《Divine Rebirth》Chapter 6 Accumulation


Theoretically, every being can create a universe with life. Theoretically, because the necessary amount of mana is needed to initiate this process. The difficulty is having to possess enough control over the necessary amount of mana and the right data. Several other components are needed but this is the simplest explanation for now.

Most civilisations lack at least one of the above. Humans for example only lacked mana, while others don't know enough about the universe in general. Some individuals almost did it but all of them lacked the knowledge and control.

The process in which at first a universe and then the world is created is rather simple, first, the being has to gather enough mana and the element that should be the most common in the new universe. Then it has to compress these to a very small and perfect ball. Then the being has to use its knowledge to create the physics, these must already be understood and have to work with each other. So, it's not possible to just say "thigs fall on the ground" no all of the numbers and laws have to be recorded and work in tandem.

Ok now that I have the world size and Manaconcentration what else is there. Something like plant variety, the race of my people or the star system. Or are there even more options that I don't even have an idea about. But let's get not get ahead of ourselves. First, I have to state my intentions and then can I do the next thing.

[I choose standard world size three]

World size three accepted

Checking the current user...

Wait why is it checking what I have available? Are all of the future options going to be limited in terms of what I have done? Then all the more reason for me creating my world early. Who knows how many lunatics are gonna do this without the proper preparation or knowledge just for getting a dumb achievement that would boost their power a little? But I can't already do anything anymore so the creation of my world is the only thing that I could do.


Well, at least there is a choice in my new form and the bonus for night and mana vision. Other than that, there could have been some other things to do but I think the System wants new worlds as fast as possible. Why else would it limit this realm and interface that much? I mean in the starting menu are two options for viewing myself, another two for actions and one for the world. The only one that's a bit unrelated are the Quests and even those could be put into one of these containers if necessary.

Control yourself, control yourself Pet... Motus Control yourself Motus. Don't lose to the emotions. I don't have to know everything, but I can learn and grow. No need to be aggressive. I think I have to meditate.


So now I am calm and now let's see if the System has finished it's query about my lacking stats and skills. Just be calm and control yourself. I can't fail in my new role as a god I have to set an example.

Found secondary species

Who shall inhabit your world? Dwascll or Humans

Why would it even give humans as an option if I created a new race that I am part of? [Dwasall]

Dwascall will be the main species of World

No further available options found. World creation will begin shortly.

Ah, finally my world nobody there to fire me and take my place or abuse me no just me my world. But first, let's see how the System creates a universe and a world maybe there is something that I could learn from it. First [Mana Vision] so that I can see the way the System uses Mana. [Activate Mana Vison]

Damn that hurts why is everything around me so bright and shiny. What's up with that do I have to control this kind of thing. That's Bullshit. I'm a god now why doesn't I don't know just work. Hopefully, I can end this when the process is over, I wouldn't want to last forever with this kind of vision. At least I'll get used to this brightness staring into the sun is nothing in comparison.


But why am I not blind. Shouldn't my eyes have burned out if I stare directly into something this bright? At least something is protecting me even though I don't know what it is I can say that I'm annoyed. The System already told me loads about some subjects why couldn't it do that again. Probably just too lazy.

Oh, something is happening. Well, let's see what the System is going to do and how much it has told me. Woah it's getting darker around me and only this spot a bit away from me is getting brighter and brighter. I can barely see it, but I think it's forming some kind of sphere in which it integrates a bit of shining metal, earth, some other things that I can't make out and know even more light. Where does it get all of this light?

Whoa, why did it stop it was getting exciting? But what happened why did it take all of this "light" around me and stuff it into this ball and what's up whit these strange bright things that were put into this ball how come nothing is coming out. Well, I have to at least see how it looks know instead of just shiny. [Deactivate Mana Vision].

Well, that certainly wasn't what I was expecting but in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense. But still why... is... there... a black hole. Yes, black holes suck everything around them in but still a black hole. In this tiny room at least, it doesn't seem to grow that would be even worse. But still, have I seen this right a black hole right in front of me?

This is nothing like Earth. There everyone just went on and on about how cool and mysterious black holes were. But this, this is completely different just me and the System.




Ah, to whom am I lying here I need one someone to talk to. But where can I find someone like that someone that could also reside in this realm someone who wouldn't annoy me probably something like a god of Wisdom or something like that but that has to wait until after the world with its inhabitants is ready?

Speaking of the black hole/sphere has become kind of unstable.

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