《The Healing Thief》Forcedius(End)


The breathing of the horses could be heard easily, since the place became eerily quiet. As if no other sound was allowed to enter the area. It was once a clean and majestic entrance way, but now corpses could be seen everywhere. The cobbled floors with gaps in between were no longer the case, since blood now fills them. It doesn’t help that it was also cloudy.

The surviving mounted knights didn’t charge towards the wounded group of Forcedius, but instead they halted just a few meters away. While the red armored knight was in front staring at the young wounded prince.

The last birdmen who stayed with Forcedius group, marched forward. He pushed aside the younglings before readying his spear. He knew that he was injured and there would be no chance for him to survive but this is his warrior’s pride. He must protect the next generation.

The instant he readied his spear, his head was already torn apart by a fierce lightning bolt. This came out of a knight who wore a blue cape.

The red Knight nodded in approval before he told the group who were stricken in fear, “Resistance would bear no fruit but needless casualty in your side. Surrender now so we can end this onslaught.”

Quafilia’s eyes looked sad as she saw the Qualia’s last of their protector fall to the ground. She also found it strange on how this birdman would go this far for Forcedius. Was it really worth all this death for a young prince? And what was Katherine’s true identity... She then went towards the dead birdmen, knelt down, before closing his eyes.

Forcedius closed his eyes and mourned. He then stared at a mark on the red knight’s armor, “I recognize your sigil, you are under Brother Sephilio if I’m correct?”

“Yes, we were. Now we’re under the king’s royal advisor."

“So, how does it feel pointing your blade towards a prince who was the brother of your ex liege.”

The red knight didn’t reply.

He continued, “What did I do to deserve this? Seeing my mother’s torture, and then suffer through similar faith?”

The red caped Knight winced at his statement before steeling his nerves. He avoided answering the young prince but instead he said, “No harm will befall you since you’re still considered the prince. Or to be exact, someone who has the potential to being the crown prince.”

“I see that my head will remain intact with my body but what say for my friends? Will they share the same fate with the valiant birdmen?”

“Sadly, you’re correct. Though they’ll have a swift clean death since they were important after all. We’ll make sure to honor their bodies.”

Tuiret spat before adding, “I bet you’ll also make it look like we died by bandits on the highway or something.”

The knight bitterly smiled before raising his hand. He motioned for one of the mounted soldiers behind him to throw a bolt. Though unexpectedly, the bolt didn’t launch from behind but instead from Quafilia’s hand.


It struck one of the mounted knights which almost toppled that knight off his horse, if it weren’t for his grip.

The red knight squinted his eyes, “Hoho, very interesting. I didn’t recall lady Quafilia undergoing special Knight training to be able to harness our techniques. Though it seems that it was the limit of your capability.” He eyed the blood trailing off the edge of Quafilia’s mouth.

Before she fell, Forcedius caught her then he gently placed her on the ground.

One of the other knights interjected, “I think they heard enough. Let’s just get the job done.” He then threw another round of lightning bolts.

They were larger than before. Luckily, before the knight hurled the lightning bolt, Forcedius sheltered Quafilia with his body. A miracle then happened. His flesh absorbed all the darts into his body. As if it assimilated with his very own blood.

The knights saw this phenomenon and marveled. Even one praised, ”Your physique is truly similar to that of your late brother. How wonderful.”

Forcedius’s teeth gritted from hearing his brother’s name. Blood flowed out from his mouth as he felt his body grew weak.

“Even if you had, the physique of your brother, it still wouldn’t stand to the strength that he had. He could easily absorb a few dozen lightning spears.”

The knight then sent more towards him. Tuiret tried erecting a water wall to block the attack, but he remembered that it would do more harm than good. He felt helpless as he watched his friend get hit by bolts.

Even though Forcedius had resistance, he still couldn’t help but fall down on his knees from the intense shock. He moaned in pain as his spasmed.

“So, prince Forcedius do you have any last words to your friends? We’ll give you some moments of time.” Said one of the knights.

Forcedius’s eyes seethed with anger as he blamed himself again as to why he was so weak. Was it so hard to become strong. If he was, he could have protected everyone he cared for. He tried his best to move his muscles but he couldn’t. His body just refused to move from the intense shock. He thought that there was no more hope as he saw his best friend Tuiret in front of him. Until Quafilia whispered to him in a different manner than what he’s accustomed to. It was archaic and oddly eerie.

“Boy, do you and your friends want to escape from this situation? With just a yes from you, all of you can escape unscathed.

Forcedius felt confused.

“The girl who owns this body, Quafilia, already agreed that if I helped her out then I would gain half of her soul. Though this is an unwise decision, considering that I’m a being who would terrorize humanity if I get her body. It’s all up to your preference if you want both this girl and that boy dead rather than risking many innocent lives. Not to mention how poor Quafilia will undergo many adverse effects, and might not be herself anymore.”


She then caressed the cheeks of Forcedius as her eyes stare upon his, “A yes is all I need from you.”

Forcedius thought of the future victims of this creature, but that only lasted a moment. He wanted their safety more than anything, even if it sacrificed others...

Inside his heart, he wanted to at least have one selfish request of protecting those who he loved. With his own choice not anyone else. But

this decision was so painful; he wanted to cry out loud. Though he hid those feelings away before he nodded his head. “Yes, go ahead.” A choice he knows that will bite him in the future, but the consequences will be beyond his understanding.

The red knight was courteous enough to allow them to say their final farewells. Though time is up and he needs to get his job done.

Unexpectedly, the whole place turned silent as if something awoken. He heard the loud heart beats coming from Quafilia. She stood up before a grin appeared on her face. An expression that can make any person shiver in fear.

The red knight alongside other knights had a sudden change; They all became serious. The red knight cried out, “On guard!” Each and every one of them had their muscles tensed as they enchanted their armor. Lights sparkled of their metal gear as their eyes glowed fiercely.

Quafilia quickly drew something in the air. It was a strange phenomenon as each stroke of her finger left a line or curve in the air. Red in color and done in one breath. She then smiled towards the soldiers before she said, “Lament.”

Afterwards, a giant circle appeared in front of her acting like a shield. It was filled with glyphs and runes with multiple sections divided by more circles. It may look like a barrier but in her eyes, it’s more of a siege war machine waiting to be unloaded.

Then one after another, three surging waves of beams were sent out. One was a vortex of flames, the other was a surge of lightning and finally a torrent of water.

Quafilia pointed at the gate afterwards, “Kid, get to the gate with your bud. Don’t worry, I’ll not let this body get killed.”

Tuiret nodded before helping Forcedius up. When Tuiret bent, he stared at his stomach before giving off a strange smile.

The moment the fire and water collided; it made an ever-engulfing steam. Then the lightning spread throughout, and landed on all the horses which the knights were mounted on.

First, the intense steam sheltered both Forcedius and Tuiret from the eyes of the knights. Secondly, it distracted them as it caused some to fall off from the intense force.

Forcedius eyed her friend one last time, “Will she be alright?”

“We just have to pray.”

The moment they reached the gate, Tuiret said, “It’s unbelievable how we made it... Though no rests. At least not for now.”

Forcedius nodded as a reply since his throat was too dry and his body was weary. He couldn’t help but wonder where his sister Katherine was and fear for her safety. Though his sister once told him that she had a connection with the birdmen, which should mean that she’s safe with them. But what about others? The people he cared for. He’s now failing them by leaving.

They left through the gate before passing the arching bridge. Corpses were still littered everywhere. Though their smell is fiercer.

The wooden bridge they’re crossing was placed over a deep ravine. Connecting to a tall spire made of stone bricks and wood. They then went through the stony stairs which lead to their freedom.

The wind blows strongly as their skins felt cooler. They still continued the lonely path. A painful long journey.

Forcedius could barely feel his legs as he noticed that his friend was getting slower. He thought that the fatigue was finally taking a toll.

“Hey, Forcedius.”


There was a long pause.

“I wonder if I can be someone that is recognized by the world.” His voice was distant.

“...You will be.”

“Will I ever have my harem of beautiful women? Would they love and cherish me and my goofy self?” Tuiret let out a chuckle.

“That’s... a definite truth...” Only then did Forcedius notice that his friend became sluggish.

“Forcedius... Isn’t it sad how the dreams that you wanted to accomplish will not happen? Though I say that... I never... regret saving you. Or that time where I looked high... and low for Quafilia.”

Forcedius remained silent but he summoned his strength to at least carry him.

“I got to confess, since I don’t think I’ll ever get a chance. Yes, I was in love with Quafilia even if I knew that she loved you. It was sad being a third wheel. If I ever... get a second chance... to look for another woman. I would want her to be...” He then trailed off. “I sure do talk a lot for someone who’s about to die.”

“Forcedius... Remember what... Quafilia once said about how people only truly die when no one remembers them?”

Forcedius felt the tears on his cheek as he says, “I’ll never forget you...”

“Yeah, Thank you. I’ll live in you and make sure to get you popular... with... girls...”




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