《Lost Child》Chapter 15: an Execution, a Supply Crate and a Commander
Woohoo another chapter done. FYI Next weeks Chapter of Lost Child may be a little late. I want to go back and revise earlier chapters. I also want to work on a few GIM chapters (my other story). My goal is to get GIM on a regular schedule. You can find it and other things on yougots.wordpress.com. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy.
“What have I done?” Violam stepped back in horror and dropped the bloodied knife into the dirt. The line of prisoners had been executed, the blood was everywhere and it was so much blood. Violam never realized just how much there was inside the body. Their bodies were mangled and crudely ripped apart. A majority of them were not even recognizable. Violam looked to the Ogrite who monitored the execution grounds. All he saw was another dead headless body.
Twenty armored guards entered the grounds and encircled the boy. They had their swords at the ready. A touch of fear ran in their eyes. “Have you calmed?” The largest Ogrite asked.
“Yes.” Violam despondently answered.
“Congratulations on your first execution!” The guards lowered their weapons and their Captain’s mouth widened into a smile. He walked forward and clasped his hand on Violam’s shoulder. “It’s a shame about Orlek but it happens. He knew the risks when he took this job. Follow us we will take you out of the arena. Don’t be shocked by our fellow Farg. They tend to get excited after particularly good executions.” The guards led Violam out of the Execution grounds and through the crowd that had gathered for the this morning's execution.
They cheered when they saw Violam, many slapped him on the back when he passed. “Best execution I have seen in ages!” One of the Dwarves yelled. Others ran up to shake Violam’s hand. Violam pushed through the crowd until he met up Sonashi.
Her eyes were filled with pity as she looked at him. “How are you?” She asked. Violam did not answer her. He kept his eyes on the ground as they turned towards Carriage 42. After a few minutes of walking he broke their silence.
“I couldn’t control myself, I just felt anger and rage. I had to kill them there was no other option. I don’t even remember doing it.” Violam had not raised his head to speak he just kept walking forward as he rubbed his arms. His hands and body were shaking.
“The first time is always like that. The bloodrage is all consuming, though from the sounds of it yours was a bit more destructive. It will get easier.”
“How can it get easier? What if I don’t want it to become easier?”
“We will be doing this the next few days so you will have no choice eventually it will get easier. Then after a while you will start to remember what you have done.” Her voice trailed off into a whisper as she was speaking.
“It must be hard on you. How many executions have you done?” He asked her.
“I don’t know. When I see the memories I try to tell myself that it isn’t me, it’s someone else but you can only fool yourself for so long.”
Sonashi grabbed Violam’s arm to stop him from walking any further and looked up into his eyes. Her eyes red and raw, she had been crying after the executions. “Now when I hear that I am going to be an executioner I get excited. All that strength all that power. The night before I cannot sleep, I cannot wait to let out all my hate and all my pain. In the morning I am happy. I want to inflict that misery on another. It is the only time I am happy while I am here. They are turning me into one of them I can feel it.”
Violam brushed back the free strands of hair that lay across Sonashi’s face. His hand slide down past her high pointed ear to rest on the side of her neck. “No, you are just doing what you can to survive. You are just doing what you have to and I am going to do everything I can to make sure that we do survive.”
Sonashi slowly took his hand from her neck and lowered it. She paused for a moment before letting it go. “We should go. We do not want to be late to the supply carriage.” She pushed past Violam and he turned to follow her to their work.
“You’re late! Get to the front of the carriage before I whip you.” The fat supply master yelled. Violam finally decided to learn the fat little monster’s name since this is his job for now.
[Doltharm Caskcrag - Level 27 Farg Legion]
“Doltharm, we were at the executions this morning and we just finished.” Violam answered the dwarf.
“You dare talk back!” He unraveled his whip. “I got a new whip just to shut your pretty mouth.” The whip slashed across the boy’s chest. Violam stumbled back his chest burned. If his shift wasn’t covered in blood from the executions he would have noticed the fresh stain. “I call it the [Cruel Ripper as you can see the tail has these little barbs and hooks just for ripping your flesh.”
“Yeah it is a nice little toy. By the way how’s the leg? Tharden said you squealed like a stuck pig when they were healing it yesterday.”
“How dare you!” Doltharm whipped Violam again. “Get to the front of the carriage and you girly you are supply duty. He pulls alone today.” Doltharm followed Violam to the front of the carriage.
Violam winced in pain as the chain settled over his fresh wounds. “Hurry I do not have all day.” The whip fell across his back, the chains caught him as he fell forward. Violam pushed forward pulling the massive carriage.
The day past, Violam pulled for hours without rest and endured a countless number of lashes. He had also gained [Stamina], [Strength] and [Agility] attribute points but decided against showing his increased abilities. He feared Edgar would make him ingest another Moocher that would rob him of his power. So over the next two days he kept a low profile.
In the night he was visited by the Neuromancer Gooram for his recruit training. He was thankful for the pain. It kept his thoughts from drifting to the morning executions. He may not remember what he had done but that still did not lessen the fact that he had done it. He killed those prisoners for no other reason than that he was told to kill them.
“Violam, it is time to wake up. Did you get any sleep last night?” Sonashi shook Violam’s lifeless body.
“No I feel like that Gooram bastard just stopped my training a few minutes ago.”
“Come. Let’s go to the execution grounds.” The two left for the execution grounds for the fourth time. The sun had not risen yet so they made it to the execution grounds quickly.
“There is no line today.” Violam approached the fenced in arena with uncertainty.
“It looks like it is just us. Wait here I will go check with the..." Before Sonashi could finish speaking an Ogrite guard called out to them. “Good you two are here! Hurry everyone is waiting.”
“What is going on?”
“No more questions just get in the arena.” The guard grabbed Violam’s arm and pulled him along towards the entrance of the arena. “Get in and do your job. Your fans are waiting.” The guard pushed Violam through the gate. The guards did not follow him into the arena anymore after his first execution.
The prisoners were already in the arena and this time there were at least hundred prisoners. Many of them were bound in chains but Violam could see some who were unbound and in those there were a few with weapons. Violam surveyed the crowd. This was the largest crowd he had seen during his executions. They openly cheered and awaited the bloodshed. He heard people taking bets on whether he would survive this execution. “Do they want to kill me?” Violam said to himself.
In the center of the crowd there stood a raised platform. The Ogrite Captain and his guards stood on that podium above the crowd. “Prisoners! Only today! If you can kill the Executioner you will be set free!”
Violam’s blood began to boil, his heart pumped red hot fury into his veins. The spot on the center of his chest pounded, it boomed in his ears blocking out the cheers from the crowd. “How dare you even think they could kill me! I will kill you all!” Violam pointed at the Captain standing above him and the crowd. “Captain I will come for you last!”
Violam did not wait for a response or the announcement to begin He darted between a column of prisoners. Before the prisoners could react several of them had their heads twisted in an odd directions. Violam dodged many of the charging prisoners until he arrived at his target. A giant gray Ogrite prisoner holding a short sword. The Ogrite raised his sword to slash down on the boy. Violam stepped to the side of the downward slash, he grabbed the giant’s sword arm and spun around his enemy. As he twisted himself around the Ogrite, its arm snapped from being bent in the wrong direction. Violam brought the Ogrite’s massive arm up and pushed the sword through the back of the Ogrite’s neck. The sword emerged from the victim's mouth, the Ogrite had been impaled with his own sword. Violam ripped the sword from the dead giant's head. Its blood sprayed forward drenching the oncoming prisoners.
[Bloodrage Activated]
Violam felt power from the unknown source located at the bottom of his sternum rush into his blood. Violam’s veins pulsed at the top of his skin as they circulated this power and fed it to his muscles. His vision faded and his conscience dimmed. He was vaguely aware that his body was still moving. He felt himself falling asleep and figured he would just let it happen. He knew that when he awoke all the prisoners would be dead just like they had the last three mornings.
[Level 25]
Violam’s vision cleared and his consciousness woke. He was still not in control of his body it was still moving without thought based purely on instinct. Violam attempted to assert control over his actions but failed. He was met with a raging mass of hate. It felt like an inferno that would burn through his mind and scorch his soul. He watched as his body ripped off a head of a prisoner who was no longer fighting back. In the time that he lost his vision the battle had turned. The prisoners were no longer charging him instead they ran in fear or cowered in fear.
“Cowards they deserve to die as prisoners. They dared to think they could fight me and they have already given up. Pathetic they won’t even fight to the death they would rather be slaughtered.” He thought in his mental space. A fine thread of rage splintered from the burning mass in his mind. It flowed towards him fusing with his consciousness. “They deserve to be slaughtered.”
Violam accepted the rage. It just wanted to be used, it just wanted an outlet. He agreed with the unknown source they just need to be slaughtered. They all just needed to be slaughtered. He allowed it to temper his mind and body. The dam withstanding the power broke. A rushing flood of power, hate and anger ran through his body. The roiling mass in his mind fed more and more of its corruption into Violam. Violam’s body stopped moving. The fifty prisoners that were left scattered and attempted to run to safety.
The crowd celebrated and cheered while watching the chaos in the arena until the boy stopped. He stood silent in the center of the blood soaked arena. The moment of silence turned into a minute. The crowd begin to boo and complain. Their entertainment was no longer entertaining. The Captain on the podium looked disturbed by the boy’s actions. No one can resist the bloodrage so he did not understand why he had stopped. “Recruit! Continue with the executions or be judged a coward and become a prisoner yourself!”
Violam recovered the control over his body. He looked up at the Captain standing on top of the podium. Violam did not hesitate, he leaped from the ground and ignored the remaining prisoners. Violam soared above the Captain’s head. The Captain did not have time to raise his hands let alone a sword. Violam brought his fist down like a hammer connecting with the top of the Captain’s defenseless head. His head was smashed in and his body collapsed with little resistance. The platform that held the Captain, the guards and some of the spectators collapsed from the blow and fell forward into the arena.
Violam leaped back to the ground, avoiding the falling timbers that crushed some of the guards and spectators. “Captain it looks like I lied. I did not save you to the end after all.” Violam’s green eyes had a flicker of a red flame as his rage boiled over. “To the rest of you that have entered into my arena. You are all now my prisoners. Please do not die until I am satisfied.” Violam exploded forward ripping and smashing his way through the remaining living prisoners inside the arena.
After leaving the execution grounds he had calmed and no longer felt the need to kill even though his veins and muscles still burned with power. As he calmed the power lessened but he knew he could summon it again if he needed too. His [Bloodrage] skill had not deactivated but he was not sure if he wanted it to. To him it felt good to have some power. To have some control over his life. If he could hold on to this power he would even if that meant pain and overwhelming anger. It was a small price to pay to have some power again.
Violam found Sonashi outside of the arena. They silently walked towards their supply carriage. “Sona are you frightened of me?” Violam watched her tremble as she turned to respond.
“N-no. What happened out there? You just went crazy and killed all those guards. I thought you were going to keep a low profile. I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of what the Ambassador is going to do when he hears about this.”
“I have a feeling his is going to be happy rather than angry. Sona I can control it. I can control the [Bloodrage] state.”
“No. Violam no one controls the [Bloodrage] they just think they do. Not even the Ambassador can control it.”
Violam laughed. “Would you believe that I am still in it?”
Sonashi stopped walking. She stared at Violam looking for the madness of the [Bloodrage]. “Violam just be careful.”
“If you two flirt any more these ones will be sick.” A Linnare walked up besides Violam.
“Caeanos do not be mad because you cannot get a girlfriend.” Violam answered back even though his eyes were still on Sonashi.
“Gack! I too can find a girlfriend. It is just none match up to my style.”
“Who said I am your girlfriend?! Why would I be with this weird brown haired freak?!” Sonashi blushed as she looked away.
Caeanos had his four fingered hand on his chin as he thought aloud. “She is correct your hair does not have style.”
“Wait so now not only is my hair weirdly brown it also lacks style. Kavdiir tell them that they are crazy.”
“It is true your hair is fine. This one thinks it is the rest of you that is ugly.”
“I see what is going on here. You are all against me now. Well if that is how it is going to be don’t come asking me for any favors.”
Their small group approached carriage 42. The fat supply master had his whip at the ready and awaited their arrival. The mere appearance of this creature caused annoyance to flare in Violam’s mind.
The Dwarf scowled at them. He did not like their attitudes always chatting and wasting time. It infuriated him. Before they arrived he decided he would put an end to it today. He was going to finally break that damn human. The human was the source of all the problems. The others gathered around him because he was strong the Dwarf thought. Today Doltharm was going to show all of them that there was no hope. “You all certainly look relaxed. I cannot believe I am stuck with such a lazy group. Not only do I have the put up with the shitty lizards I have the most worthless recruits.”
As Doltharm walked up to the group he spoke again. “Then there is this bitch. She is weak and useless. Why she is even allowed to live I will never understand.” Sonashi screamed as the Dwarf grabbed her hair and pulled her towards him. “Maybe it is because the Ambassador likes the taste of her.” He said into her ear before he threw her into the mud. The fat supply master licked his lips as he undid his pants. “Human watch closely as I take your girly.”
Violam gave into the rage. “Kavdiir be lookout while I take of some things.” Violam strode over to the Dwarf. He grabbed the back of the Dwarfs collar. Violam dragged the short fat little monster up the ramp and into the supply carriage. Doltharm struggled against Violam’s grasp to get free but the boy's grip was immovable. Violam threw the little beast against a crate. Before the Dwarf could scream out Violam leaned in close to the Dwarf’s face. “You realize I am going to kill you right? So you have two choices attempt to flee. There in which I will make it more painful or you can resign yourself right now and just get it over with.”
“Just...just do it.” Doltharm cried.
“That's the spirit.” Violam grabbed the supply master’s whip and unraveled it. At this moment Caeanos and Sonashi ran into the supply carriage.
The Dwarf’s eyes went wide. “You said you be quick!”
Violam looked at Doltharm strangely. “I never said I would be quick or painless, only less painful but believe me there will be pain.” He wrapped the [Cruel Ripper] around the Dwarfs neck. Violam then strung it up so that Doltharm could only stand on the tips of his toes.
“Violam what are you doing?” Sonashi asked in a panic.
“Say Dwarf which box has the knives or swords? I am just giving him a little taste of what we have all gone through. Caeanos you brought his pants! That is a great idea!” Violam took the little man’s pants from the Linnare and ripped them into pieces. Violam shoved one strip into Doltharm’s mouth and bound his hands with the other.
“Fat little man do not make me ask where the knives are again.” Violam stared at the Dwarf. Blood ran from Doltharm’s neck as he nodded to the supply crate across from him. Violam opened the crate. “Oh short swords! I have seen a lot of these today.”
Kavdiir ran into the carriage. “Human what have you done?”
A grim smile appeared on Violam’s face. “I have not done anything yet.” He casually pushed the short sword into the supply master’s shoulder.
Kavdiir stepped in front of Violam to gain his attention. “Listen the carriages are about to move soon. What do you think will happen when they find out that we are missing a supply master or that our carriage is not moving?”
A frown appeared on Violam’s face. He did not like being interrupted.
“These ones keep working as if nothing happened.” Caeanos spoke up. “Violam you pull the carriages. Brother Kavdiir you take over the supply master's duties. You usually do the fat lazy one’s duties anyway. Sonashi can take over for Violam and we can rotate so everyone gets to have a little fun with the Dwarf.” Caeanos looked very pleased with his plan.
Kavdiir shook his head. “No. That will not work what do we do when he finally dies. These ones cannot just leave him in the carriage someone will find out.”
“These ones could take his body back to our camp. We can have a large feast and I can invite many females!”
“Even if you invited females Caeanos none would come. Besides we cannot carry a supply crate to our camp. The fat Dwarf’s body needs to be disposed before our supply duty ends.”
Caeanos leaned against a crate. “Of course they would come. No female can resist my charm and style.” The Linnare sat on top of the crate and adjusted himself for a moment before speaking again. “These ones could take the body to the dragon pens and feed it to the dragons.”
“All females have resisted your charm and style. Any that have not must be deaf, dumb and blind. Only in the event of Armageddon would a female freely give themselves to you. And no we cannot go to the dragon pens. They are highly guarded and rarely receive supplies from our carriage.”
“Gack! Why do you hate me so brother Kavdiir?” Caeanos feigned a tormented expression, threw his face into his arms and sobbed loudly.
Sonashi smirked at the ridiculous display and spoke. “We wait for an insect attack. He is small so we will just put his body in a supply crate and carry it out to the front lines. Then we can dump the body on the battlefield when no one is looking. We carry many supplies to the front during the day and if there is an attack they will not look at us twice. The only thing is that Violam will have to carry the supply crate because he is the strongest of us.”
“Who will pull the carriage?” Violam finally pulled his mind off the Dwarf. He handed the bloodied sword over to Sonashi.
“This one will arrange a beast to pull the carriage. The fat Dwarf was supposed to have done that for the last few days anyway. You will carry supplies during the day so the soldiers get used to seeing you.”
Doltharm’s eyes lit up in panic at the accusation. It was true he should have had a beast assigned to the carriage but since the human could pull he found no need. He was already covered in sword wounds and now he was afraid of what else the boy would do now that he found out.
Violam ignored the dwarf but saw Sonashi out of the corner of his eye cutting into the Dwarfs cheek. “If you are getting a beast why can’t we just feed the dwarf to it?”
“The beast they assign to the carriages are beast of burden and many of them do not eat meat. Otherwise that would be our first choice.”
Sonashi stopped cutting for a moment. She shook the lingering effects of the [Bloodrage] from her mind and looked up to the group. “Maybe we will be assigned a Kagini, those dogs tend to have a large appetites.”
“We can only hope but I doubt they will freely assign such a valuable beast to a Linnare.” Kavdiir answered.
Violam looked into Doltharm’s eyes. “You better hope that the insects attack soon so we can end your pathetic little life.”
“Enough talking. Violam go pull, we have an hour before the supply orders come in. I will go get a beast.” Kavdiir turned to look at his Linnare brother who was relaxing on top of a supply crate. “Caeanos go inform the other Linnare working this carriage of the situation. Make sure to look busy.”
“Gack! This one has to work! What is the use of killing the Dwarf then?”
Kavdiir pointed his clawed finger at Violam. “Do you want to meet him on the execution grounds?”
“This one goes!” Caeanos hopped off the crate and ran out of the carriage.
A half an hour had past since Violam began to pull the carriage when Kavdiir approached him pulling along two large bird beast. They stood at least a foot taller than Violam with a pale yellow beak and large clawed birdlike feet. Instead of feathers they were covered in brown fur.
[Gastornis - Level 21]
The birds were compliant and easily hitched to the carriage. They knew their jobs and immediately pulled the massive carriage forward. The bird that Violam hitched leaned into his hand as the boy rubbed its head. Violam enjoyed the moment of affection when an image came to his mind. It was an image that conveyed hunger and sadness.
“Kavdiir, do you have any food for birds?”
The Linnare tossed Violam a two sacks with grains. “That is their feed for the day. Do not give it to them all at once.”
“Hey I do not want to take care of them!”
Kavdiir gestured towards the bird who was nudging Violam’s hand. “The beast have already taken a liking to you and you are the only one with nothing to do now.”
After Kavdiir left to take over the position of supply master. Violam looped the feed sack over the birds’ ears so that they could eat. “I wonder if these guys can speak.” Violam spoke to himself.
Violam formed images in his mind and attempted to send them to the beast. He found the process taxing on his mind, forming the images and projecting them was harder than it ever had been before. He failed on his first try. His breath became unsteady and his head ached as he stumbled forward. Violam understood that telepathy especially his version of telepathy required a high Intelligence attribute. “It’s that damn bug again.” Violam hissed.
On his second attempt he was able to push the image into the bird's mind. “What is your name?” The bird almost missed a step as it turned towards Violam. Another image entered into Violam’s mind.
“Your name is Freddy?” Violam said aloud in doubt. The beast tried to make a sound but it was restrained by the feed sack. Violam noticed the bird’s erratic movements and removed the bag from the bird’s beak. It squawked several times and stomped its feet as it walked along . It drew the attention of the other workers in the carriage line. Dozens of images formed in Violam’s mind.
“You can understand Freddy?”
“Can you give Freddy more food?”
“Lester’s foot hurts, can you fix it?
“Yes I can understand you Freddy.” Violam answered aloud. Freddy hopped around excitedly and sent dozens more images into Violam’s mind.
“Slow down. At the moment I cannot comprehend that amount of telepathy. First, let me have a look at Lester’s foot. That is Lester right?” Violam pointed at the other Gastornis. Freddy squawked in response.
Violam moved over to the other bird. “Hi Lester let’s have a look.” Lester was much older than Freddy. Silver fur was mixed in with his brown and he also had scars all over his body. Freddy still showed hope and excitement whereas Lester was the complete opposite. His eyes showed complete resignation. He unhitched Lester and inspected the bird’s foot. Under inspection he found and removed a small nail from its heel. Violam then wrapped Lester’s foot with a sleeve torn from his shift. Violam received a quick image of thanks from the bird.
Horns blew signaling an insect attack. Violam quickly hitched Lester to the carriage. “Sorry guys I have to go. I will try to bring some more food when I get back.”
Violam calmly walked into the carriage. The dwarf still lived but just, each worker of carriage 42 had literally gotten their pound of flesh. Sonashi handed Violam the short sword. “Ready a supply crate. I will chop him up.” Violam called out to Caeanos.
In a matter of minutes their package was packed into a crate. Violam and Sonashi left carriage 42 and headed south towards the front lines. Violam had not seen the camp during a battle before it looked to be in an unorganized chaos. Ogrite soldiers were desperately running to join their squads. Couriers were transporting supplies between the carriages, weapon smiths and the frontlines. The chained beast were being forced by the whip to move south.
They squeezed themselves into the line of supply couriers and tried to blend into a group. The group they had joined had emerged out of the weapon smith area of the camp. They were gray furry creatures walking on two legs. Violam could not tell exactly what they looked like as most of their features were covered in dense fur. The only discernible feature was their two dark beady eyes. They were located in a concaved area of fur on what he believed was their face. The titles above their heads did not display their race only their names and level. They were all below level ten and their names were near impossible to pronounce.
“Sonashi, are you sure we should be here? We are going to stand out.”
“Be quiet. Just follow my lead and let me do the talking. I have made deliveries here before so they will recognize me.”
The two continued to follow the group past the Farg’s marching camp into the buffer zone between the camp and the soldiers. The group of furry weapons smiths split off into several different directions.
“Uhh Sona we are definitely going to stand out now. Which way should we go?”
“I told you to be quiet. We just keep going straight we are almost there.” She answered Violam in annoyance.
“And the last part of your plan. How do we actually make it into the battlefield and make it out alive?”
Sonashi’s shoulders sunk. “Am I supposed to think of everything? You got us into this mess. You can figure out the last part.”
“Sona that is the most important part!”
They continued to argue as they approached the first line of soldiers. Violam looked between the columns of soldiers but with the dirt in the air and all the movement it was impossible for him to tell how far the column actually stretched.
“You two! What are you doing? Do you belong here?” Their arguing drew the attention of a patrolling Ogrite Officer.
“W, Weapons Delivery!” Sonashi shouted in surprise.
Violam spun around to see the towering female soldier striding towards them. His eyes drank in her figure. She wore a tight leather armor that consisted of a black corset that covered her shoulders and chest. Her stomach was bare until it reached matching pair of leather pants that hung around her hips. Her hair was white and short as it did not go past her ears. Her skin was a pale gray compared to the dark gray of other Ogrite. She also did not have the bulging muscles that were found on the males of her race. Instead the muscles on her arms and stomach were firm and refined giving her a more slender appearance.
[Umaiko - Level 35 Farg Legion]
Her eyes narrowed. “Really? That box looks too small for weapons. Let me check inside.” She ordered.
“They are short hammers!” Violam pulled the box away from her outstretched hand. “The commander specifically requested them.”
She retracted her hand and her mouth twisted as if she was attempting to stop her words from escaping. “Fine! I will take you to Commander Gutgash. He is hard to find since he likes to command while in combat.”
Violam and Sonashi follow a few steps behind the female Ogrite. She led them through the columns of soldiers. They made many twists and turns around the soldiers and battlements. Violam would have become completely lost if it was not for his mini map in his vision.
“Sona what should we do now?” Violam spoke softly to his silent companion.
Sonashi frowned. “Seems like you want to keep staring at her butt.”
“I am not staring and besides she has a nice butt.”
“So that is what you like.” Sonashi mumbled to herself.
“Yep but I have to say your petite figure is nice too.”
“I do not want to hear that from you! And I do not know what to do this is your plan.”
The Ogrite woman turned her head and spoke. “What are you two whispering?”
Sonashi elbowed Violam and nodded for him to respond.
“Uhh we were wondering why a beautiful woman such as yourself is in the Farg Legion.” Violam answered after a moment of silence.
Sonashi palmed her forehead and stared daggers into Violam. He shrugged his shoulders and mouth the question, “What?”
The Ogrite woman gave a hearty laugh. “That was the worst attempt at flattery I have ever heard. I know that was definitely not what you two were discussing. But since you two are recruits I will answer anyway.
Once your race becomes a part of the Farg it is mandatory to join the military at birth. The military provides combat training and schooling. When you come of age you will be assigned your job. The Farg will give you three options based on your aptitude. I choose to join the Farg Legion. Most females do not choose the Farg Legion. Not because it is dangerous but because you will never see your home again. The Farg Legion is an expeditionary force. Our purpose is to subjugate any new lifeforms we come across.”
“Why did you choose the Farg Legion? To subjugate?” Violam asked.
“If you truly think I am beautiful come by my tent after lights out and ask me again. I am in the officers tents on the southeast side of camp. Ask for Umaiko. I heard of your strength at the morning executions. I would like to test that strength out myself.”
Umaiko stopped walking and pointed to a crowd of soldiers just ahead of them. “This is as far as I will take you. The commander’s squad is straight ahead. Oh and if you want to bring your little silent friend here to my tent I wouldn’t mind.” She winked at Violam before leaving the two.
Sonashi saw the big dumb grin on Violam’s face. “Don’t dare think I will join you in her tent.”
“Why not? It sounds like fun!”
“If you think your nightly training is painful wait until you mate with an Ogrite.” She bluffed.
The smile drifted away from Violam’s face and his body slightly shuddered. “Sona, what should we do now?”
“I will tell you what we are not going to do. We are definitely not going towards the Commander. Besides your box is bleeding let's just dump it and go.”
A loud rumbling came from behind the pair of recruits. They turned around in shock. The soldiers split apart to make way for the largest Ogrite Violam had ever seen. The Ogrite was sitting on a blood red long horned land dragon. The land dragon’s horn stretched at least four feet from its snout and curved upward. There were plates that stood and wrapped from ear to ear over the top of its head. It also had a row of spikes ran from between its shoulder blades to the tip of its tail.
[Commander Gutgash - Level 48 Farg Legion]
“Who has seen my daughter? I was told she was seen coming this direction.” The Commander’s eyes zeroed in on the two recruits that were standing amongst his elite squad.
“Get out of here! This is no place for you!” Violam and Sonashi immediately turned and walked away.
“Wait!” The Commander saw the blood running from the box on the recruits arm. “What is in that box? Is that Gradidix’s food that I ordered?”
“Y-yes!” Violam answered.
“Damn it! I told them after the battle! Hurry feed him and get out of here.” The Commander shouted at Violam.
Violam approached the head of the dragon. He ripped the lid of the box off and pulled out a bloody bit that looked strangely like an arm. A whipped lashed along his side as he reached out. The pain caused him to retract his arm in just enough time for the dragon to snap its jaws closed on empty air. Violam’s anger soared as he turned to look at the Commander.
“What are you stupid? Did they teach you nothing in the soulless pens? That is a quick way to lose an arm dumbass. Just throw the whole box at the creature.”
Violam did as he was told and threw the crate. The land dragon snatched it from the air, crushing through the crate instantly. After devouring the wood and contents, the dragon began to lick the blood that escaped to the ground. “Gradidix seemed to like it. What the hell was in that box?”
“It is the leftovers from this morning executions, mainly dwarf.”
“Makes sense it’s that damnable race. They are fat and no one likes them.” The Commander roared with laughter.
At that moment horns sounded off in every direction. The Commander stopped laughing and sat up straight. “Line up maggots! Sounds like the insects have brought out their big bugs! Time to get to work!” Commander Gutgash reined in his dragon and moved to the front of the formation. The surrounding soldiers pushed forward confining the two recruits.
Sonashi looked at Violam and threw up her hands in exasperation. “Great! Your plan to get us killed has succeeded. Now I know why I never liked you.”
“Don’t worry I will find a way out!” He shouted in response trying to overcome the noise.
Violam attempted to push their way through the mass of Ogrite soldiers. “Recruit you are not making it out of here. Just follow the formation and pray to the true God that you do not die.” One of the soldiers called out and the rest nodded their heads and laughed at the two recruits.
The Commander screamed more orders. “Dragons riders with me. Form a Wedge! Let’s plow these fuckers!”
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Alternative Title: Weakest Person in the Whole World Klein Sparrow became an Isekai Protagonist after pissing off a Cultivator. But instead of OP Cheats, he got the following curses: Weakest Person in the Whole World: As the weakest person in the whole world, you can only have half of the average stats for Strength and Magic Power. No amount of training or tonic can increase your stats. Strength and Magic Power are permanently fixed at 5. Born Loser: You are born to fail at everything. You can't learn any type of Skill or Spell. How can a shameless, pervert, delusional and harem-seeking protagonist deal with transmigration after recieving a curse? Read to find out!
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A man who is worn out from the struggles he faces every day, takes his life in an act of suicide. Yet, either by a joke fabricated by fate or by the heaven’s will itself, he finds himself waking up in front of a frog....."Huh? Am I…Heh…haha…HaHa…HAHA!!! I'M ALIVE! EH?! What the?! A god damn huge ass frog?! What the hell is this?!" Watch as our protagonist struggles yet again in this new mystical world and finds the destiny that awaits him in this action packed adventure.And just maybe, he can realize that he was never worthless to begin with…
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