the constructed ground chasing Otis. The thorns scraped against his legs making him wince in pain but it was nowhere near as painful as being eaten by the bloodrage. He constructed more earth around himself pulling away from the vines.
As Otis neared the crack the Bloodrage cried out. “You cannot stop the Bloodrage your mind as gone too far!” Otis desperately formed a condensed shadow wall and threw it at the crack in front of him. “You cannot stop me I am the Bloodrage.”
“You’re right but I just have to delay your fire bastards!” The fire entities burned into the shadow barrier. Otis just needed to buy some time. His entire being burned. He was losing his mind. “Why am I doing this? It hurts so much. Let’s stop.” He pleaded with himself. “No hold it just for another moment.” He argued. “So much pain.” The shadow barrier thinned and flame entities began to escape and continue their attack.
A slight pain drew Otis’s attention. “That’s right that is why I am doing this.” The vines had finally reached him again. Otis pulled his barrier back and moved away from the vines. Otis used his constructed earth and shadow barrier to push the vines to the crack. The vines raced up the crack but could not enter. Instead they wove and coiled themselves around it sealing the hole in the sky.
Otis could hear the Bloodrage screaming and thrashing in anger. The sky stopped burning and the Bloodrage went silent. Otis’s constructed earth and shadows vanished as he lost all his strength. He fell and laid helplessly on the ground. The vines snaked towards him once again. Exhausted he could not move or defend himself as it wove around his body.
“Violam!” Otis screamed. “Violam wake up!
“What? Where?” He heard Violam’s voice echo out over the world.
“Violam calm down! You are killing us you mindless idiot! You went too far into the bloodrage. Hurry wake up! We need to get out of this plant before the Mage kills us.” Otis screamed. He watched in horror as the bug mage chanted another spell. The vines had completely covered his body now.
“This is it. I am trapped and that dumbass is trapped. We are going to die.” Otis moaned resigned to his fate. Shocked he watched a purple light enter Violam’s vision and pass through the insect mage. The mage fell to ground, dead. “What was that?” Sonashi appeared next to Violam. Otis could not hear what she had said but in her eyes were full of concern as she checked Violam's injuries. “Looks like I may have been wrong about her.” He sighed. The vines had stopped moving and eventually crumbled away. They also fell from the sky revealing the crack. The hole in the sky was still there but from what Otis could tell it was shut. Violam’s battle also looked to be over. Otis watched as Sonashi held Violam up, he could see tears in her eyes. “I see she thought we were going to die. She still thinks we are going to die.”
“And now for some well-deserved rest.” Otis was about to close his eyes but he noticed something coming towards him. “Where the hell have you been?” He called out. “Why didn’t you come ten minutes ago when I was about to die? No you only come at your own convenience. You greedy thing!” The fog poured out of the ground. Otis was out of energy, he had no choice but to let it cover his body and whisk him away.
Otis opened his eyes, he felt refreshed. Again he did not know how long he had been within the fog. This time he did not have to even think about his white room construct. It merely assembled before him as his eyes opened. This was a testament to how strong his mental energy had become.
In fact it was as if he was brimming with energy. “It feels like the right time to try something that has been on my mind.” Otis closed his eyes in concentration. He attempted to remember a certain feeling. It was easy the first time but now it keeps slipping through my grasp. What were the conditions to do it the first time? He asked himself. The first time it was in my duel with Captain Trevino. That’s right there was two tasks to accomplish; one to focus on combat and the other to focus on magic.
“About damn time you figured it out.” Otis heard a voice from within his white room.
“Looks like it worked and what do you mean ‘it’s about time’? Otis dryly spoke to his exact copy that was standing in front of him. It was his third mind.
“What do you think I meant? It took you forever to figure out you just needed a reason to split our mind.” The double spoke with an annoyed expression.
“We are the same person it would have taken you the same amount of time.” Otis exclaimed in the same annoyed expression.
“No one wants to hear your excuses.” The double laughed.
Otis stepped back to look at his copy. “I see you didn’t get my good looks.” Otis did not wait for a response. “We are done here. Goodbye.”
“Wait no! I am sorr…” The third mind shimmered out of existence.
Otis spit to the floor. “That left a bad taste in my mouth. I think I am really starting to hate myself.” Otis summoned a condensed shadow and formed it into a short sword. He slashed the fog barrier cutting it in two. He stepped into the shadows and used them to travel to the ground.
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