《The Pack》Chapter 5


The party finished early, where usually it would continue far into the morning.

Rial and Gryrne joined the muted celebrations for as long as they lasted, Rial helping his friend fend off questions about the trip from the worried or curious. The account of the journey filtered slowly through the village, but for most the details remained hazy.

Gryrne did not drink though now he was permitted by age. They talked quietly, and when things were obviously coming to an end they entered through the side doors of the compound and went their separate ways, bidding each other goodnight before heading to their individual sections along corridors with floors of woven straw.[1]

Rial walked along between the identical walls, white paper over wooden frames, until he came to the door that slid across to open into his room. It was small and square, barely wide enough to lay out the thin cotton futon that was his bed. There were no other furnishings, and the futon itself was removed by the house servants and replaced in the evening. It was not expected of someone to spend much time there.

Too tired to carry out his evening ablutions, and knowing he would be shouted at by Seb in the morning for not doing so, Rial collapsed onto the futon and pulled his light sleeping sheet over himself. He fought a losing battle trying to clear his mind of thoughts.

At some point sleep must have found him, but how long it was before he was awoken by the knocking at his room he was unable to say.

Rial had barely wiped the sleep out of his eyes when his door slid forcefully across and Seb stamped in.

“Wake up, boy. The Kotaku wishes to speak to you.”

The head servant was an old man but not a weak one, a slight hunch and hooked nose adding to his already fearsome visage. None of the children of the Family were brave enough to do anything but immediately obey any of his instructions, and even many of the adults seemed fearful of his wrath. Rial pushed himself to his feet hurriedly.


“You smell of ash, boy. You didn’t prepare yourself for bed, did you?”

Not waiting for an answer, Seb waved his hands towards the boy and hustled him out.

Some spark of rebellion flared in Rial’s soul. Rial did not consider himself a ‘boy’ any longer; was he not already taller than many of those acknowledged as adults?

“I did not, Seb. It was a long night. I shall do so now.”

Seb blinked at such a familiar use of his name, but was otherwise unfazed.

“You’re damned right you will. The Kotaku does not speak to wastrels.”

Rial started at Seb’s vulgar words, then froze. He hadn’t taken it in the first time, but now the import of the servant’s words struck him.

The Kotaku wanted to speak to him? Now? What possible reason could there be?

It was true he had spoken with the Kotaku many times before. The Kotaku was a friendly man, and had a fondness for the young of the Family. He often took the children on walks around the village, telling them of the historical significance of this or that shrine, the meaning of the different symbols carved into rocks on the outskirts of the village. One memorable time, the Kotaku had even taken all the children to visit the other Family compounds, carrying the infant Rial on his shoulders.[2]

But this was a summons.

Rial raced for the washroom.

[1] The Family compound was divided into sections by which the different branches of the family were separated, their distance from the central courtyard a reflection of relative influence and position within the Family. Both Rial and Gryrne lived some ways from the courtyard, at opposite ends, signifying the distance of their relationship. Their two branches had not shared a common ancestor for more than four generations.

[2] Rial remembered being disappointed at the similarity of each Family’s living spaces. Still, it was extremely rare for one to enter another’s compound, save through marriage.

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