《ForeverQuest Online》Chapter 6: School Days


By the time his alarm clock had rang, Gary was already dressed, wearing jeans and a faded, black t-shirt. Gary liked wearing dark colors; he always felt self conscious when wearing bright clothing. Because of his strict sleep schedule, his alarm clock hardly ever woke him. He stumbled down the stairs to find that his mom had already left for work.

Gary made his usual breakfast; a couple pieces of toast with peanut butter. He ate quickly, only taking breaks to wash down the food with a mouthful of milk.

As soon as his breakfast was done, he quickly stuffed his books in his backpack, and headed out the door without another thought.

It was warm and rainy as Gary pedaled his bike towards school, his head buzzing with pump-up electronic tunes.

School was even more boring than usual, that is, until he got to Videogame history class.

Mr. Flores wasn’t like the other teachers at Thomas Jefferson. He was younger, cooler, and had a better sense of humor. If Gary finished his work for the day, Mr. Flores wouldn’t yell at him for talking or playing video games, not that Gary ever really talked much in class though, anyway. Also, he had cool retro video game posters decorating his classroom, which was always a plus.

Mr. Flores was wearing an oversized dress-shirt, he looked even skinnier than normal. However, from one look at his warm brown eyes, Gary could tell the lesson today was going to be interesting.

“I’m sure many of you have already heard, yesterday was the release day for ForeverQuest online! This marks a very important day in electronic entertainment.” Mr. Flores paced in front of the class like a caged animal. “Metacritic score of 96%, IGN gave it a perfect 10, and the playerbase is already massive, over 42 million logged in on launch day! The reception far surpasses any game ever invented.”

Mr. Flores showed the gameplay map on the board. Even though Gary had already seen it many times, the sheer size of the game still shocked him. “Critics are floored by the in-game vs real life leveling system. Nutrition experts have praised it for encouraging physical fitness out of game. What stands out so far is the vast player economy, and the deceptively real-life gameplay. Truly, Foreverquest online is a groundbreaking game, to say the least.”

They spent the rest of class watching game footage and talking about how Foreverquest had taken elements from classic MMOs like World of Warcraft and Runescape and built off of them.

Even this early on, many players were already making good progression. The highest level player was already level 32! Gary silently cursed himself for dying. In retrospect, that had been a huge setback.

Mr. Flores walked back to the board. “As the game progresses, the challenge is going to be balancing in-game and real world stats. Right now, it’s clearly better to focus on in-game skills, because they are currently still easy to level. But once you reach, say level 50 in game Strength, it’s going to be much slower to level. For the first time ever, I think we are going to see players working outside the game to grow levels, something I for one am very excited to see,” said the young teacher with a slight smile.

Gary, Cedric, and Dom left school with a fierce desire to get back in game. They knew that they were already way behind the leading players, but they at least wanted to be the best three in school! Gary had heard unsubstantiated rumors that there were some kids who were already level 24!


“So we grind combat first,” Gary stated.

“Then when we run low on hp, we hit the trade skills,” Dom chipped in.

“Only when we are completely ready will we take on that quest,” Cedric finished.

With that, they ran by their favorite station to pick up Red Bulls. Instead of Spencer, a surly looking woman was working the register.

Dom gave Gary a sly grin, “I bet Spencer got off work so he could play.”

Gary returned the smile. “I would believe it. That old dude knows what’s up.”

Dom nudged Gary in the ribs, “Say we take that woman home? She looks like she needs a man.”

Although the woman didn’t hear them, she scowled at them anyway. Gary tried to control himself, but he burst into laughter.

Next, all three teens were walking home, sipping the energy drinks, giddy between the excitement of going back in game, on top of the caffeine and sugar rush.

Soon enough, Mrs. Swamps had made them all pizza rolls, and Gary was logging into the game, his mouth stuffed with cheese and tomato sauce.

The first thing Gary did was check his stats table.
























Total Level




No increase in RL skills? Gary thought. I suppose that makes sense. I only went on one run, and lifted once. That’s probably not enough to give me a complete level.

Gary asked Dom and Cedric, and they hadn’t grown any RL levels either.

Soon enough, the trio was back out in the fields, taking down Goblin Welps and Giant Slugs. After a few fights, the crew regrouped back in Lomberg Castle. Unfortunately, they had not leveled up during the encounters.

“Yo, I think we can buy some armor now!” said Dom. “I almost have 2 silver!”

Gary counted his money. 1 Silver and 87 Copper. They might be able to buy one piece of armour, but Gary doubted they could get a whole set.

They went into an armoury. The first thing that stood out to him was a set of solid steel armour. He focused on a chestplate and received the following prompt,

Steel Chestplate: Strength Req 40, Dex Req 10

Physical Defense: +25

Magic Defense: +6

Type: Metal

Weight: 20kg

Gary’s jaw dropped as he read the Strength requirement. 40! It was going to be awhile until he could wear that chestplate. Additionally, the price tag read 80 silver, which was way over his budget, anyway. He looked at a [Topaz Helmet], a headpiece crafted completely out of yellow gemstone, and to his dismay the Strength requirement was an even higher 60!

After looking more around the store, he discovered a set of [Ragged Leather] armour. The strength requirement was only five, so it could work for him. The chestplate was 1 Silver and 50 copper.

“Hey guys,” Gary said. “We can afford this chestplate. It’s probably our best bet.”

Ragged Leather Chestplate: Strength Req 5, Dex Req 10

Physical Defense: +5

Magic Defense: +1

Type: Leather

Weight: 5kg

Description: Old leather scraps sewn together to create a workable chestplate.

Dom wandered over and tried on the plate. “Right on!” said Dom. “Do I look super rad?”

Cedric stifled a laugh. “Yeah, you look awesome.”

Dom approached the shopkeeper, a heavy man with a frown on his face. “Hey, what up?” Dom asks.

“Greetings,” the man said thickly.


“Could I get a discount on this plate?”

“No.” The man looked less than amused.

“Come on. Help a bro out.”

“No. You must pay full price.”

“Just drop the price by five copper,” Dom asked smoothly.

“No. You must pay full price.”

Dom scowled, but paid up. Looked like he lost that one.

Gary and Cedric didn’t even try to barter after Dom’s attempt. They simply paid for the plates and walked out the door.

Dom equipped his [Leather Plate]. “Looks like I’ll need more Charisma if I’m even going to get good deals on stuff. That’s pretty lame, but whatever.”

As they left the shop, Gary asked, “hey, should we look into trade skills or something?”

Cedric shrugged, and then Gary overheard Dom moan loudly.

“Duuuuuuuuude,” Dom groaned. “Look at that.”

Dom was pointing at a hoverboard sitting outside of a shop. A small crowd of players were gathered around the board, mumbling softly in wonder.

“Is that?” Gary said. “A hoverboard? Wow.”

Gary walked forward and examined it.

Iron Hoverboard: Dex Req 20

Speed Increased to 130% while riding

Weight: 5kg

Cedric grinned. “That’s sweet! It’s probably pretty expensive though.”

“You got that right,” said a player in the crowd. “3 whole gold pieces, just for this iron one. The better metals are even more expensive.”

“Ahh, lame!” Dom said. “That’s way more than I can afford.”

Cedric had to drag Dom away from the board as they continued to explore the city.

“Hey guys, I’ve been thinking….” Gary said. “How about we each focus on one or two trade skills? That way, we each have unique skills, and we can help each other out.”

“Smart plan,” said Cedric. “How about I take mining and blacksmithing? I think it increases strength a bit too, and I’d like that!”

“I’m a wannabe mage, so let me do Herblore and Alchemy!” Dom said with a grin.

“So, uhh, I guess I’ll do Lumberjack and Woodcraft? That way, I can make us some useful tools and stuff.”

Gary had looked into trade skills last night, and he was certain that he wanted to do Woodcraft.

“What, you want to make arrows? Are you trying to be an archer or something?” Cedric asked.

“Yup,” said Gary. “It would make sense with my high natural dexterity. Plus, that would give us a nice warrior, mage, and archer combo.”

Dom looked at the ground. “That is, if I ever figure out how to cast a stupid spell.”

“Well, I haven’t even shot a bow, so we are kind of in the same boat here.” Gary admitted.

Next moment, Gary heard a whizz of a hoverboard, and suddenly Tommy was in front of them, looking shaky on top of a [Silver Hoverboard].

Dom’s jaw dropped in shock. “What? How did you afford that!”

Tommy almost tripped when he stepped off his board, but he tried to save face when he twirled the hoverboard in his chubby hands. “Ha! Like I’d tell you, dorkface.”

Dom yawned, unphased. “Whatever.”

Tommy grinned as his two goonish friends approached, Fred and Barcel. Fred was as thick as a door frame and dwarfed even Cedric in size. As he approach, he waved at Gary with a broad smile.

Gary couldn’t help it, he waved back.

“Hey!” Tommy yelled at Fred. “Don’t wave at him, you idiot!”

Fred slumped his shoulders and mumbled sorry. Gary always felt a bit sorry for Fred.

Next Barcel approached. Barcel was unnaturally tall and skinny, with a pale face and watery, black eyes. Gary always thought Barcel moved almost like a snake.

When Barcel saw Cedric, he scowled. “Cedric. Nice to see you here. You quit to football team just to play video games, I see.”

Cedric didn’t look him in the eye. “Shut it, Barcel. You know I quit because of the concussions.”

Last year, Cedric had a string of concussions that forced him to quit playing football. He had loved to sport, and was bitter about having to quit.

“What do you want Tommy, did you come here just to gloat?” Gary asked.

“Hardly,” Tommy gloated. “Rather, to show you this!” The boy retrieved a scroll from his backpack that read: “Registered 3v3 team: Pike Squad.”

Dom raised an eyebrow. “What’s the big deal? You guys made a team, so what?”

Gary was wondering the same thing.

Tommy smirked. “Oh, you’ll see what the big deal is when we win the tournament!”

“We entered a tournament?” Fred says with a dumb grin.

Barcel scowls. “Of course we did!”

Tommy sighed. “Fred, how many times have I told you not to ask stupid questions!”

Fred visibly deflated. “I’m...sorry. I just forgot, that’s all.” Fred screwed his face into intense concentration. “We’se gonna…. We’se gonna win money…. A lotta money. Right Tommy?”

A smug grin crept across Tommy’s lips. “That’s right Fred. A lotta money.” Tommy turned away. “Alright, let’s get out of here. We don’t want to give these chumps any bright ideas,” he says as he gestured towards Gary. Tommy and his crew left towards the alchemy shop.

Gary felt a sharp pang of anger, but he kept his lips shut. Dom’s left eye was twitching. Cedric’s jaw was clamped shut.

Finally, Dom spoke. “Man, those guys are the worst.”

Gary didn’t say anything, but Cedric shrugged cooly. “Ehh, don’t worry about them,” Cedric said.

Dom gave him a funny look. “What do you mean, don’t worry about them? They are all up in everybody’s business! I swear, we oughtta…”

“Enter the tournament?” Gary suggested.

“Nah,” Cedric said. “It’s not worth it. We just don’t play their little games, and they’ll stay out of our way.”

Dom thought for a moment, and then he visibly loosened up. “Cool. That sounds good. Man, Cedric, you always know how to play it cool.”

Cedric winked at Dom, and Gary started to laugh.

“Hey, want to try that quest again?” Gary asked.

Cedric took a second to think. “Nah, we shouldn’t risk it.”

Dom checked the in-game clock. “Yo, guys, it’s getting pretty late. To be honest, I have to get back home.”

Gary looked at the time. 10:42 already! Wow, time really did fly in-game. “Oh, gosh, I didn’t realize it was that late. Okay guys, play again tomorrow.”

“You know it!” Dom yelled before dissolving--he was logged out.

“For sure,” Cedric agrees, then he vanished as well.

For a moment, Gary stayed in game. He marveled at the universe, players bustling about busily, marble castle walls towering above him. The sky was now dark, stars much brighter than they were in real life. Instead of a one moon, he could see a few planets in the sky, one green and huge, a few others small and of reddish hue. Echoes of talking and laughter rang in his ears. It looks, sounds, and feels so real, he thought as he logged out.

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