《The Healing Thief》Forcedius(10)


Forcedius (10)


6 months later, there could be seen a young man who once was a kind prince of krehor. His hair was messy, and clothes were similar to that of rags. The smell coming of him was horrid and the scars on his body was plenty. He had sleeping bags around his eyes with hints of giving up life residing within his pupils.

Though at this moment, he couldn’t help but show a nasty grin as he stepped on the corpse below him.

The corpse belonged to the man who tormented him for almost a year. The man who made him hear the suffering and wails of his dear mother. Forcedius had finally bested him by skewering his heart with his blade. Even when the tall man was still alive on the ground waiting for his final breath, Forcedius didn't stop with only that. It was as if all his bottled rage and hate surged up to his brain before clouding his judgement once again. He raised his blade before repeatedly hacking at the neck of the tall man. He then kicked away the severed head before realizing what he had done.

Falling to his knees, Forcedius then thought how his friends would react when they saw him did that. He then thought, ‘Isn’t this a bit too cruel...'

'Time is meaningless in this place. I don’t know what’s happening outside...Hopefully they’re still fine. Was it five months ago? No, I don't even know how much time I spent in here.'

He then fell on to his knees before pulling his hair, 'AGH! How was I like before!? Can I return to that time!?'

He then heard a noise come from the front door before the blinding light made him shade his eyes with reflex. His eyes slowly adjusted before he could see the figure of a man in front of him. It was a man with a plain mask on him covered with a red robe and hood. The mask had dots on it.

The man clapped slowly before he said something in a language that Forcedius was familiar with. Thought he could only deduce some words. Seeing his clueless expression made the masked man chuckle before he said, "Oh, it seems you still don't understand central Kian. And here I thought that you learned some from your poor mother. Oh well, the common language is still fine."

He nodded to his left and right before entering the room. The first thing his eyes landed on was the decapitated head of a person he knew. His expression sunk a bit but it wasn’t caught by Forcedius. The man did a silent prayer before saying, "I should congratulate you for defeating someone like him at your tender age. It’s a shame that I lost a drinking buddy but this is how the world works. We do disgusting things in return of compensation. Hopefully they stick to their promise and safeguard his family. I recalled he had a son about your age who would definitely exact revenge in you." (The future knight killer with curved blade)

Forcedius became silent for a moment before he asked, "Why both me and my mother had to suffer this much...

“You’ll become the key to foiling that man’s plan. That’s all you should know.”

“Is it the King? My father? You’re doing this all just to get rid of him...”

The man stayed silent as he shook his head.

Forcedius felt fear. Fear of the unknown since he doesn’t understand anything.

Seeing the expression of the boy made the man zone out for a moment. It was as if he took this time to recall everything that happened in his life. Like there’s a premonition that his fate is sealed.


He looked back at the beheaded man before thinking, ‘Maybe I should’ve been with him since his boss would definitely succeed if I revealed to him about her project. Oh well, there’s nothing I can do now since it’s too late.’ His eyes closed for a long moment before he said to Forcedius, "Anyhow, it has been a awhile since you met your mother. Shall we go and give her a visit?"

Forcedius shook in fear as he recalled all the wails and screaming from back then.

He even cried out, "No... please" His fear clouded his judgement as he didn’t even think of fighting the man. The man with the mask revealed a key before unlocking the door inside. He then gestured Forcedius to enter first.

When he entered, the first thing his eyes spotted was his mother. Tears started falling of his eyes as his whole body quivers. "Mother..." he then hurried to her side before eyeing the countless wounds on her.

All of her nails from her hands and toes were gone. Only leaving the inner flesh open to the putrid air. Her chair was defected after six months of sitting. Her hair was dishevealed, messy and had dried blood on them. Her clothing was in tatters as her skin was filled with numerous fresh and old scars. Looking at her face, you can see that one of her eyes was missing.

Forcedius immediately removed the cloth around her mouth before unfastining the ones around her ankles and wrists. He kept on whimpering, "Sorry Mother... Sorry... Sorry... for being weak."

His mother heard his voice as one of her remaining eyes slowly opened. Revealing a hazy look on them. She mustered her strength to raise her head as she tells him, "Not... your fault... Zhou Huan."

The man smiled as he commented, "Oh, it seems she can still talk after all of that. As expected of the great priestess of light, Suzune."

Suzune looked at his son before revealing a smile. She then said, "I'm sorry... my son. For making you suffer... I always will love you.” She caressed the cheeks of her child as she recalled his upbringing. She also feels sorry for her daughter. She’ll be loosing two mothers in one lifetime, ‘Hopefully she doesn’t eradicate this castle entirely after finding about my death.’ She then showed a smile before thinking how life is so funny.

Suzune used one of her functioning eyes to wink at Forcedius, “And since I’m your mother. I'll give you one final gift."

Her eye then glowed in light before she poured every trace of her mana into her finger. The tips of her finger radiated in bright light with small white particles escaping it.

The man beside the door had his expression turn pale. He tried to shield himself but it was too late. A loud sound occurred before a dazzling light blinded everyone.

When Forcedius regained sight, he couldn't believe his eyes. Since there was a very large gaping hole in front of him. So large that it tore the foundation of the house appart with a circle there.

The man that he saw before was no where to be found except a pair of legs left behind. The top part being scorched but instead of a charcoal appearance... it resembled white powder.

He stared at his mother who was beaming. She explained, “Funny how the cursed was lifted just now... Thank God that I could save you. Take care my son, Mother is going for a short snooze..."


After that moment, she couldn't help but take a nap. Forcedius yelled as he hugged his mother with tears on his eyes. Her mother then slowly turned to something unbelievable. Her body disappeared and what was left was countless butterflies.

“..." Forcedius shivered in pain. He couldn’t process as to what had happened. His mind was mentally tired and he wanted to join his mother. But a certain familiar voice brought him back. "Forcedius! There you are!”"

It was his best friend, Tuiret. He was much thinner than before, also having scars on his face. His muscle tone was lean and strong and he reeks of a veteran that went and experienced war. His expression was that of worry and sadness. He saw how Forcedius’s mother disappeared. Though this was not the time for grieving since he had to get his good friend out of this accursed castle. There’s no telling what would happen to him since their king was oblivious, and cared more about his safety.

At first, he couldn't believe what he heard from those bird people when he returned. Until he saw his best friend. Rage welled inside him but he didn't allow it to cloud his judgement as he pulled his friend.

"We're getting out of here Forcedius. This hell of a place doesn't deserve someone like you."

Forcedius was still shaken from all the events. Even when he tried to stand up, he immediately slumped to the ground.

Though he had to steel his nerves since his mother’s sacrifice would be in vain other wise. He stood up as he recalled his friend who were in danger. His sisters and brothers too will grieve at his perish, or worse, they couldn’t since their death hit first.

Both of them went through the rubble before going through the ruined entrance. Forcedius caught eye that miraculously, the stones didn’t touch the man who tortured him but instead surrounded his dead body. They then heard footsteps before being greeted by two bird men who were injured. One had a normal human body but had an owl head instead. He also got wings but one of them were burnt badly alongside his left arm. A large fresh would was shown on his head.

The other bird man had the face of an eagle instead and he looked in better shape except the three small holes. One was on his shoulder, another on his abdominal area and lastly one larger one on his right wing. They were black and still sizzling. He even showed signs of jerking as if something is still in him.

Their clothing was similar to that of people who lived in the forest. Built for agility and dexterity over protection. Though they had leather amor covering their vital areas. They were both wielding spears, with a short sword hoisted to their sides by a belt. On their animal like faces, it’s hard to tell their expressions but they seemed tired and worried. Also signs of losses could be seen from their eyes.

They looked at Forcedius with renewed hope in their eyes as they said, "We’re sorry of arriving too late. The preparation took longer than expected and they had anticipated us.”

Tuiret groaned before spouting, “I know for sure you bird folks could’ve came sooner instead of waiting months. It’s because of following your damn prophecy that had him suffer and his mother killed. I wonder if waiting for the right moment was truly worth it!”

The birdmen felt a bit annoyed by his remarks, but more importantly they felt a bit guilty. They lost comrades but the mission would have been smoother if they discarded the prophecy and went in for a surprise attack sooner. Not only could they have saved their chosen one’s brother but also her precious aunt. There was even a point where they thought that this doesn’t make sense. Why would the elders want this poor boy to suffer? But looking at his eyes, they saw some truth.

Only after a moment did Forcedius notice the sound of battle coming off from almost all directions. Maybe because the fresh memory of her mother saying “one final gift” blocked the sound coming from far. Looking up, he could see multiple female humanoid birds flying with bows at hand. They were fending off the sorcerers and sorcerers on top the castle walls. Since the women knew very well that the magic casters were the main problem. Forcedius looked away as one of the bird women turned to charr.

In his mind were lots of questions and most importantly, what happened to Quafilia and Catherine? He knows that Catherine is a tough nut but for Quafilia it’s a different case. Did they imprison and torture her too? His worry grows as he thought more. He wasn’t able to freely think while he was in that horrible place. And suddenly having those restrictions gone... Felt more of a curse than a blessing.

he nodded before following the birds.

Tuiret asked, "Who'll be the one carrying us off this place?"

"The carriers are waiting beside the entrance. They're not like us warriors who specialize in defending themselves. If they came here, they might have been shot down by an arrow or magic bolt. Not to mention the large restricting barrier on this castle—"

“Alright, that’s enough with the explanation. Sorry, but we need to move with haste.” The other birdmen said with an expression that showed that he was enduring the pain from his wounds.

Tuiret nodded and so did Forcedius. They then hurried towards the gate. Going through the garden which had patches of burnt area or craters with head sized rocks. Forcedius recalled chatting with his best friends while sitting on that beautifully sculpted fountain. Though he had to rely on his memory since it was almost obliterated with corpses on top. Interestingly while they were running, Forcedius caught a certain red haired man’s appearance from far away. He could make out a battle was taking place since the contents inside the hallway could be seen due to the large gaping hole. He caught a glimpse of his Teacher Feng piercing a knight before heading straight. He could guess that he was heading towards the thrown room.

His attention was short lived since a couple of battle worn guards were blocking their path. Their breathing was rough, and their eyes showed their intention pretty well. Though they still bowed towards Forcedius, while one of them even apologised.

Tuiret understood that both he and Forcedius couldn't just sit and watch their escorts battle. So he handed a sword to Forcedius.

Forcedius stared at the blade, noticing that it was the last sword that he used to slay that man. He almost puked after recalling all the wonderful memories. The moment Forcedius held his blade and prepared his stance, the opposing guards followed suit, and this was followed by the owlmen escorts and Tuiret. Compared with others, Tuiret was holding a stick with a giant orb etched on top; It glowed in blue which matched the colour of his eyes.

One of the soldiers brandished his blade with skill and approached. The guard knew that there was a disadvantage when it comes to range, he had to move accordingly with his allies. They stepped closer and closer before two of them rushed towards one of the bird guard. They made sure to cover the weakness of their body by using their blades and curving their body when they striked. The remaining were about to follow up but Tuiret’s torrent of water caused of them to fall down. It didn’t stop there as he dragged to the side to topple two more. This foiled the guards plan of outnumbering them.

The two guards who were about to approach the birdmen, thought that they would have an advantage if they shorten the distance quickly. Though to they couldn't expect the speed of the thrust of one of the bird's spear. Fast enough that one of them couldn't parry nor block before being skewered at the neck. He didn't expect the weird angle and speed behind the spear. The guard should’ve guessed that they were fighting against elite level birdmen.

This turn of events caused the ally guard beside him to wince as he swung his blade with intended revenge. Again, he didn’t expect the other birdmen to drop his spear and draw his sword. Their blades clashed, then a few more times. The guard knew it’s his downfall as he saw, the spear from the other birdmen, skewered into him.

Forcedius held his sword and rushed towards a guard who got up as he brandished his blade. The skill and fluidity of his sword was honed thouroughly as he showed it off with his swing. The guard blocked the incoming slash and prepared himself to predict whether it's a feint or not. His guess was partly correct as forcedius stopped mid swing, before thrusting his sword forward. Meanwhile, his other free hand threw dirt at the guard's eye.

The guard didn't expect that he would resort to such foul play. His sight was hindered as he felt a sharp cold pain in his throat. He then found it funny how his demise was because of dirt and his last moments was being on top of dirt.

Eventually, the group managed to overwhelm the guards without wasting time. They then sped up their pace towards the palace’s main entrance. Though on their way there, a sudden shift of event happened. One of the birmen raised his voice but it was too late. A small explosion impacted the ground on the middle of the group. Forcedius saw a bright light, before a loud buzzing noise. His body was flung across and for a moment he felt numb. Though a few moments later, he felt the scorching burn on his body. This could be said the same for poor Tuiret.

Luckily, they weren’t near the blast but this couldn’t be said the same for the poor birdmen. One of them was trying hard to breath as most of his upper body was burnt off. Death approaches him shortly. The other one lost his arm as he tries his best to hold his voice in. His eyes were red with fury and sorrow.

Forcedius raised his head to find three royal sorcerrers combining their magic into casting large balls of flames. Slowly, the flames start merging into a large one.

This time he was ready and so he fended off by rolling away. He grittedas he felt his left arm which was burnt from the first blast.

Tuiret was unfortunate to have his left face scorched but that didn't stop him from taking action. He quickly poured mana into his orb before drenching himself in water. Then he erected a large wall of water in front of him. This was his signature move since he practically was used for this the most during war.

Even with the wall though, the large fireball hurled upon the cobbled ground causing debris to pierce through the water. Tuiret couldn’t even react since a good amount of vapour blocked his vision. This caused him to be blown back as he curses, 'Damn it. Luckily I have body armor on me or else that would be fatal. Wait... who’s that?’

Forcedius wanted to go and help his friend, but then another flame ball was headed towards him. Though it wasn't as big as before. Before he could dodge it, a wall of water appeared in front of him. Forcedius felt relief, “Thanks Tuiret.”

"...It’s not Tuiret, dummy, it's me." Someone replied with a familiar voice. Forcedius turned to find his dear friend, Quafilia.

Her right arm was burnt since the shield wasn't strong enough. Even though the foreign pain was intoleratable to her, she still sent something familiar to the group of mages on top the wall. It was the same fireball that the sorcerrers on top of the building casted.

Except it was smaller and the aim was lacking. Though it luckily hit the foundation of where they were standing. It caused a tremor as one of them even fell off.

Quafilia took this chance and screamed “Hurry” at her friends. Forcedius supported Tuiret before they went away with haste. One of the bird man who survived the attack, snapped out of his dizziness before following Forcedius. He eyed his dead bird friend before he made a silent prayer.

They then went through an area before eventually the entrance came to sight. A large tall archway made of solid bricks and tempered metal. The gate made of elder wood wasn’t drawn up still which gave them hope.

Tuiret groaned in pain as he tries to bear it. Quafilia looked completely worried, but she couldn’t do anything now except easing and encouraging him with her words. Forcedius did the same.

The moment before they reach the gate, they find themselves witnessing a huge bloody battle. A clash that could potentially dye the ground red with blood.

Sounds of metal and the scent of burnt flesh.

It was something that could be seen in a war between countries. Birdmen were trying their best to protect the castle soldiers from entering the gate. Saving a pathway for Forcedius and his friends.

Some bird men tried to use height as their advantage but shortly after, they got pelted down by sharp rocks coming off sorcerers; Either that or fire bolts. Though most of the bird men were wielding spears while a few had long circular blades. They used both kinds to slaughter their foes with either skewering or laceration.

Though at the same time, the soldiers were putting off a good fight. As they were trained well enough to slay some of the experienced fearsome bird warriors. It was a bloody battle with the sound of metal clashing and noises coming from spells. Even with all this being said, the birdmen seems to be in the lead. This may be due to the robed birdmen who used their long wooden staff to summon plants from the ground and hamper the soldiers’ movements.

Forcedius and his friends felt thankful when they saw the birdmen having an advantage against the soldiers, until the neighs of horses could be heard.

At that moment, the birdmen warriors had a bad promintion.The galloping sound and sudden swish of sharp wind. The soldiers suddenly retreated while the birdmen prepared themselves. Sadly, it will inevitably be futile.

The sound of horses could be heard. Hooves created sparks. The knights who were mounted on them, had their lances ready which were buzzing with electricity. Forcedius thought that it was foolish of the knights to charge against a horde of spearmen. They could use their momentum against them.

Like what he predicted, the owl men dug their spear on the ground and angled it towards the knights. Though the moment they were about to be dug. The back line of the charging knights, sent numerous bolts of electricity from their hands. This drilled into the owlman parts which were not covered by armor, otherwise it made them drop the spears from shock.

This bought enough time for the knights to skewer them with their lances. .. Some of the fortunate birdmen who were farther away, had more time to prepare. They again tried using the horses’ speed to their advantage, and strike a fatal blow at the knights. This time some succeeded but others were tramped by the the crushing weight of the armoured horses. Only the skilled birdmen bare any fruits since they precisely skewered the weak spots of the knights. Once the knights touch the ground, they were as good as dead. Some of the mounted knights were even caught by the joint magic spell from the robed birdmen. They spawned large thick roots which trampled the horses. It looked like they were doing fine until the man in pure red armor went and picked off those spell casting birdmen. He was the knight lieutenant who easily bypassed their wood magic with his long blade covered in flame. He hacked off their heads and went to finish off the remaining birdmen. He even bested an elite birdmen who was responsible of dealing with three knights and a lot of soldiers.

The knights eventually triumphed before making their way towards Forcedius and his group.

“Shit, what’re we gonna do now?” Asked Tuiret.

Forcedius and his group knew that outrunning horses is futile. They stood in place and prepared themselves.

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