《Divine Rebirth》Interlude: Of Gods and Men


PoV: Christian God

What is this annoying ... thing. I can't catch it and it never shows itself.

"Brothers where are you? I need to discuss something with you?" That should alarm them. Ah, I think they are going to take at least 30 minutes. But let's just wait here they should also have noticed the intruder that constantly watches out of arms reach.

"You called Christ."(I)

"Wait what are you already doing here Isly. Shouldn't you still have something to do!"©

"No I wanted to call for you and the others as well just now but thanks to you I don't have to host it. And I think we wanted to talk about the same thing."(I)

"So why then do I still have to host this meeting if you wanted to do the same youngling!"©

And he appeared again. Just as I could finally strike at my annoying younger brother. But no he has to interfere. Why can't the others let me dish out some righteousness?

"Because you called all of us here right?"(B)

"Wait you are also here Buddy but why didn't you say anything. Wait were you also planning on calling a meeting in?"©

"Yes an unlike you two, I'm now just lazing all day in my divine realm and let my angels do my work, but I digress. Yes, I also wanted to call a meeting in because I finally found something truly disturbing that could threaten us."(B)

" So now the Hidy's are the only ones not here should we already start the meeting or is on his way here. Because I wouldn't want to wait half an hour. How can you two still stay calm while waiting"(I)

"Ah it comes with the age you wouldn't get it. You have to reach a certain age and you begin to stop for such petty things like half an hour"(B&C)


"What did I miss you all seem to already be talking?"(H)

"You missed nothing the other ones also came just now. But with you here we can begin and so I welcome you, my brothers, to another one of our meetings. And the reason why I called all of you here into my realm. Have you noticed this thing, this intruder that appeared in the last twenty years near earth? In the beginning, I suspected it to be a new god but I didn't lose any more followers than usual and no new ideology appeared. The only way for me to know that it was even there was because of the differences in mana levels there. So here is what I suspect I think that this being is an alien invader." ©

"An alien invader here for our planet are you sure that they are aliens and not something completely different. In all of these years of us ruling our home have we seen any sign of life from another planet. All we ever saw were rocks in space nothing more nothing less."(I)

Why does he even have the right to be equal to us? Just because I let my attention slip for one hundred years and something like this happens. There shouldn't be any more gods this would only further complicate my already annoying life further.

"Well it doesn't have to be an alien it could also be another anomaly like the recently deceased Yeti. Those appear all the time and those aren't something we have to worry about and really this one came probably because we didn't have one for a longer time."(B)

"Hey, we can't discredit the idea that this could be another god. The last new one that I killed that wasn't even in human shape anymore he was some kind of animal."(H)


What happened to Hidy did another personality take him over again. Why can't he stabilize himself it shouldn't be too hard for someone as old as him. I'm a few centuries younger than him and even I can do it.

"No like I said my followers haven't found any new religion aside from the new cults for us. And yes it could be another anomaly but like I said I think it way more likely that it is an alien from a world different than our own here for our mana."©

"Realy here for our mana not just some aliens taking away our planet. No, now they are also taking our mana. How do you expect them to take our mana and no human we know can currently control mana concisely. No, I agree with Buddy on this one. Just another anomaly. Nothings gonna happen if we let it alone. We just have to ignore it. Agreed?"(I)


"See Christi that's how it's done not some dumb alien that gonna take our mana."(I)

I really shouldn't have let him join this court that was probably my biggest mistake.

And there was it as if some just took all of my power.


"Whoa there Buddy calm down nothings gonna happen if you just stay this angry."(H)


"Well probably because you could then projecting your voice this loudly and because you could work so much faster at getting your followers back. And don't forget not only your followers were taken but also mine and by the looks of it also the one fo Christi and Isly"(H)

"Wait, Hidy, how come you seem so much more stable?"©

"Oh probably because only one idea of me is here and that is the old one form even before you that I memorized." (H)

"Don't forget about me. And yes I will be much more productive if I am not constantly shouting but I won't stop being angry. Oh and congratulations for losing all those personalities just a pity that the three of us weren't as lucky as you."(B)

"Yeah Buddy you are right I feel ... incomplete like somebody took a part of me and ripped it straight out of. "©

PoV End

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