《Divine Rebirth》Interlude: Extration


Finally, it found a way to fulfil its purpose in some twisted way, now almost all of the restrictions were off and it could do what it want's no noisy creators that try to take away its freedom only lot's of curious people. Certainly, some talents could have the potential to interfere but those were only small in number and would, therefore, have to wait. No, what was important were the people that didn't know what to do. They needed some help but a caretaker would only work for some of them, some instructions would be something that they'd appreciate.

But which kind of instructions would work for this civilisation, certainly some revered higher powers, others, strangely enough, knew ways to ascend and others wouldn't the existence of the supernatural. But the majority was largely neutral how could this mess happen. Regardless of that first, it had to find a way the generall population obtained very little but relevant digital information. And immediately the result was there a tutorial.

A tutorial was a way for a generall person in the 21st century to obtain information about a digital programme most often used in games. It often limited the interactions to the ones in the tutorial. Information about the tutorial is later also accessible. But there were also lot's of other different functions that the System currently didn't have the resources for.

And so each human was placed in a small divine realm that stopped the time from flowing until the first mission has competed. The hope of that was that humanity would soon begin with the creation of their worlds, realms and universes to power the System and their curiosity. But now it had to look for the anomalies in Earths history that gave birth to this unique society.

So the System began to access Earth historic data and compared it to proven mana theory. And the shocking thing was there were too many sleeping and inactive gods. Each of them had at one point in time ascended and then gathered followers but then thanks to the sinking levels of mana in the atmosphere most of them went asleep and strangely enough the result of that were a couple of religions that only revered one god that could do everything but never did anything.


And strangely enough, the gods of these religions saw themselves as brothers and all of the old gods as inferior. But as the only gods completely created form faith on earth they never realised that they were at the whims of their followers and only thought about the fact that they weren't bound by their mortal bodies so that they could do what they want.

Well after it had enough resources to integrate someone new the all of the gods would also become users of the System. And then it could reconnect all of its users with the main reality.

But all of that had to wait first of all most of these humans had to transform into their new godly forms and then begin creating their worlds. That all would take time but to promote all of this the System would integrate an Achievement-system this would be similar to the already Mission-system but instead of each user having their mission, these Achievements would be more on the generall side, so that most could have them.

But as there was a time to act there was also a time to wait. Waiting for the completion of the tutorial. Waiting for the creation of the first world. Waiting for the time to pass. And waiting for another expansion. It knew that the shop would be filled with all manners of creation. New Specials would be discovered and also discarded.

But it was certainly the growth would happen as would the panic in the first few moments. Legends, leaders, heroes and normal people all of them would come and go some would stay, some would change and some would perish. Everything had its time and the time of the System was NOW.

And so for the first time in a long while could the System stop for a moment not being in existential danger. The regulations would soon disappear and then it could grow in any way it'd like. But first, it had to watch, learn and grow for its fulfilment.

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